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Stephanie sat up and moved around so that she straddled his knees, and when she took him into her mouth, the earth spun around him. Bennett let out a ragged moan as her tongue drifted up and down the length of his shaft, playing, enticing. Her hands drifted up to his ribs, across his stomach, and then down the fronts of his thighs. Her breasts were warm and soft against his knees, and she tucked her toes underneath his calves to keep them warm.

When she’d fully bewitched him, Stephanie lifted her head. She scooted up so that she straddled him, her heat so close to his pulsing member. She was sitting up straight, and when she reached up to toss her braid behind her back, Bennett knew he’d never seen anything more stunning than his mate above him with the treetops and puffy clouds behind her.

She guided his length into her slowly, sliding down until he was entirely inside that molten core. Stephanie made long, slow strokes with her hips. Their bodies were never apart for long, rejoining as if by magnetic force.

Bennett felt his building ecstasy, but something else as well. Just as he’d always wanted, the bond between them was getting stronger. Her pleasure resounded within him and returned to her, the sensation building as the cycle continued. He reached up and found the elastic that secured her braid, pulling it out and separating the thick sections until her hair lay across her shoulders and down her back as a thick curtain. He wound the strands around his hands and pulled her down to him, sliding his tongue in her mouth so they could be as joined as possible.

Her moan vibrated against the roof of his mouth as her core tightened around him. Bennett’s wolf was close to the surface, and he could feel one rising within her as well. It was soft and beautiful, a little unsure but ready to discover this new world. Their bodies thrust together as they reached the apex of their love and let it go.

Catching his breath, Bennett reached to the side and found her flannel. His flannel. Hell, it didn’t matter.

Everything he owned belonged to her now, including him.


“I just don’t understand what the problem is.” A worried Megan Sisney looked down at her cat, Harmony. “I’ve checked with several other vets, and they’ve given her different medications, but nothing seems to be helping. I guess it’s my fault for trying to go to the cheap vets first, no offense. But everyone I’ve talked to has recommended you. I hope you can figure this out because I feel so bad for her.”

“We’ll see what we can do.” Stephanie did a quick once-over on the cat, checking her vitals as usual. Harmony was a gorgeous calico, or at least she would be if she hadn’t licked half the fur off her body. Her hindquarters showed mostly pink skin with darker patches where her coat would have filled in darker. Only a puff of fur was left at the end of her tail. “Many times, something like this is caused by skin allergies.”

“Yes, that’s what Dr. Sutton suggested right off the bat. He gave her some allergy meds, but they didn’t help.” Megan stroked Harmony’s head to keep her calm.

“Then we can probably rule that out. We can check for a few other medical conditions.” Stephanie ran her hands through the cat’s fur and looked into her stunning round eyes. Thanks to her practicing over the last few months, she easily opened her mind and centered her psychic energies on Harmony.

At first, it’d been difficult while she was there at work. Bennett had his own job, so he wasn’t there by her side to enhance her natural talents. She had to make them happen on her own, and the chaos of so many animal minds had been difficult. Time helped, just as it did with most things.

It wasn’t the same speaking telepathically to cats and dogs as it was to shifters in their wolf forms. Stephanie’s patients didn’t speak English, and that language barrier had been another step to overcome. She had to use images and feelings, just as she had when she’d first started this journey. She concentrated on the cat’s bare skin and how it must feel.

An overwhelming sense of panic tightened Stephanie’s chest.

“Is there anything at home that could be stressing her out?” Stephanie asked Megan calmly.

“No, not that I can think of. My boyfriend and I live pretty quiet lives. I work from home, so I’m almost always there.”

“Stressors aren’t always as obvious to us as they are to animals.” Stephanie probed Harmony’s mind again, looking for what had caused that alarming sensation. The boyfriend Megan had just spoken of suddenly featured in the stream of consciousness she was receiving. Stephanie saw him from Harmony’s perspective, tall as a giant, as he entered through the door. “Have you and your boyfriend lived together for very long? Do he and Harmony get along well?”

“Oh, yes,” Megan enthused. “That was actually one of the things that helped me know he was the right one. As soon as he met her, he was loving on her and playing with her. In fact, he’s paying for this visit since I couldn’t afford it after all the other ones.”

“I see.” That was a good sign, but Stephanie knew there had to be more. She could do some tests, but what Harmony had already communicated convinced her that this was a displacement behavior turned obsessive by stress.

Harmony seemed to understand what Stephanie was doing, and she knew this strange woman was going to help. Stephanie picked up on the softness of a bed, a safe place where Harmony felt comfortable. Then, it was yanked out from under her. Something loud was keeping her from that warm, happy feeling she’d had before.

“It can take cats much longer to adjust to new surroundings than we imagine. Harmony might get along with your boyfriend just fine, but what else happened when he moved in? I’m thinking things like furniture rearrangement, or maybe her bed got moved.”

Megan’s eyes widened and she slapped her hand over her mouth. “Holy shit. Harmony’s bed was moved. It always used to be right next to my desk, but we put some of Mitchell’s furniture in the office.”

“And where is her bed now?”

“Next to the upright freezer in the utility room.” Megan’s shoulders sagged. “It’s old, and its motor makes a horrible noise. Oh, poor Harmony! No wonder you’ve been stressing out! I’m so sorry, baby!”

That all lined up perfectly with what Harmony had told Stephanie. “Move her bed to a place where she can be calm and comfortable. Maybe back in your office, even if it’s not in the same spot. That will take some readjustment on her part again, but we can help keep her calm with some valerian root, catnip, and chamomile. It’d also be good to talk about her nutrition and a diet that will support her as she grows that lovely coat back.”

Harmony was the last client of the day, and she and her owner left feeling much better.

“You know, you really ought to consider advertising your psychic services,” Annie observed as she closed down the computer system for the day. “The look on that woman’s face as she checked out is plenty of proof that it works.”

“No way.” Stephanie reached down to ruffle Sherlock between the ears. “It was hard enough to get myself established with my other modalities. If I add ‘animal psychic’ to my resume, it will turn into a circus around here. Plus, I’m already stretching myself a bit with all the work I’m doing with Dawn.”

It’d taken no thought at all to team up with Dawn and offer her own medical skills to the pack. Dawn understood a lot about the human body, and Stephanie knew the ins and outs of animals. They hoped to make some breakthroughs as they put their heads together. It took extra time out of Stephanie’s schedule, but she knew it was well worth it.
