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“Sit on it.” He instructs of me, his eyes blazing, “this will be the easiest position right now for the first time.”

It’s a little unnerving to know that he’s very well going to be able to split me apart with his massive cock, but I don’t care, I’m just loving every second of it. I keep going back and forth in my head about it, trying to decide what to do. So, I take his length and guide it to my entrance, feeling a bit scared as I feel the blunt, bulbous head against my most intimate places. But instead of holding myself back, I slowly sink down on it, feeling him pierce through me.

I let out a small gasp as he pushes inside of me, feeling so full already. My entire body is shaking from the sheer size of it, wondering why it doesn’t hurt as much as I thought it would. Unfortunately, I’m only able to get about half inside before it’s too much.

“I can’t go anymore.” I warn him, clutching his chest, “is this, okay?”

“It’s more than okay.” He assures me, gritting his teeth together as he holds onto my waist, “you feel so good, Emma.”

“You feel good as well.” I assure him, knowing he is probably worried about doing too much to me, “I need you to just fuck me and make me yours… I can’t do anything else about this.”

I watch his eyes flash at my words, and he slowly starts moving me on top of him, grinding me on his length and brushing against the most perfect places inside of me. I was worrying that I could end up allowing him to touch me in the worst possible ways, but I should have known that this man would do everything in his power to love me and make me feel good. I could be wrong though, I know that, but there’s nothing that I can do about it.

I start to grind my hips as well, feeling him touching me in just the right places and sending my body into overdrive. He’s so deep inside of me, I’m not sure where he started and where I began. I keep thinking that maybe I was going to do this the right way or somehow just accept everything from him in any way that I can but the other part of me just knows that there is no way in hell that I am going to be able to hold myself back for much longer.

He's guiding me, showing me what he likes and the soft groans escaping his lips, I’m sure anyone could hear him. I don’t care though; I like the fact that they can know that he is mine. I wouldn’t have it any other way honestly and if I could do anything about it, I honestly think that I would. I just keep letting him move, letting him take me in any way that he pleases because I’m enjoying our moments together.

The only thing about it is that I wish that I could end up falling harder for him, but I’m also worried about falling for him at the same time because why would he end up liking me so much? I lean down and kiss him, feeling him stiffen because it probably wasn’t expected but I’m okay with that. All I know in this moment is that I want to do everything in my power to make him mine and if I can do that, I’m sure that I would end up being happy with it.

I suppose the best thing to do though is to keep proving it to him.

“I like you, Krylox.” I confess to him, watching his eyes widen with surprise. “I like you more than you might actually think.”

Something inside of him snaps and he ends up jumping me. He pushes me down onto the bed and starts to thrust inside of me like a mad man. I have no choice but to just take it and I do. I feel like I’m being torn to shreds but I love it and every part of me is eager to end up accepting more of it. I thought that he would just continue to fuck me and make me beg for more but there’s no way that I’m going to do that right now without letting everything get to me. I suppose the best thing to do right now is to just take it and not complain.

I feel my orgasm rising inside of me, tempted to let it take over, but I have worried about possibly doing too much. I should have known that it wouldn’t end up being the case as he desperately starts to move his hips and I’m done for. I orgasm so hard, feeling like my entire body has been taken over, and he spills inside of me like it’s nothing. He pumps inside of me, filling me with his seed as he eagerly kisses me, as if he ends up wanting more from me. I don’t know what I want from him but what I do know is that I don’t ever want it to end. I think I might end up crying if that turns out to be the case.

He cuddles close to me, nuzzling my neck, “don’t worry, you’re mine and nobody will touch you.”

I know that I can only believe him because he has absolutely no reason to lie to me.

I guess I’ll find out one way or another, but I just know that he’s it for me…

I can’t believe that I found someone who really likes me in a whole different world.
