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“Mom?” Annie walked in with all three dogs on their leashes. “Are you here?”

“Annie!” Stephanie rushed out. The dogs swirled at her feet, but she quickly moved past them to lock the door. “You were supposed to be in Portland.”

“It didn’t work out on such short notice,” Annie explained, unclipping the dogs. “Jenna was sick, and Violet had to work. I figured I’d go ahead and come in, and that would save you from having to get these guys on your lunch break.”

“You didn’t have to do that,” Stephanie protested, rubbing Sherlock’s head as he leaned against her. “You still could’ve enjoyed a day off for yourself.”

“Obviously, you must’ve needed me if you’re keeping the door locked,” Annie pointed out. “What’s with that, anyway?”

Stephanie didn’t like being dishonest with her daughter, but how could she possibly tell her the truth? Fortunately, she already had a story she’d been telling her clients all morning. “I heard some rumors about dangerous fugitives in the area, so I’m keeping the door locked no matter what. No walk-ins, and I’m sticking to my appointment list. I know it feels extreme, but I’d much rather be safe than sorry.”

“Oh. I hadn’t heard. Okay.” Annie stepped forward to peek into the office.

“The fugitives aren’t here if that’s what you’re worried about.” Stephanie bent to pick up Jacques. He kept sending her images of being cuddled while he danced around on her feet, so she had no doubt about what he wanted.

Annie smiled. “No, I was just checking to see if your ‘friend’ Bennett is here again today.”

“Don’t you use finger quotes at me, young lady,” Stephanie replied. “No, Bennett is out running errands today.”

“You mean you didn’t keep your big, strong man around to keep you safe from the bad guys lurking around town?” Annie batted her eyelashes and clasped her hands under her chin. Then she burst out laughing.

“You’re full of it today,” Stephanie noted with a smile. “I should put you in time out, but instead, I’ll let you mop the floor in exam room three. A very excited young pit bull named Mr. Puddles decided to live up to his name. I cleaned up the worst of it, but it could use a deeper clean.”

“Awesome. I’m so glad I came into work today.” Annie couldn’t hold her deadpan face for long as she headed toward the supply closet for the mop bucket. “Anything else exciting happening around here?”

“No. It worked out that we weren’t overbooked today, so it’s been pretty slow.” Stephanie headed into the office to get some paperwork done while they waited for the next appointment.

A short time later, when she was restocking the supplies that’d come in a couple of days ago, Annie rushed into the exam room. “Mom! I’ve just brought a man into the lobby with his dog.”

Stephanie nearly dropped one of the bottles of lavender oil she was putting in the cabinet. She caught it against her shirt and put it safely away. “I’m not taking any walk-ins today. There’s even a sign on the door that says so.”

“I know, but his husky was hit by a car. He’s all covered in blood, and we were the closest place. I put them in over in room three.” Annie’s forehead was creased with worry.

Stephanie’s training and compassion took over. This could be a life-or-death situation, and she couldn’t just turn them away. “You finish up with these supplies, then. I’ll go see what I can do.”

Her heart was racing as she jogged into the room. The scent of blood hit her nostrils and curdled her stomach. Stephanie’s eyes first fell to the dog. His thick, gray fur was matted with blood. He held one paw up off the floor, and a pitiful whine emitted from his throat.

“Sir, this isn’t a dog.” Stephanie looked up at the older man who held the other end of the leash. Pockmarked scars dappled his cheeks beneath cold, hard eyes. “That’s a wolf.”

“He’s only part wolf,” he assured her in a smooth voice that didn’t fit his image. “You don’t have to worry about him. He needs your help.”

Stephanie took another step into the room and looked at the dog once again. She’d very recently seen several wolves, and there was no doubt this was one of them. Her blood froze in her veins as images from its mind flickered across hers. Teeth flashing and tearing. Blood. Undertones of anger and violence flooded through her. This animal could have no idea she could pick up on such things, but those vicious thoughts hit her like a bullet.

If she needed any confirmation, Stephanie got it as soon as she looked back up at the man. Any worried caregiver would be watching his animal more than any veterinarian. They would probably also be hunched down on the floor, trying to help or at least soothe their pet. The guy continued to stare at Stephanie, and a hint of a smile curled his lips as the wolf lifted its head, locked its eyes with hers, and growled, baring its sharp fangs.

It was them.

Stephanie backed out of the room and slammed the door. She darted back into the exam room where she’d left Annie and flicked the lock. “Call 911.”

“What the hell?” Cotton swabs spilled from Annie’s hand as she grabbed for the phone on the wall. She dropped it and picked it up again. “What’s happening?”

“That dog wasn’t hit by a car, and they’re not here for medical attention.” Stephanie’s mind felt like it was going to split in half. She couldn’t possibly keep this secret much longer. She’d tried her best to keep Annie out of it, but the inevitable had happened. She understood now just how torn Bennett had felt about leaving her there that morning.

“Oh my god,” Annie whispered, her hand shaking as she dialed. Her eyes widened. “Is it one of the fugitives?”

When she was little, Stephanie had always told Annie not to lie because those lies would come right back around to bite her. Now, she was experiencing that lesson for herself. The police wouldn’t listen to anything Annie had to say if she started spouting off about fugitives because there weren’t any. “I don’t know. Just tell them we’ve got intruders.”

“My name is Annie Caldwell. I’m at the Caldwell Naturopathic Veterinary Clinic on Barger. We’ve got an intruder.” She paused as she listened to the operator. “I don’t know. We’re in a locked exam room, and he’s trying to break down the door.”
