Page 80 of Restoring Faith

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“Collins, you are headstrong, stubborn, and a cheater at chess,” he starts.

What. The. Fresh. Hell. Is. This?

“You wear the weight of the world on your shoulders and still will have the quickest comeback. Through that hard exterior, you are the kindest, most honest, and amazing woman I have ever met. I asked you to make memories with me when I got to the new house. I am asking you for more. More memories, more of your time, more of the colors that bring you to life. What do you say? Will you marry me and let’s make more memories together?”

I drop the flowers on the floor and I drop myself into his arms. Wrapping him into a tight hug, afraid to let go of this dream. I can feel his fingers tracing different parts of my back and he whispers in my ear.


“Yes! Holy shit, yes!”

I grab his face, bringing his lips to mine, giving him a passionate kiss before he pulls away and slides the ring onto my left finger. It’s not a diamond, but a dark blue sapphire ring.

Tears fall heavily, and my eyes dart from the ring back to Victor. It’s all happening. It’s only then that the commotion erupts around us. My body is jolted around as everyone is cheering, offering their congratulations. Massey’s hands cover my shoulders as she squeals.

This just happened. This happened to me.

My brothers tap me on the head, and Leland takes my hands in his. He thumbs over the sapphire, moving it around.

“You did it,” I whisper loud enough for him to hear. Sniffing back a sob, admiring my big brother.

“I didn’t do anything.” He chuckles.

“You did it all, big brother. We survived, and it’s all because of you.” Tears escape and its tears of happiness. There is no trace of sadness seen or felt today. “Look around. Look where we are. You didn’t give up on us when it could’ve been so easy to do. I’ll never be able to thank you enough for taking care of us.”

“God damn it, Collins,” he laughs. Tears falling freely between us. I walk into his arms, welcoming his comfort. “I love you, little sister. Now go enjoy the rest of your evening.”

He takes a step back, allowing Victor to step up. A look passes between them, and I feel the shift in the air, like a passing of the torch. Where my brother once stood guard, he now has passed the responsibility to Victor.

Victor slips his hand in mine, intertwining our fingers. I look up, and I’m met with the most handsome eyes I’ll spend the rest of my life gazing at. One swift movement, and Victor spins me around. I drop my head back with a loud laugh.

The rest of the evening, I stay in Victor’s arms, dancing away and feeling like I’m walking on clouds. Celebrating my family and the journey that we’ve had. Every single bad moment, every scary situation, and every night where I didn’t think we could survive, we did. Not only survived but thrived.

“So.” Victor sways, with me in his arms. “What do you have planned for tomorrow? Fancy a drive in your girl?”

“For you? I’d go anywhere.” I lean up on my toes, pressing a kiss to his lips.
