Page 56 of Adam

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“Okay, I’ll see you tomorrow morning at your favorite coffee shop. Don’t be late!” I tease.

“I won’t, I promise… Kevin?”


“I am glad you are back.”

“Me too,” I truthfully say. I am far from cured of anything, but I am on the path to healing.

I hang up and head to bed. I am lying down facing the ceiling with my arms around the back of my head. Reflecting on the journey from tragedy to redemption. I am aware I am not the strongest soldier or the most skilled. No one is perfect. But Adam has given me a chance to right a wrong. An opportunity that I can’t walk away from.

I feel myself drifting off to sleep, and I pray for a peaceful night. I am not as lucky as I had hoped, tossing and turning most of the night. But the terrors that haunt my dreams don’t last as long and are not as bad. I finally give in to the morning and walk upstairs to the kitchen to grab some water. I notice the quiet. It’s too quiet. Adam should be here. I look around and see a note written on the kitchen wall.

“Supply shopping. Will be out all day and into the night. Tell…” The last part is scribbled and then crossed out to where I can’t make out the words. I am pretty sure he wants me to tell Reese something on his behalf. This must be agony for him.

I get myself ready to see my sister and drive the forty-five-minute drive to the city. I pull into a parking garage and make my way down the street. Turning the corner, I see my sister patrolling the front of the coffee shop. She is staring at her phone and typing away.

“Didn’t I always tell you if you make a face like that, it will stick?” I refer to her scrunched-up forehead.

“Kevin!” she squeals as people stare. She runs and jumps into my arms, giving me a massive hug. “I missed you!” I set her down and laugh with her. “You are such a shit for not contacting me more or coming home sooner!”

“I am getting sorted.” Holding my hands up in defense. “I am sorted.”

She nods, grabbing my hand. “I want an extra chocolate chip croissant and a large espresso.”

I mockingly groan and follow her into the coffee shop. We spend the morning at the coffee shop and Reese word vomits everything about Adam. Well, John, in her book. Some things are best for a brother not to know and I wish someone would tell her that. We spend the rest of the day exploring the city. We dip into a store or two, but she can’t find the love or energy to buy anything. It is the early evening and I tell her I should head back. We are at the corner of DuPont’s building. It was the perfect spot to say goodbye until the next time and go our separate ways. Equal distance to my car and where she parked. When I give her a hug, we hear a loud popping noise and windows breaking. We look up to see glass falling from one of the top floors at DuPont’s building. Confused, we stand with a group of people who are looking around.

We stand in complete shock as the ground rumbles with another explosion from above and a cloud of smoke and debris falls from the busted-out windows. I am so confused what the hell is happening and how this changes the mission.

“Oh shit!” I exclaim.


“Reese! Go home now! I will call you!”

She looks scared, and she should be. Fuck, this is not what we planned!

“Kevin, where are you going?”

“Back to the cabin. I need to see Adam!” I turn, pulling my phone out.

“Who is Adam?”

“My friend.”

“Kevin!” Her head is snapping from me to the building.

“Go home! Do not open the door to anyone and do not answer the phone unless it’s me!” I try to push her along.

She nods with worry and I am lucky her smart ass doesn’t fight me any further. I run away and hope my strong-willed sister follows my plea to go home.

I underestimate the run back to the parking garage to retrieve my car. It takes longer to get out, but once I am on the road, I speed to the cabin. The whole time I call Adam’s phone, but he doesn’t pick up. That explosion couldn’t have been him. We had a plan in order. Pulling up to the cabin, I see a single light on in the living room. I all but break the door down, trying to get in.

“Hey! You didn’t pick up the phone,” I yell into the house. No one is in the living room and I stand there, confused. Adam doesn’t leave lights on like that unless he is at home. A shadowy figure emerges from the kitchen and walks toward me. No one should be here. Adam said no one knew about this cabin except him and now myself.

The person emerges from the shadows and I am stunned. I have no words.

“How did you…?”
