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She bit her lip and forced herself back in line as she led the way out of the exam room, down the short hall, and into the office where she’d left her keys.

“You own this place?” he asked.

“Mmhm. I was an associate for some other local vets for a while, but once I found my niche, I knew I needed to head out on my own. My methods don’t exactly fit in with what everyone else wants to do.”

Bennett glanced around, absorbing the fridge of raw dog food in the lobby next to the display of essential oils. “Given all those little needles in the back of my neck, I’d say you’re right. This is a nice place, though. You must not be doing too badly.”

“We get by.” Stephanie felt a bit of pride as they worked their way toward the back of the building, with each exam room opening on either side of them and the lab and tech room toward the end. “It took a long time to get to this point. I was limping along with used equipment or borrowing from others, and it was tough to keep the books balanced. I’m happy with where it is now, and I’m doubly happy that Annie works here with me.”

“Your daughter, right?”

“Right. She’s in college, and she’s my vet tech. She’s incredible. I love seeing her passion, and it blooms anew every now and then. It’s amazing.” Stephanie leaned into the lab and flicked off the light. She’d left it on in her haste to figure out what was wrong with the wolf, but the wolf wasn’t really a problem anymore. “What about you? What do you do for a living these days?”

They’d reached the back door, and she’d turned around to face him. Bennett narrowed his eyes, and his jaw hardened. “I’m self-employed.”

“Ah.” She smiled, but it faded as she saw that he wasn’t going to elaborate. Stephanie knew what that usually meant, and she wouldn’t push the issue. So, he was in between jobs. Why embarrass him? Hell, did shifters even have the same kinds of jobs as humans? Every time she asked a question, the answer only made more questions arise.

“Hold these for a second.” She stepped outside and handed him her keys. “This back door will lock itself, but it’s always a pain in the ass to close. It takes both hands. And a shoulder.” She pulled in hard on the latch, ensuring it wouldn’t catch on the frame, then shoved the door shut. It was a tight fit, which made it so difficult, but there was definitely no getting it back open without a key once it was secure.

“Get in the truck.”

“What?” Stephanie turned around to see Bennett standing there with his fists curled at his sides. His shoulders were tight as he stared at the tree line that the parking lot backed up to.

Stephanie’s heart did a jumping jack as she took in the three dark shapes that emerged from the shadows and into the dim remainder of light, padding forward soundlessly. She’d never even have noticed them if it hadn’t been for Bennett. Their heads were low and their hackles raised. Their eyes were focused solely on Bennett and Stephanie.

Images flashed in her mind of wolves tearing each other apart, blood dripping down their chins as they snarled and looked for their next victim. Anger and vicious contempt rippled through her, and Stephanie knew without a doubt that she was now part of the equation. “I take it they aren’t friends of yours.”

“I’m not strong enough to fight them right now. Not all three.” He spoke quietly and kept his focus on the newcomers.

Stephanie took an automatic step backward but immediately realized what a bad situation this was. She’d have to turn her back on the wolves in order to get the damn door open. They could cover the bit of asphalt between them in no time, and all that blood wouldn’t just be part of a psychic vision. “Oh, god.”

“Truck. Now. I’m driving.” Bennett was off like a shot.

“What?” Stephanie went after him. She’d parked close to the door so she and Annie could get the wolf inside without any issue. With these beasts bearing down on her, she might as well have been running a marathon. This was definitely a race she hadn’t trained for, either.

Bennett hurried around to the driver’s side, but the passenger’s side was right there. She reached out, her hand moving as slowly as a nightmare. They were coming. She could hear their paws now, their nails scratching slightly on the asphalt. Deep growls emanated from their throats. Her body was moving, but it wasn’t enough. Her visions became stronger. They weren’t just ripping other wolves apart. They were tearing her limbs from her body. Bile rose in her throat as she flung open the door and shoved herself up into the seat. Stephanie slammed the door behind her just as one of the wolves reached it, his teeth clanging against the old metal.

The engine roared to life. Stephanie felt the definitive thump of the front bumper grazing one of the wolves as they pealed out onto the side street.

“You might want to put your seatbelt on,” Bennett advised as he slammed his foot on the accelerator.

“What the hell is going on?” She was dizzy and off-balance, barely able to believe what she’d just seen. It’d been terrifying enough to have a wolf in her office, and then doubly scary for him to turn into a man. Actually having the beasts come after her, though, was just too much to bear. “Why did they do that?”

His head swiveled as he checked traffic before flying through a red light, leaving several cars honking in his wake.


“Sorry.” He showed absolutely no sign of slowing down. Bennett maneuvered the big truck like it was a sports car, flinging it around corners and zipping through stop signs as they threaded through several neighborhoods.

Stephanie cringed every time she heard her equipment sliding around in the back. At least it was under the camper shell and wouldn’t be going anywhere. She risked a glance backward through the rear windshield. It was all so typical and suburban. “It’s not like they could really follow us, right?”

“Are you already forgetting they’re not just regular wolves?” Bennett challenged. “They could very easily have a vehicle stashed nearby.”

Stephanie clung to the safety strap as they rounded another corner. “But they’re shifters, right? Like you? Why would they be after you?”

“It’s just not that simple.”

