Page 65 of Adam

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I stay awake, tapping on her computer, just reading article after article about the fire. It had spread to the woods, and the firefighters had to take extra precautions to gain control. Questions still surround how the fire was set. Who set it? They haven’t been able to narrow down a motive or if it was accidental.

Another article says it was arson and intentional. No bodies were located or found. The owner of the cabin, Mr. Mac, had passed away earlier this year and left the cabin for his son, who has yet to be identified. Police are searching the area for any clues as to who is responsible for this event.

D. Young is the author. I read the article again and my fingers tapped the table. How is this article so different from the others that have no answers?!

My mind crosses out different scenarios with everything I’ve seen and read. I look at the walls in the room and so badly want to write it all out to clear my brain. Standing, I walk outside, needing some fresh air.

I pace outside the room in the fresh air. I glance over at the car and my eye catches something inside. I look through the window and there sits a Sharpie marker in the cup holder of the center console. My heart jumps in my chest. That wasn’t there yesterday.

I swing open the door to the room harshly… Reese stands looking at the article that’s displayed on the screen and looks at me with a panicked look.

“We have to go! Now!”



Reese Grafton

Sleep is for the dead.

I’ve tossed and turned in my bed for the longest time. Last night was no exception. You would think with the truth being told, it would lift a weight, but instead, we’ve hit a new wall. Nothing went how I expected it to go. Adam pulled the joker card and forced my hand.

Kevin walks out of the bathroom and I see my brother as a stranger. I question everything I have ever done. He crawls into bed, turning his back to me, and the overwhelming feeling hits. I’ve lost everything and I am truly alone.

It is early in the morning when I hear Kevin rustling around and then the tap of the keyboard of my computer. I keep quiet and act like I am asleep to give him space. Morning light pours in from the crappy window coverings and I can hear Kevin huffing. He jumps up and walks out of the door and for a moment, I worry until I hear him pacing on the concrete outside the window. I stretch my emotionally worn-out body. Spending years keeping secrets is exhausting, everything building to one day being honest, then suddenly, I am propelled into it by the force first introduced to me as John. I blink my eyes open to the reality of Adam. Sitting up, I look at the computer sitting on the table. It looks like a news article, so I walk over to the computer to read what caused Kevin’s reaction.

“No,” I whisper, covering my mouth.

They did not find a body… they left the cabin to the son. It’s a message to Adam. Someone else knows who I am. I have been so careful this entire time. I didn’t make a mistake. I didn’t… leave footprints on the ground!

I look around the room, but I don’t see any evidence of where a camera or anything would be. This run-down motel was not part of the plan. It was an opportunity for a night. I never called, never looked on the internet, never. The door swings open with force and I am face to face with a surprised look from Kevin.

“We have to go! Now!” I scream. I grab everything I can.

“Why?” he says, trying to force my hand.

“We just do!” I don’t stop to look at him. I don’t have time to explain. If that article is already out, then someone is hot on my heels.

He grabs my forearm, trying to get me to stop, but I rip it away from his grip. Kevin’s hold was tight and his nails left slight scratches. I wince from the pain, but it doesn’t stop me. Kevin grabs my shoulders, pulls me from my bag, and shoves me against the wall.

“Aaagh!” I let out as memories flood my brain of that awful night he had a nightmare. I breathe heavily and my fingers dig into his arm to steady myself. My toes barely touch the floor as he holds me up against the dreary wall.

“Reese! What the fuck is going on?”

I finally lose my will and let tears fall. “Please, trust me,” is all I can let escape.

“Tell me the truth!” he screams and I turn my head.

I allow him to witness my sobbing as my body shakes, my eyes closed, waiting for his next move. He gently places me down on the floor and moves his hand away cautiously.

“Reese, what’s going on?” His question is softer this time.

“My cover is blown, and they have made me.” I point to the laptop and his eyes follow, the article still displayed on the screen. “Kevin, no one knew I was part of the CIA. No one, not even the CIA knows about Adam’s cabin. I was in charge of Adam and getting to DuPont. I’ve kept a lot close to the vest, but that article means someone knows more than they should!”

That realization settles in for my brother, who looks back at me.

“Adam may be alive, he may not be alive… but that article… someone is fucking with my mind!” I tap my finger on my temple. “That deployment did such damage. There could be others we don’t know about and clearly, someone knows a whole hell of a lot!”
