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The stronger the family, the wilder the fights, my wolf retorts, and I’m forced to agree with her.

“Father, if I may, I’d like to say something before we start,” Garren says and waits for King Grey’s permission before continuing.

While King Grey’s nostrils still flare, he cocks his brow in curiosity. Garren’s words must’ve caught him by surprise because he seemed to cool down a bit.

“I want to thank you for sending the Pack of Shadows after us,” Garren tells him when his father finally allows him to talk. “I don’t know whether you did it for me or to keep my knowledge out of the witches’ hands. I don’t know, and I don’t want to know because all that matters is that you got us out, and for that, I’m grateful.”

King Grey’s black eyes shine with icy coldness and zero emotion. Despite the hard facade, he still manages to tilt his head ever so slightly, giving his son a subtle nod.

“I would also like to get ahead and address the new development before any of you start making any ideas in your heads,” Garren says, and though his lips are curled up into a small smile, his eyes are looking over at his family with all seriousness. “It is my honor to present you all the Alpha of the Dark Hunters and my fated mate, Alyssa Hunt.”

The announcement definitely got everyone’s attention, and even Graham dropped his gadget on the table with a thump. I lift my chin, determined to defy anyone who’d dare to step in between destined soulmates. While I half-expected Garren’s brothers to have heard the news, it’s clear that King Grey didn’t deem it important enough to update them.

I know he’s our king, but there’s something rotten about the old bastard, my wolf comments and makes an exaggerated sniffing sound.

We don’t get to choose our superiors, I remind her as a lifetime of servitude demands that I show him respect.

“I thought that getting you out of the witches’ grasp was good news, but you never cease to surprise me, brother,” King Gavin says, being the first one to recover. His eyes turn to me and though, as a king, he isn’t allowed to bow in any way, his expression manages to convey acceptance and pride. “It truly is an honor to meet you, Alpha.”

“The honor is all mine,” I reply, meaning it in more ways than one.

“Now that we’ve dealt with this useless bullshit, might I suggest that we tackle the actual problems?” King Grey says, unable to keep disdain off his face. “I want to know everything that happened.”

King Grey nods at Graham, who presses a button on his tablet before sliding it to the middle of the table.

“While we’re keeping this conversation private at first, bits and pieces will be shared with our advisors and generals to know more about the threat we’re dealing with,” Graham explains, indirectly addressing the fact that there are only six of us in the room.

Before we can start, I reach under the table and put my hand on Garren’s leg, hoping that he’ll understand the meaning. I’ve waited long enough. I’ve rested and processed certain parts of the hellish scenario we’ve been through. I’m ready to know.

“How many casualties amongst the wolves?” Garren asks, reading my mind. “I want another confirmation that the Dark Hunters are okay.”

Grayden glances at King Grey who gives him a nod. Garren’s younger brother opens a file in front of him and clears his throat.

“The witches have all been killed. Nine of them in total,” Grayden says, starting with the enemy. “Tiana, the Alpha of the Pack of Shadows is in an induced coma, her wolf is working hard to heal her injuries.”

“I think I speak for everyone when I say that you better have a good explanation as to what happened to her,” King Grey warns, then signals for Grayden to continue.

“As far as the Dark Hunters are concerned,” Grayden goes on, then pauses as he glances down at the file to double-check. I hold my breath, bracing myself even to hear about a member of my pack’s death even though I saw it with my own eyes. “Delta Tom Lowe has been found dead.”

May he run through the green hills with the wolves, my wolf says with respect.

“Delta Esme Kane has been taken to our private hospital downtown, and while they’ve put her in the intensive care unit, her life isn’t in danger,” Grayden reads before closing the file. “The rest of the wolves are back at camp. That’s all.”

“What happened to Esme?” I demand, my voice strained as I struggle to keep the emotion out of it. “Why wasn’t I notified about her condition when we first asked?”

“Is she okay?” Garren asks, sounding genuinely worried.

They’re friends, my wolf says just as I remember one of Blaine’s reports where he mentioned that they were inseparable. While there’s no evidence of them having an intimate relationship, it’s clear that Garren cares deeply about the girl.

“We’re not quite sure because the statements vary too much,” Grayden replies. “While some say that they heard chanting, which leads us to believe that she’s been cursed, others insist that something was spilled on her, which means that her affliction is due to a potion or some every chemistry experiment gone wrong.”

“What happened to her?” Garren asks again, forcing the words out through gritted teeth.

“The best as we can tell is that she’s been subjected to the effects of some horrible acid-like substance,” King Gavin replies, his voice much gentler than Grayden’s. “Her whole body’s been horribly burned and disfigured. The only reason she’s alive is thanks to her wolf’s fast healing powers. It’s quite a miracle.”

“I doubt she’ll see it that way,” Grayden comments with a low snicker, his nose scrunching up in disgust.

Garren slams his fist against the table, the power of his strength resonating through the room. His eyes are locked firmly on Grayden, who seems surprised by his older brother’s reaction.
