Page 11 of Pucking Wild

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Damn. Alright, it's time to move on. Navigating Sofie is like crossing a minefield. You never know when you're going to step on something and explode.

"Give me a chance, Sofie. I promise I won't hurt you. Well, not unless you ask me to," I give her a teasing smile.

She rolls her eyes, but the corners of her mouth twitch up. She's fighting a smile.

Oh, my little voyeur likes it rough.

"Fine. But this ice is pretty cold, and I did not wear the right outfit for this," Sofie says.

I grab her hands and begin to tow her away from the ice.

"Give me a little credit, would you, Sofie?" I pull us toward the edge of the rink. "Any bozo could clear a stadium and take you on the ice. There's more to this date than just a little skating."

We settle on the bench, comfortable silence stretching between us. Sofie pulls her shoes back on almost as quickly as I do. When I reach for my shirt, her hand closes around my wrist. Her eyes are dark with heat.

"Leave it," she says after a beat. "I like looking at you."


I want to take my time with Sofie, but she's making it hard— making me hard. The way she nibbles at her plump bottom lip turns me on so fucking much. If she keeps it up, I might not last until the end of this date.

"Alright, but no more pictures. Leave the camera here, alright?"

Sofie frowns but slips the strap up and off her shoulder. She sets it on the bench beside her, a million thoughts chasing across her big brown eyes.

"I still need a picture of you I can use, you know." Sofie's brow knits together, even as the corner of her mouth quirks up. "I don't think any of the ones I just took are going to cut it. It would be hard to sell Payton on them anyway."

I take her hands and lead her over to the stairs.

"Trust me, Sofie," I watch the words sink in. "You wouldn't be able to use any pictures tonight anyway."



Twilight in Houston can be unreal.

The sun is just beginning to slink low in the sky. It paints the skyline in ridiculous red and outrageous orange. More like a painting of a sunset than anything that was real. The constant puffy clouds blowing in from the Gulf look more like cotton candy than cotton balls.

The corporate office is the tallest building on the Nest campus. Sixteen stories of spiraling glass and chrome, the building soars up above the stadium and training complex. Parker led me up to the roof, and now the rest of the Nest— and all of Houston— are spread out at our feet.

From my perch at the top of the world, the sunset is twice as beautiful. It makes my palms itch for a camera— any camera— to record it. Even my phone camera would do. But Parker has both my hands in his, and I won't let go of him for anything.

There's a fluffy blanket spread out on the roof, weighed down at the corners with what looks like piles of pucks. A few more are strung up around, almost like a blanket fort. Strands of white Christmas lights run along each wall, giving it a soft illumination.

"How did you get access up here?" I ask, turning to look at Parker.

Parker pulls me close, using his strength to yank me tight against the quiet strength of his chest. We're standing in the middle of the roof, so there's no risk of us going over. It doesn't stop the way my stomach sinks when I lose my balance. Parker catches me, not budging an inch.

"I knew you'd love it. Erik is friends with the maintenance team." Parker beams, and my heart grows three sizes. "He's a romantic at heart, you know. Romance and bribery— a classic combination."

It's hard to picture the stoic Viking as a hopeless romantic.

Parker smiles at me again, and warmth tingles low in my belly. There's something about that smile that makes me want to kiss him every time I see it. Which is rough because it's my job to photograph him hundreds of times a day.

"You're right," I smile up at Parker. "It's gorgeous. I wish I had my camera,"

Parker chuckles, turning me in his arms until my back is to his chest. From this position, I can see the whole campus and beyond. His mouth moves down to whisper against my ear.
