Page 23 of Meant For Her

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“The only problem with that is, what about Luna?”

“Put her in also,” I quickly add. “It’ll do them good.”

“They’re already in gymnastics,” she counters, “and piano. I would have to see the schedule.”

“Piano?” I ask.

“Yeah, they started this summer. I needed something to keep them busy, you know, after all the Benji stuff, and piano it was.”

“How do they like it?” I ask, suddenly wanting to know all the details.

“I mean, it was rough at the beginning when they would practice at the same time.” She laughs. “But it’s getting a bit better.”

“How was the meeting?” I close my eyes, hoping she doesn’t shut down on me. I know I should just wait for her to tell me more instead of me just jumping in and asking her.

“It was different,” she states. “We sat around and told stories about how our lives were affected by drugs.”

“Did it help?”

“Yes and no.” She exhales. “Like, I was happy to hear I wasn’t the only one. But then I kind of felt jealous of the ones who still had their loved one there so they can try to help them.”

“I know it goes without saying,” I start softly, “but I never thought it was that bad.” She doesn’t say anything. “I knew something had to be done, but…” Neither of us says anything.

“Let me know about the skating and stuff, and I can decide,” she says after three minutes of us sitting on the phone in silence.

“Will do,” I confirm, hanging up the phone before I fuck up and say something else to her.

I pull up my uncle’s number and put it on speakerphone. “This is a late-night phone call,” he answers.

“Yeah, sorry, I took Luna and Rain skating,” I word vomit. “What do you think of me attending meetings?”

“I mean, nothing wrong with going to meetings and talking.” His voice is always so soft. “What brought this on?”

I could tell him about Koda, but I don’t want to take what she told me and tell someone. It’s hers, and she shared it with me, and I’m going to keep it close to my chest. “Just something I read online,” I lie.

“I can see if there are meetings near you. Ask around.”

“Thank you, I really appreciate it.”

“Anytime, kiddo. Go to sleep. You have a game tomorrow night.”

“Got it.” I laugh and hang up on him, and then I text Guy.

Me: Hey, do you have any information about skating for a six-year-old and a four-year-old?

I’m about to put the phone away when there is a beep, and I look down and see that it’s Keely.

Keely: Hey ;) just checking to see if we are still on for coffee tomorrow. My day is open, so just let me know.

I close my eyes and think about canceling it, but then I’ll just have to make it another day. I might as well go and get it over with.

Me: Sorry, forgot I have work tomorrow night. But I can do coffee at around ten.

“Please say no,” I tell my phone when I see the three dots come up. “Please say no,” I chant again. “Fuck,” I swear when I see her response.

Keely: That works for me. Where do you want to meet?

“Nowhere,” I say while my fingers type out a little coffee shop about twenty minutes away.
