Page 20 of Pucking Wild

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"Who's bluffing?" Payton asks as she steps up, grinning. "We've got enough presence on social media that we don't need them. They're dying. Going extinct. They just haven't realized it yet."

Sofie is next to her, her eyes watering as she throws herself into my arms.

"Careful, I need a shower," I whisper against her hair.

"I don't care. You did all that for me?" she asks, looking up at me.

"I'd do a lot more than that for you, Sofie. I'd do anything."

I know we have a few eyes on us, but I don't care. I don't care if everyone sees how much I love my girl.

"Let's go home, Sofie."



The towering, shady oaks of the Museum District stand at attention on both sides of the road, branches forming an arch like the spears of a military honor guard. Most of them are losing leaves this late in fall, but the shade is still thick enough to cut the heat.

Even in fall, Houston is humid and warm. It's a far cry from the sweltering heat of summer, though.

Parker and I walk hand-in-hand, enjoying the beautiful day. People smile and wave, and one or two fans run up and ask for pictures, but otherwise, we're unmolested.

"I wish I'd brought a camera. You realize I'm going to bring you back here, right?" I ask as we stop to take in the view.

"Yeah, I know. But I'm a jealous man, Sof," Parker says, wrapping me up in a big hug from behind, pulling my back against his chest.

I laugh, shaking my head as I push him away. It's hard to keep Parker's hands off me. I'm still not a big person for public displays of affection. At least, not anywhere we might really be seen.

"You can't be seriously jealous of Nik," I snort.

Parker's grin doesn't fade, but he starts ticking off things on his fingers.

"He's always with you, hanging off your neck. Your hands are all over him. You spend a lot of time with him at work, long hours. You think about him all the time,"

I stop his counting by weaving my fingers through his and, after sneaking a glance to make sure no one is really looking at us, give him a quick kiss.

"Yeah, but you look way better topless," I tell him with a smile. "Also, he doesn't have a tongue. He's never made me scream."

Parker grins, pulling me in closer.

"Time to head home?" He asks, smiling.

I nod rapidly, feeling my need for him rapidly rising.

The Uber doesn't take long, but I can't wait. I start getting handsy in the car. A crowd of people I still can't do, but one person? One person could never keep me from Parker.

Ten minutes later, our clothes are all over the house. I never officially moved in with Parker, but I've got more things at his place than mine.

A devilish thought hits me on the way to the bedroom, so I give him a gentle shove onto the bed, watching him bounce onto his back as I stare at him. I always thought the expression mouth-watering was just an exaggeration, but I can't stop licking my lips as my eyes move up and down Parker's gorgeous body. His muscles have muscles.

"Come here, gorgeous," Parker purrs. His voice, his body, his eyes — all almost too tempting to resist.

"Not yet," I say, smiling coyly.

Then I grab my camera off the dresser, caressing it a little as I hold it up to my eye and focus on Parker's glorious nudity.

"Oh no. Not my hated rival," Parker says, chuckling.
