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Jacques raced to his side. He didn’t have the sense of smell that Sherlock did, so he bounced up and down and yapped instead. I’ll tear him to pieces this time!

Me, too! Rambo had been lingering behind them, but the sudden excitement had finally caught his interest.

Penelope looked helplessly back and forth between the dogs heading south and the two wolves, worrying equally about both. I can’t let any of them go off on their own like that! She whined, unable to decide.

Stephanie nudged Bennett’s shoulder. They’re desperate to head south again.

Like having a bunch of kids, Bennett said with a laugh. Guess we’d better go, then!

The two wolves and four dogs took off. Sherlock headed up the pack, guiding the way with his nose. The little dogs served as guards, or at least they thought they did. Penelope watched them all carefully. Stephanie and Bennett brought up the back, trotting along the trail a little slower and taking their time.

Every now and then, Stephanie caught glimpses of the full moon. She had learned so much about these creatures that she’d never known existed, a creature she’d now become herself. There was still so much more, and it intrigued her. It wasn’t just the biological and scientific. It was the mystical, the magical, the unknown. She had her whole life to discover more, and she’d get to do it with Bennett right by her side.

