Page 54 of Owned

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“You will like this one.”

“How do you know? And why is it in the dungeon?”

“If I tell you, then that would ruin the surprise.”

“Felix, your mother’s dagger is in my boot. I am not opposed to using it—” I stop her talking by pushing her against the wall and devouring her mouth. She always knows how to get under my skin.

“You know what happens when you threaten me,” I remind her, biting her plump lower lip. “But that won’t get you any answers. If you are patient, I will reward you when we return to our room.”

Her eyes take on a heavy look, and I am again fighting with the decision of where to take her. But we are so close to our goal. I adjust myself into a more comfortable position and continue leading her down the dark corridor.

To my surprise, she doesn’t say another word. Even when I stop in front of the closed door, she looks up at me expectedly.

“Good Girl. Now you can have your surprise.” I turn the knob and push the door open.

Her eyes widen, and a brilliant, vicious smile spreads across her face.

“Of Felix, you shouldn’t have!” She places a hand on her chest and walks into the room. “Remind me to thank Tia when I get a chance.”

Her steps are slow as she moves to stand over the seething form of her gagged tormentor. Dominic’s eyes frantically move from her to me. I enter the room and lock the door behind me. I then take my time lighting all the torches so that I don’t miss a second of this.

Nyx leaves her new victim pissing himself as she looks at all the ‘toys,’ as she calls them, that Tia meticulously laid out for her. Several bundles of rope, daggers of every length, a blindfold, whips, and some things I am not entirely sure what they are used for.

I pull the only chair in the room to a corner out of the way, but still within a good view. I swallow thickly as she braids her white hair out of the way, exposing her delicate neck to me. My fangs itch to be buried deep into it while my stiff cock pounds into her beautifully wet cunt. I want her claws raking down my back again and her legs tightly wrapped around me. I want—

“Felix, your smell is distracting. If you don’t control yourself, I will make you leave the room,” she says without looking away from the table.

“I’ll behave…for now,” I promise. But damnit, she is irresistible.

My mouth goes dry as she picks up the first bundle of rope and walks toward Dominic. He screams around the gag, but it only makes her smile wider.

“If you scream now, then you won’t have a voice left for when the real fun begins,” she taunts. Everything, including me, disappears from her world. She zeros in on her victim, planning out her justice, ignoring all of her injuries the vines inflicted earlier. The only reason I haven’t demanded them be taken care of first is because they have already stopped bleeding.

It is fascinating to watch her. Her hands carefully and efficiently move with each intricate knot she makes. How she uses the rope to restrain him but not harm him.

“Felix, I need you.” I am on my feet and at her side in seconds. “Thread the four ropes through those hooks up there. Be careful not to twist them.” She returns to the table, trusting that I can finish the job.

It doesn’t take long to get them all how she wants them, even with Dominics squirming and carrying on. I lift him into the air and tie the ropes securely so he doesn’t fall. Once done, I return to my seat and watch Nyx circle her prey.

She is silent, even though I know there is probably so much she wishes to tell him. But that isn’t how she works. She will let her blades do the talking. The first dagger sings and glints when she unsheathes it.

I watch, fascinated, as she removes his clothing and slices over and over again, taking care not to hit any arteries. A couple of times, her eyes roll back, and she quietly moans when his screams get high-pitched and last longer than a few seconds. His blood dripping onto the floor fills in the few silent moments.

She says repeatedly that she doesn’t dance, but my mate is mistaken. The way she moves and flows around her victim while taking him apart piece by piece is so beautiful and graceful—a dance of death and vengeance. I am so lucky to witness it firsthand. I wish I could somehow capture it and rewatch it whenever I want.

Suddenly, she stops. Her hand falls to her side, and she watches him, unmoving. And just when I open my mouth to ask what’s wrong, she grabs his hair and sheers him. Chunks of blonde hair and scalp fall to the floor at her feet, disappearing into the puddle of blood.

His screams and tears mixed with blood flow down his cheeks, making my heart swell with pride as she takes hers back. She nods with satisfaction, then walks back to the table to collect another dagger.

As slowly as she can, she pushes the dagger into his body. She returns to the table and grabs two more. Repeatedly, she grabs more blades and leaves them inside Dominic. Soon, he looks like a screaming, weeping pin cushion.

“I’m ready to go,” she finally says, standing before me. “But we have to put out all the torches before we go. He is to stay in the dark until he takes his very last breath.”

“As you wish.”

I put out all the light while she watches him realize what’s happening. He weakly struggles against the ropes, still screaming around the gag when she turns her back on him for the final time. I shut the door behind us, lock it, and hand her the key to this room.

“This is the only copy.” Her eyes are shiny as she slowly takes it from me. She rubs it between her fingers for a moment before looking up at me once again.
