Page 83 of Adam

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“What job?” I ask. This bitch was serious about a job. “Wait—why are you asking me? Do you know me?”

“I don’t know you, but you came highly recommended. Donald Young, the person who sent you the new-baby package, I am a client of his. I was looking for someone to help me with my recovery business. You in?” she says.

There it is. There. It. Is. “Did Adam put you up to this?” I say harshly.

“Adam?” She looks confused. “No, ducky, I don’t know who that is. I reached out to Donald to find me an assistant, helper, or partner… whatever you want to call it. I need help. My services are highly sought after.”

I am relieved that this wasn’t Adam.

“Can I think about it?” I ask.

“No,” she firmly states. “It’s either ‘yes’ or ‘nice to meet you,’ and I’ll never see you again.”

She salutes me, and I chuckle.

“You are so fucking weird!” I whisper.

“Why, thank you!” She smiles.

I take a deep breath and think of my options. Take the new-baby package or this weirdo’s offer. When I land, I can take this folder and try to start a new life with nobody and an invisible string connected back to Adam and Reese. Or… or I can take this job blindly and life will be on my terms.

There is nothing to think about. “I’m in.”

A pounding on the door startles both of us. The flight attendant says just loud enough for us to hear, “You both need to exit the bathroom. No mile-high club on this aircraft!”

“Coming right out!” Bailey says. She turns to me, grabbing my face and pulling my lips to hers. She aggressively attacks my mouth and my body surrenders to hers. I have never been kissed like this before. Her fingers are moving through my short hair, almost scraping my scalp, making me wish I didn’t cut it short. Bailey pulls away before I am ready and pushes the door open to leave. The flight attendant looks at her, then at me, and chuckles.

“Take your seats, please. We will be landing shortly.”

“Not sorry!” Bailey throws both arms in the air and walks toward where I am sitting.

As I walk to exit the bathroom, I get a glimpse of what I look like. Lipstick is smeared across my mouth and what is left of my hair is all over the place. My hands move to push my hair down and the more I try to wipe the lipstick off, the messier it gets. I drop my head back and huff.

“Sir?” The flight attendant grabs my attention. “Please go sit.”

“Yes, ma’am.”

Child—I am a child at this moment. I sit in my seat with a half smirk playing on my lips. Bailey hands me a makeup removal wipe with the biggest smile.

“Oh, ducky, we are going to have so much fun!” she says.

Weird, she is so fucking weird, but she has me smiling.



Reese Grafton

I am driving to the fancy lake house Allison owns. Released on bail, I swear she is the luckiest bitch I have ever met!

It has taken me two days to get here and there is no turning back. I came here for her demise. No actual plan in place. I am too distracted by just wanting to wrap up this mission and return to the game between Adam and me. The moment Allison had stepped into the CIA building all those months ago, I never expected this ending. She fooled me with her poor, pitiful speech about finding out how awful her husband was. She made herself the victim when she perpetrated the avalanche of her existence.

I press the buzzer at the gate and wait for her to pick up.

“Where the fuck have you been?” she says over the intercom, her statement lathered in panic.

I look over at the camera that is directed at my car and hold up my middle finger.
