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Tell him to come around behind us.

Stephanie jumped as she realized that was Rex inside her mind. Was she broadcasting to all the Glenwoods?

Don’t worry about it, came a youthful voice that was far too chipper for the situation. I’ve got him.

The wolf in question popped out of existence completely and reappeared behind the Glenwood lines. What the fuck was that?

Stephanie wondered the same thing, but she reached out to him with the one thing she did know. You’re safe now.

That was Ava, Bennett explained. As I said, we each have our own talents.

Stephanie glanced to her left to see Joan, Dawn, and Ava, the teen girl who’d kept the dogs wrangled, standing with their shoulders together. Bright balls of fiery light shot from their hands, whizzing over the battlefield and exploding into the sides of the packhouse.

Keep going, Bennett reminded her.

The thrill of one life saved sent a bolt of adrenaline through her. She spotted a wolf defending the front of the pack house. The chill rippling down her spine had nothing to do with the cold evening air. She never would’ve guessed she could recognize one wolf out of dozens, but she knew who this was.

Just remember, boys, the more we kill here today, the fewer we have to hunt down like cowering mutts tomorrow. Images from his mind flashed through Stephanie’s, ones of all the terrified people he’d been threatening or worse. One of them was far too familiar.

Her fingers scrunched in Bennett’s fur. That’s the one who bit Annie.

As soon as she let that thought fly, she knew exactly what would happen. A new surge of Glenwood energy moved through the battle, and the dark wolf disappeared. Stephanie turned her head. She knew the bastard deserved everything he got, but it was hard to watch. Her stomach rolled.

You’re doing great.

That was Bennett again. Stephanie sucked in a deep breath. He was making all the difference in her powers, strengthening them as she stood beside him. The mental switchboard she was operating couldn’t have happened if he wasn’t there, and she knew it. But that didn’t make the results of it all any easier to stomach.

Bennett angled his long body in front of Stephanie, scooting her back as two wolves came tumbling through the masses, teeth bared and claws shredding.

Stephanie took a deep breath. They’d saved one, at least. Maybe she could find more. That was what she had to hang her hope on now.

Please! I don’t want to fight you! If only you could hear me. This came from a wolf scrambling with a pure white Glenwood, one that Stephanie now knew to be Lori. She relayed those thoughts to the pack Luna, and she instantly backed off.

One by one, Stephanie continued to find them. It scared the hell out of them when she replied, but then Stephanie got to feel that ultimate relief that flooded through their bodies as soon as they knew they were safe.

There are so many of them! Why is he making us do this?

That bastard. I ought to turn around and kill him myself, but I’d never be able to alone.

I don’t know who my allies are here.

Why does anyone follow him voluntarily?

My baby. He’s going to kill my baby if I don’t do this.

Her heart wrenched as she identified them, spreading the word to the Glenwoods. Some were quickly transported through Ava’s magic. Others were defended with magic from the other women until they could get to safety. The Glenwoods refused to fight those who were forced into this and moved on, leaving the innocent Silvergroves bewildered but thankful. Just as Joan and the others were flinging their magic, Stephanie was flinging thoughts, feelings, and images throughout the battle. She tuned out the sounds and the smells of the wolves who continued to fight, keeping her mind only on the mental aspect as much as possible.

There she is!

Stephanie picked up on the impression when it was too late. A wolf dove through the melee. His yellow eyes were zeroed in on her. The white of his teeth chilled her to the bone as his strong legs lifted his massive paws off the ground. This was it. She’d saved lives, but she was going to die.

Bennett slammed the wolf into the ground. It fought back hard, striking out with sharp claws. Bennett pinned it by the neck, and saliva dripped from his teeth as he and his foe exchanged blows. Blood gushed from a newly opened cut on Bennett’s neck, pouring down into the other wolf’s face. Bennett backed off, allowing the other wolf to rise.

Stephanie screamed. He had saved her, but now he would pay the ultimate price.

Just wait. A Glenwood came alongside her, steadying her and stepping into Bennett’s place. It was Kane.

It happened so quickly, but the world was in slow motion around her. Bennett’s opponent was on his feet and charging. Its feet left the ground as it leaped toward him, just as it had lunged toward Stephanie a moment ago. With the power of his hind legs, Bennett shot forward, his teeth clamping around the other wolf’s neck. He forcefully flicked his head down and to the side, flinging the limp body of his enemy to the ground for the last time.
