Page 24 of Restoring Faith

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Lawson is rubbing little circles on her shoulder. Envious emotions swirl in my chest, wanting the same thing they have. Pure bliss with someone. Someone who won’t try to make you change, move away, and accepts your family without judgment.

“I can respect that.” Victor finally nods, breaking me free from a fantasy I now want so badly.

“You don’t even know me,” I whisper under my breath toward him.

“I know enough,” he says louder.

Cue awkward Collins. “Stalker.”

“It was nice knowing you, Collins.” Massey salutes. “Looks like it’s the sharks for you.”

“Can you at least let her fix my short board before you axe her?” Lawson folds his hands in front of his face, attempting to plead with Victor.

“You both are awful.” I shake my head.

“Change of subject - Yo, I had to do more work the other day fixing what you messed up. Leland won’t let you near any of our cars.” Lawson taps his fingers on the wobbly table. It creaks under the pressure.

I happily follow along with this conversation. “He said, ‘Cut my fucking pinky off’ before he will let you touch one car.” I mock the best I can with Leland’s deep voice.

“I know you can’t tell, but I’ve never worked as a mechanic before.” I raise a hand in defeat. His sarcasm matches ours.

The table erupts in laughter, and it lightens the mood. I can work with this.

“So, what’s good here? Where’s the menu?” Victor looks around.

“You’ll get what they serve. It’s not a traditional restaurant. The menu changes daily depending on what the chef wants to do or what he can source locally. It’s always a surprise when we come,” Lawson says.

“No options?” Victor questions.

“Listen, if you try to change anything or send food back…” Lawson starts.

“They will block you from any local stuff,” I state.

Victor looks at all of us. Again, clearly something he’s never experienced before. More circumstances are out of his hands, and he is unable to control everything. His slight displeasure has me taking the atmosphere of this rundown restaurant. The broken parts of tables, mismatched plates and silverware… I appreciate the beauty of the struggle to make it day by day. This place has some of the best food by a skilled local chef who has toured the world. He left to learn as much as he could and work under some of the greatest chefs in the world, but returned to his roots. There’s nothing like home, especially when it’s Hawaii. My eyes land back on my brother and Massey, who are deep in conversation. We are not even a blip on their radar. The smiles they exchange make me silently long for a love like that someday.

“Can we talk about what happened at the bar?” Victor whispers to where only he and I can hear.

“No.” I firmly state. He’s not going to let this go.

“Come on.” His eyes plead with me.

“Why?” I ask.

“Because I said I like you. And we kissed!” Victor whispers a little louder. “You said nothing. You just pushed me away and grabbed your shoes. Took off like someone lit a match under your ass.” He relaxes his body, trying to control his mood. Composing himself to finish his thought. “Did I overstep?”

I turn my head away, wanting to avoid this conversation, especially in front of other people. In all fairness, Massey and Lawson are not paying us any attention. I feel Victor’s hand rest back on my leg, gently rubbing soothing circles with his thumb against my flesh. My skin pimples, yet I am not cold. It’s on fire. My eyes fixate on his hand. Watching every single movement.

“You don’t think much of me, do you?” he asks.

I am perplexed by his question… or is it a statement? I remain quiet, trying to figure out what to say or how to say what I am thinking and feeling.

“What kind of person do you think I am?” he adds.

I am baffled by his defensiveness about this. I didn’t think he cared much about me. He’s pushed that button so fine, if this is how it’s going to be.

“I’m not a local hookup and dump.” A weight feels like it’s fallen from my shoulders at the main admission to what I’ve been feeling toward this man.

Victor yanks his hand away from my leg and pins me with a concerned look. Fuck, that’s hot. His hazel eyes shine and his hair rustles in the wind. I remember the way it felt in my hands. Is that weird for a girl to say? Focus, Collins.

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