Page 10 of Lady of Sin

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“Well, we should taste it, then.” I snap my fingers, using my powers to make waffles appear on the table with different flavor icings. Rellick’s eyes grow wide, comically covering most of his face. “Which should we try first?”

The ecstatic child opens his mouth to respond, but it’s Bree’s words that reach my ears first. “Nuggets first.”

It was said with finality, and yet I couldn’t help badgering her a little. “He’ll be full. Can’t he eat this instead?”

Brianna’s cheeks flush, and she rises from the table. She grabs my wrist and pulls, attempting to drag me away. I give Rellick a wink as I follow her to her room. Closing the door behind me, she spins; furious. “If you ever undermine me in front of my son again, you will never come back!” She’s trying to keep her voice down, but it’s rising with her rage. “I let you stay because you made friends with my son, but I don’t give a flying fuck who you are or who you think you are. We aren’t in Hell anymore! You’re in my fucking house. You want to stay? You abide by my rules! Don’t like something I say or do? Pull me aside and tell me. Or just whisper it to me! Do not ever disrespect me in front of my son again! We clear?”

She was mesmerizing. Watching her stand up for herself was a serious aphrodisiac. I can respect the fact that she is in charge of her own home. I demand it of my demons in Hell. Also, if I want to bind her to me, she has to be willing. If I piss her off to the point of hatred, she’ll never want me. I can play by her rules. “Of course, Honey. I apologize. You’re his mother. What you say goes.”

Her shoulders relax and she lets out a sigh of relief. “Thank you.”

Pushing a strand of hair behind her ear, I lean towards her. “You’re welcome, Honey.” I give her a second to get accustomed to me being in her space. Her chin rises and her gaze drops to my lips. I want her to want me for more than just a kiss. Reaching behind her, I grab the door handle, opening it and moving away. “Should we go back to him?”

The mention of her son breaks her out of her reverie. “Right. Yes. Let’s go.” Bree starts towards the open door then abruptly turns to me again. “Why do you call me Honey?”

“Ever heard the phrase ‘catch more flies with honey?’ Well, as King of Gluttony, I am also known as Lord of the Flies.” I squat down so we’re the same height. “And you’ve caught me, Honey.” I gently kiss the tip of her nose before walking past her to the dining table. She’s still standing there in a daze when I sit, and I don’t even try to suppress the smile that grows on my lips.

9. Bree

Am I crazy? I just went off on a King of Hell! And he apologized! I know I fussed at Lust and choked Pride the night before, but Satan had given me his power. His rage had fueled mine to give me ungodly strength. This time? It was just me. And he apologized! *Internal screams* And then he kissed me… It wasn’t a real kiss. I lifted my mouth for one, ready for Beelzebub to shove his tongue down my throat, but he pulled away. Did I read him wrong? He said I ‘caught him’ so why didn’t he kiss me?

Why did I want him to? Just this morning I wanted to belong to my Sleepyhead. Sloth made me feel cared for. He took care of Rellick. He held us. I want that. From Gluttony.

I mean, don’t get me wrong… I’ve definitely read reverse harem and #whychoose stories before, but I never thought I would have the opportunity to be a part of something like this. Could I have all of them? Do I want all of them?

“Alright, my man. Your mother said after you eat your nuggets. What she says goes.” His deep voice pushes me out of my mind. Good. I have too many things to think about already.

Leaving my bedroom, I sit back in my spot at the table. Gluttony and Rellick have started opening containers of different icings. I look at Rellick's plate, finding it empty except for crumbs. “Wait.” Both boys pause and turn their attention to me. “Did he help you eat?”

Rellick’s round cheeks are full like a chipmunk while he chews. He shakes his head, knowing he’s not supposed to talk while his mouth is full. “He only had a few left, Honey. I listened to you.”

My heart wanted to melt but I wouldn’t let it. All I’ve ever wanted was to be heard and respected. With five minutes and one sentence, he’s accomplished the task. Sins are supposed to be horrible! I already partially fell for one! Why am I on my way to the same place with another?! Fuck! I’m losing my mind!

“Mommy, you want a waffle?”

“Sure, Sweet Boy. I’ll take a waffle.”

Rellick grabs a waffle and puts it on his own plate. “You gotta eat your chicken nuggets first.” He gives a smirk and Gluttony bursts into laughter. Thick as thieves, the both of them. Like they have inside jokes between them, though they've only known each other for an hour.

I watch the demon King of Gluttony play with my precious boy, and I can’t stop the walls around my heart from crumbling. If there was ever a way to my heart, Rellick was it. Yes, treat me right. Be respectful. Take care of me. But to include my son? There’s nothing I wouldn’t do for my son. I would watch the world burn if it meant Rellick would be happy. That sounds so toxic, but that’s how much I love him.

With my plate empty, Beelzebub wastes no time filling it with a waffle. “What kind of icing would you like? We have vanilla buttercream, chocolate, strawberry, or regular white icing dyed whatever color you want.” It’s no surprise that Rellick chose blue icing. It’s his favorite color. Anything that is a solid color in his room is blue. No wonder he liked Sloth. His hair was Rellick’s favorite color.

“I’ll take chocolate please.”

Gluttony’s eyebrow raises and a smirk touches his lips. “Have a preference for chocolate, do you?”

I match his smile with my own. “Maybe.” No use in lying. Sloth said he could taste lies because it was a sin. Safe to say Gluttony is the same.

He takes a scoop of chocolate icing on his finger and holds it up to my mouth. “Here, Honey. Have a taste.” I lean forward, opening my lips to suck it off his finger. It was meant to be a sexy moment.

Beelzebub had other plans.

Before my lips could close around his finger, he swiped the icing over my nose. I sat there frozen while the boys laughed. Did he really just do that?

Without thought, I swipe up some orange icing into my hand and throw it at Beelzebub. It slapped across his face and splattered everywhere.

Rellick took that as permission to throw icing, too. Not a moment later, an icing fight broke out at my table. I should be upset that icing is getting all over the floor, table, and us, but I’m not. We’re having fun and Rellick’s smile is the widest it’s been in a while.
