Page 47 of Lady of Sin

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I let out a chuckle that's quickly turned to a muffled scream when a red portal opens in the middle of my room and my devil steps through.

The moronic incubus steps in front of Satan to plead his case. “I am terribly sorry, King Wrath. I had no idea she would summon me, nor did I know she was your mate. I would have never accepted the summons otherwise. You are more than welcome to send me home. I will gladly go back to Hell.”

His eyes shift to me, an eyebrow raised before his voice speaks in my mind.

I told you not to summon any demons.

You came for me? I thought you only left Hell on Halloween and Christmas.

I do a lot of things out of the normal for you, Milady.

I can feel the blush starting to creep over my skin and Satan’s devilish smirk confirms it. “I should bring you home with me so I can punish you for disobeying me.” Satan blatantly ignores Daemonik who can’t tell if he’s grateful or hurt.

“I would like to go out tonight. It’s my first night in a while without Rellick.”

Satan lets out a huff of laughter, his attention finally moving to Daemonik. “Are you female, incubus?”

“Daemonik, sir.” He holds out his hand for Satan, who takes it. “Not female.”

Wrath squeezes his hand until Daemonik whimpers. “I’m aware. However, I’m allowing you to go on the basis that you protect my Lady. If she comes to any harm, I am holding you responsible.” Satan gives one last squeeze, and I thought I heard a crack. “Am I clear?”

He holds his hand to his chest once Satan let go, cradling it against him. “Yes, sir.”

You are so sexy when you play dominant.

Play? You want me to play dominant with you, Babygirl?

I keep my mind closed off, not answering him. He holds my eyes in a stare-off for a few moments before smirking. I know my attitude just gave me a punishment. “Very well. Have fun. Be safe.” He turns back to the portal that never closed behind him, moving to step through.

Um! No kiss?

He pauses in his exit but doesn’t turn around.

I kiss you; I take you with me.

“Bye, Devil!” His laugh is all I hear as the portal closes behind him. I turn back to the twins. “So, are you ready to party?” Daemera screams her excitement while Daemonik just nods, completely serious now that Satan has given him a job. “Actually, Daemonik. You look way too…. Otherworldly. Are you able to change your appearance as well?” He scoffs, sounding put out, but his skin morphs into a dark brown rather than a pitch black. He looks like a human now. “Thank you. Let’s roll.”

I put on my wedges and grabbed some cash and my ID, shoving them in my bra. I text Josie the plan and tell her to meet us if she can, then secure my phone in my back pocket. Moving to the front door to leave, I pause at Daemera’s voice. “Where are you going?”

“What do you mean? I’m going get in my car to drive to Bourbon.”

“Oh no, girl. Give me your hand.” Curious, I do as I’m told and in the blink of an eye we are in a public restroom. “Why drive when I can flash us wherever we want to go?”

“Where exactly are we?” I’ve never seen this restroom before, not that that’s surprising. The last time I went out to Bourbon was a year ago and I only made it to Hard Rock Café and some back patio with a mechanical bull. I’ve lived in New Orleans for almost five years, and I barely know my way around.

Daemera looks into the mirror and checks her appearance. “This is ‘New Moon’. It’s a supernatural club on Bourbon. Caters to all beings; shifters, demons, ghouls, vamps, basically anything you can think of. And because New Orleans is below sea level, probably ocean creatures, too.”

I've spent the past month with the Seven Deadly Sins, and it never occurred to me that there would be other creatures… And I feel like even more of an idiot because… didn't Envy take me to a supernatural restaurant? I can't wait to get out there now to see what this world looks like.

I shoot Josie a text with our location before stepping out of the bathroom, we enter the club and I'm a little disappointed. It looks like a normal club, with a crowded bar and dance floor. “What makes this a supernatural club? Looks like a normal club to me.”

Daemonik steps in front of us, cutting us off from the crowd. “You shouldn’t have left without me.”

“Oh. Hop off it. You know everywhere I go.” Daemera steps in front of me, blocking her brother’s view of me. “It's the aura of the place. It just feels otherworldly. And the drinks are much more potent.” She grabs my hand, pulling me toward the dance floor while pushing Daemonik out of the way. “Let's dance!”

The succubus starts a sultry dance in the middle of the floor, and I match her movements. I block out the world around me as we dance until her laugh brings my awareness back. “What's funny?”

“Look around us. What do you see?” I take in everything around me, but I don’t notice anything unusual, so I shrug my shoulders. She rolls her eyes. “All the males want to come over here, but they can sense that you’re off-limits.”
