Page 6 of Pucking Wild

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I take a step closer, reaching out to tap her camera screen.

"I've seen you watching me, Sofie," I say, my voice just above a whisper.

She swallows but doesn't step back. Doesn't make space.

"It's my job to watch," she whispers.

Her eyes are enormous in the low light of the early evening. Even in the middle of The Nest, the ambient light pollution is low. The only thing I can see reflected in her dark eyes is starlight.

Starlight, and me.

"So let me take you out somewhere. I promise there won't be any crowds. Just us," I take another step closer, bringing our faces inches apart.

Her hand reaches up to close around mine and pull it away from her camera. The moment her skin touches mine, it's all over.

She's so warm. I've spent my life devoted to the ice, but that changes when I touch Sofie. Because Sofie is fire in flesh. Sparks leap along my skin as her fingers caress mine, and I watch her eyes widen as I lean in close.

Without another word, I kiss her.

I have to. Fish swim, birds fly, and I kiss Sofie. I don't grab or pull her small frame close to me. Don't sink my fingers into the sweet curve of her ass like I want to. I just lean forward, closing the distance between our lips.

She doesn't hesitate for a moment before kissing me back. Her lips work against mine. Her tongue slides across mine as I slip it against her lips. She even tastes warm, her breath hot against me as we break our kiss.

Before I can pull back, her hands are twisting the fabric of my shirt and hauling me in to kiss me again. This one is more desperate, more passionate, more hungry. She sinks her teeth into my bottom lip as we pull apart, dragging it back just enough to hurt.

The camera slips from her grasp, but I catch it.

"Careful, you don't want to break anything," I say as I hand it back.

Her chest rises and falls rapidly as she pants, her eyes wild. She glances around, shakes her head, and turns to run off.

I let her go. If she needs space, that's fine. I'm already planning our date in our head.

The way she kissed me?

I know it's just a matter of time.



The Nest is the Snowhawks' campus. A combination training facility, arena, corporate office, and housing. It's a revolutionary idea, with no expenses spared in its creation. The entire campus is open to the public, making it a draw to fans and tourists alike.

It's also a voyeur's wet dream. I should know, I've had a lot since I started walking here, all starring Parker.

He's in the gym with Erik and Sawyer, all three shirtless and pumping enough iron to sink a battleship. There's a lot of sweaty, well-muscled male on display, but I only have eyes for Parker.

I can still feel his kiss, his hands. The strength of him left me aching.

Dakota and Payton are flanking me, the former studying the boys to ensure they're not going too hard, the latter pushing them even harder. Dakota takes her manager duties seriously, but Payton is hungry for posts for our growing social media.

I ran last night because I couldn't take it, and jumping him in the middle of the quad wasn't really an option. I ran because getting involved with a player has traditionally been a horrible idea.

Dakota seems happy with Kai, though, and it's clear that management doesn't think there are any conflicts of interest.

But my anxiety still ramps up every time I remember last night. I have negative self-control when it comes to Parker Knight. It's too easy for him to switch my brain off. It makes me feel frazzled. Overwhelmed.

Parker doesn't just make it hard to think; he makes it impossible.
