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I hold my breath as he continues to assess me, his stern and watchful eyes wakening all the insecurities that I’ve been so good at drowning in a sea of mostly illegal substances. The feeling of self-consciousness rises, making me painfully aware of the rags the witches have put me in.

You’ve survived an encounter with a coven. You’ve survived having your mind invaded, my wolf reminds me with an angry growl. You did what he sent you to the military camp to do. You did that and much more. Don’t you dare look away first. Let him see our pride, our power, and our strength.

My wolf’s words resonate deep within me, allowing me to release my breath and take a new one. He’s right. My father holds no power over me anymore. I’m a man now, a king in the making.

“Let’s go to the conference room,” my father says, already turning on his heel to walk away. “You’ll tell us what happened.”

“No,” I say to everyone’s surprise, including mine.

My father stops in his tracks, his body standing still as if frozen. Ever so slowly, he turns his head to look at me with an unreadable, but far from pleasant, expression on his face.

“With all due respect, Father,” I start with a firm but polite voice, not wanting him to get the wrong idea. “Alyssa and I have been through a lot and would like to rest for a bit. We can talk tomorrow.”

It’s then that my father looks at Alyssa for the first time. His nose scrunches up in disgust, no doubt seeing her as nothing else but a mere commoner.

“Very well,” he says at last, then waves his hand in the air, summoning a servant. “Show her to the guest room.”

“No need,” I say, gesturing with my head for the servant to get lost. “She’ll stay with me.”

My father’s nostrils flare, his eyes narrowing when he meets mine. “I’ve let you have the freedom to do more than I’ve ever allowed any of your brothers. I won’t have you insult me by bedding a whore in my own house.”

I take an abrupt step forward, the possessive wolf inside me reacting to his words. I’ve never dared to disrespect him by facing him so directly, but I won’t let anyone insult Alyssa. Not even my own father, my king.

“Careful,” I warn with a low voice. “You’re talking about my fated mate, my soulmate, and my future queen. You’ll do well to start treating her that way.”

My father’s hands clench into fists by his sides. I tense my muscles in preparation to intercept the punch, but it never comes. The tension in the air is palpable, weighing heavily between us, so stretched that even the dullest knife could cut through it with ease.

While I haven’t been the best son, nor well-mannered in the slightest, I always knew my place when it came to respecting my king. It’s the first time that I’m standing up for myself, which he already dislikes, but the fact that I’m doing it in front of an audience must drive him absolutely crazy.

“Sleep well,” my father says at last, the two words releasing all the inflated tension like the popping of a balloon.

While he might not be happy about me taking Alyssa to my room under his own roof, he’s not a fool and knows better than to stand in the way when it comes to fated mates. He’ll have no choice but to accept her, and maybe not immediately, but with time, he’ll have to learn to show her the respect she deserves as my future queen.

I briefly meet my mother’s eyes over my father’s shoulder. They’re shining with silent joy as she’s watching me in an entirely new way. My chest warms up as I realize that I like these subtle changes.

I reach for Alyssa’s hand and give her a reassuring squeeze. There’ll be time tomorrow for introductions and an opportunity to come up with a suitable punishment for Tiana. All I want now is for us to be alone, process the sudden bond, and talk about what we’ve been through.

“Wait,” Alyssa says before I can pull her to the safety of my room. The weight of everyone’s eyes turns to her, but she keeps her chin high. “What about my pack? Are they okay? I need to see them.”

“They were located shortly before you two,” my father replies, a hint of approval in his voice. “As far as I know, they’re all alive.”

Except for Tom, my wolf whispers.

“Thank you,” Alyssa says and bends her head at the neck.

Her hand still in mine, I use the opportunity to gently pull her after me and guide us in the direction of my suite. As we navigate the labyrinth of hallways, I spy Grayden in the far corner. Without bothering to slow down, I give him a subtle nod in acknowledgment. He returns it with a ghost of a smile playing on his lips.

I open the door to my room and then step aside to let Alyssa enter first. She hasn’t said a word to me since I called on the Sacred Darkness to heal her, but I know that she’s been carefully observing my interaction with my family, and that right now, she’s taking in the suite that belonged to the many generations of heirs apparent.

She lets go of my hand and approaches the regal white four-seat sofa, adorned with gold. The two sofa chairs on each side are a part of the same collection as well as the little table in front of it.

Her eyes take in the wall decorations that I never paid much attention to before, but now suddenly worry that she might not like them. I follow her gaze, trying to determine if there’s anything that might be deemed insulting. Fortunately, the pictures are all from respected painters such as Leonardo da Vinci, Rembrandt, Klimt, and Picasso. Naturally, they’re all originals, as one would expect of a person of my stature.

The decorative furniture doesn’t interest her nor do the vases with fake plants or sculptures that even I have no idea about what they’re supposed to represent. The old me simply wanted to collect the most expensive shit, which would allow me to brag in front of my so-called friends.

Alyssa moves past the riches I’ve collected throughout the years and goes through the double doors that lead into the bedroom. Her eyes momentarily stop on my king-size bed before she continues her inspection until finding the open door of the bathroom.

“Do you mind if I wash up first?” she asks, her voice quiet and strange, which is unsurprising considering how close to death she came.
