Page 72 of Adam

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She wants me. Smug-and-confident Adam pushes through the broken mess. It’s only when her eyes meets mine I feel this way. God let two psychos meet and now he faces the repercussions of that decision.

“Come find me, baby,” I mouth to her, causing my woman to stop in her tracks.

I smile wildly at her shocked reaction. Her eyes widen and her mouth softly hangs open. Ducking her head between bodies, she then fights harder to make her way through the crowd of people. Kevin is following behind her, confused by her angst.

“Reese!” he yells. “Reese, what the hell has gotten into you? Wait up!”

I turn and duck out of sight. I watch her push through people, hoping to find me. She relents when Kevin finally catches up with her. I follow behind, watching every move. Cautiously gathering her things and moving out of the airport, she waves down a taxi and climbs in with Kevin.

Stepping out of the airport, I am met by a thunderous rumble from the skies. Rain falls heavily on the sidewalk in front of me. Ominous clouds circle. As if the devil herself is building the storm inside of me, the unforeseen hope that I can have her in my arms again. Hope is a word I never thought would linger on my lips. Patience, Adam…patience.

I wave down my taxi and instruct the driver to follow hers. The rain beats down hard the entire drive. We pull up to the beachside hotel that is so tiny compared to the monstrous hotel chains that surround it. I sit in the taxi and watch her check in. Frustrated and exhausted, she slams a key card into Kevin’s hands. He rolls his eyes at her while grabbing his bag. I chuckle at his tantrum. He has been acting like a toddler this entire trip.

When the elevator doors close, I make my way inside, grabbing a room for myself. My body is desperately craving the scalding heat of a shower. Opening the door to the small room that has an entire wall of windows that faces the ocean, I huff a sigh of relief. Locking the door behind me, I throw my bag on the bed. I open the balcony door and I am met with the salty air of the ocean. The night sky is filled with clouds and the rain continues to fall heavily. The waves crashing into the shoreline soothe the ringing in my ears. I take a deep breath before retreating inside. The smell of the airport coffin lingers on my clothes. The dinky shower has very good water pressure, and I quickly strip. Stepping into the shower, I leave my burned arm outside and let the water run down my worn body. Mercy. I beg for mercy. Quickly, I turn the water to cold, shocking my system. I still cannot believe I am standing here, alive. I pant with dry heaves, forcing my body to adjust. Pushing myself until I can’t handle another drop of this ice-cold shower, I shut the valve off. Stepping out, I stare at myself in the mirror.

Before, I saw the broken person I once was. Now I am someone else. As if it is the first time meeting myself. I judge the hair, face, eyes, tattoos… the scars. The scars that were created by others and the ones that were self-inflicted. My finger taps my thigh as my other hand delicately traces along the healed skin of the self-inflicted wound on my inner thigh. I flinch at the invisible pain that courses through the tight skin that I had never felt before.

My hand feels its way up to my erect cock and I want to stroke myself but refuse. The only thing I want touching that part of myself is any part of Reese. I roll my head, causing my neck to crack, trying to relieve the frustration.

Grabbing the first aid kit, I tend to my burn. I need to keep a watch on it to make sure it doesn’t become infected. Burns rarely kill people. It’s the infection that sets in after the fact. Exposed and raw skin is so vulnerable. Once I am satisfied with my piss-poor job of wrapping my arm, I pull myself from the bathroom and head to bed. Throwing my body on top of the covers, I let out a relieved sigh. Exhaustion from the past couple of days has me wanting to sleep like the dead.

Heavy eyes carry me to the start of peaceful sleep. It is short-lived, unfortunately, as my mind brings the pain. Cries in the background, DuPont’s pleas and selfish offers. Kevin’s voice begging for the gunfire to stop, and her. God, that sweet coffee breath that brings the hell I crave.


I hear her soft voice pulling me away from the nightmares that plague me like an angel pulling me from the depths of hell. My eyes adjust to the vision of her, once again in a yellow sundress. Green eyes that light up for me. The person who knows me inside and out… one that I never saw coming. She sweetly smiles as I stand toe to toe with her. Everything fades into white noise as she hums a song I can’t place. I need words. I want to watch the words come out of those puckered lips.


Her voice whispers, calming my heart. Her hand traces along my brow to clean the newly formed drops of sweat. I didn’t know I was sweating. My vision starts to blur as smoke builds around me. My eyes search for the source when the orange-and-red flames are pushed in front of my face. Reese stands there with her sweet smile, holding a match.

I can’t help the smile that forms along my lips. She drops the match as I grab her face, pushing my lips against hers. Her hands grab my bare chest, nails scraping my skin. I bite her lip and hear her moan. Everything is burning around me and she is the only stability that holds me in place. I can feel the heat, but my skin doesn’t burn or bubble.

My tongue tastes her sweet espresso coffee flavor and longs to drink every ounce of her. Fingers sneak behind her head and tangle in her brown hair. My mouth attacks hers once again. She became an addiction I fought to lose, but now she is the cure for an invisible disease.

I untangle my fingers from her perfect hair and drag my hand down her body hard. My hands grip her perfect peach ass as I clench it hard, pulling her body up. Her legs wrap around my waist, her body arching into mine, her soul infiltrating mine.

I lower us to the ground, keeping her body close to mine, afraid of anything separating us. I lay her flat on the ground and she releases her legs and sits up on her elbows. She tilts her head to the side, baring her neck to me in a move of submission. My teeth yearn to sink into her perfect skin. My tongue traces along the back of my mouth as I stare. Tenderly, my fingers push the straps of her dress to the side and her neck and shoulders fall bare. Fuck me, she’s beautiful.

Though she sits submissively, she is the one in control. But I need the control. I need to be the one taking charge.

“You won’t win this game.”

My body falters as I hear the words and look at her sinister smile.

“You can’t win this game, Adam.”

I sit back, confused by her statements. The fire around us creeps closer. I look around, watching the deep inferno tiptoeing closer.

A menacing laugh comes from my angel, causing my skin to chill. The fire spreads faster and fully engulfs her. In a matter of seconds, she is gone. My hands dive into the fire, trying to find her.

“No! No! Come back to me!” I scream.

The crackling of the fire becomes too loud. I cannot hear myself yelling. Begging for her to come to me, I struggle to get her back in my arms. I sit back on my knees, gripping my hair, wanting to pull every small strand out, screaming into the flames. I drop my hands and wait for the fire to consume me. It feverishly touches me and finally, I feel blisters forming.

My body jolts out of bed while my lungs smolder. I am breathing so hard that I am surprised that smoke doesn’t expel from my throat. I look back at the mattress, the proof of my horrors in the body-sweat stains covering the sheets. This dream was too real. I touched her and felt her again. She touched me and silenced the noise. Gave me focus and comfort. Burned the place I thought was my safe place to the ground.

I look outside and see the sun has risen. Taking a quick shower and quickly getting dressed, I throw a hat on and walk down to the lobby. I am about to turn the corner when I hear her speaking at the front desk. She is asking about sights and shops to visit. They suggest the sky wheel that is down the way from us. A walk on the beach at night and the sky wheel will give a superb view of both the city and the ocean.

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