Page 8 of Pucking Wild

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"Well, Parker did ask me out. I told him no, and then— I don't know. He touched my hand, and then we were just, uh. Kissing," I fumble. My sharp tongue flees in the face of the hockey inquisition.

It's nice to have girlfriends. Sisters. I never had either growing up, and there's something about the easy camaraderie that loosens my tongue.

"Ok, ok. So then what?" Dakota asks, smiling like a cat that ate all the canaries.

I open my mouth to tell her I ran away when Payton interrupts me.

"Wait, wait. First of all, how was it?" Payton asks, her naughty grin sliding back into place.

His kiss quieted the wild hurricane that is my brain.

No, I can't tell them that.

"Good. Sweet. He was a gentleman about it. But, um, I wasn't. I pulled him back in when he tried to back off," I admit. Their smirks are worse than corkscrews in my fingers, torturing the story out of me.

"And then?" Dakota prompts.

Then I wanted to fuck him right then and there.

"Then I ran away," I sigh. "Sofie's social awkwardness wins again. The end."

Silence stretches between us as my friends digest my confession.

"Can we get back to work now? We're missing some prime shots." I raise my camera again and bring the boys back into focus.

Erik and Sawyer are good-looking, but I only have eyes for Parker.

"Told you. Terminal shyness," Dakota says to Payton. I can't see her, but I can hear the smugness in her voice.

I don't deign to answer her, letting the shutter of my camera answer for me. My feelings are too complicated, and I can feel myself overanalyzing them.

"Okay, fine. But that's solvable, right? You just need to go on a date with him, right? He's clearly interested," Payton says, sounding confused.

Dakota snorts in derision. She knows me better. I'm not about to risk my career for a guy, even a perfect one like Parker.

"Sofie likes to keep her distance. She's like a cat," Dakota says.

Parker finishes his set and starts toweling off. There's something about the way the sweat clings to his skin that derails my train of thought. I'm filled with the overwhelming urge to lick every drop off of him.

"Well, that just means someone needs to intervene," Payton huffs. "What else are friends for? Hey Parker!"

Much to my horror, all three of the guys come over. Maybe if it was just Parker, I could handle it, but in front of his teammates? No, never.

"Don't worry. We'll get the other two out of here. Dakota, you go talk to Sawyer about team stuff. I'll deal with our big, dumb goalie. But since I have to spend time with that idiot, Sofie, you owe me. If you don't end up on a date with Parker, I'll do this again in front of everyone."

I glare at Payton, but she only sticks her tongue out at me as Dakota giggles. I want to strangle them both, but the guys arrive before I get my hands around their throats.

"Sawyer, Dakota needs to go over some schedules with you. Erik, I need you outside. Social media never sleeps," Payton says, looping her arm through his and dragging the big Swede away.

Leaving me alone with the man who took my first kiss last night. My second, too. The man I want to take my first everything.

"Well, that was about as subtle as a bag of bricks. I'll take off, alright?" Parker flashes me a smile. "I know you need your space."

Fuck. Why does he have to be so goddamn perfect all the time? It makes it so hard to be human by comparison.

"No," I say. My voice is barely a whisper.

"No?" Parker raises an eyebrow, still smiling.
