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I’m not only back in the same military camp that I’ve called my home for most of my life, but I’ve returned as a wolf with a mate, which will surely earn me a bunch of comments from my family.

“There she is,” my sister announces when I enter the office of the Alpha Captain, who is also known as my mother.

I momentarily ignore my sister to give my mother a salute that’s warranted when stepping in front of a superior. When my mother returns it, I turn to my sister with a big smile on my face.

“It’s good to see you, Mal,” I tell her before pulling her into a quick hug.

Malia makes an exaggerated sniffing sound and even scrunches her face in mock disgust. I roll my eyes, bracing myself for whatever comment she managed to come up with on such short notice.

“You smell like you’ve been more submissive than usual,” Malia says, and though she sounds like she’s teasing, I can tell that she wants to know just how much of an Alpha spirit remained in me.

“Such things don’t exist when you’ve found your equal,” I reply, letting her dwell on it.

Malia tilts her head to the side, her brows furrowing in confusion. I hold back a smile as I watch her, admiring her lean body and familiar face. Now that we’re older, the six-year age difference isn’t as noticeable, and we could be easily mistaken as twins. In so many ways, it’s like looking in the mirror, except that where my lips are narrow, hers are plump, and her jaw isn’t as square as mine.

“Is Blaine still as hot as I remember?” Malia asks, changing the topic.

“He’s my Beta,” I reply, hoping that this will spare me from talking about his physical looks, especially now that the only wolf I can think about is Garren.

“Still as dull as the last time we saw each other,” Malia teases and jokingly punches my shoulder.

“Are you two quite finished yet?” our mother asks, looking at us with a bored expression.

“Yes, Ma’am,” Malia and I reply as one, slipping into our familiar roles.

“Sit down then,” Mother orders, gesturing to the empty chairs in front of her desk. “We should address the fact that your mate is no other than the future Grey king, but unfortunately, we don’t have the time for that right now.”

Thank the gods for small mercies, my wolf exhales in relief, not looking forward to discussing the topic of Garren with anyone, much less my own mother.

“We’ve gotten the memo from the royal advisors, which is why I had Malia and her Lightbringers come to the camp first thing in the morning,” Mother continues, talking to us like the Alpha Captain that she is. “I’ve also read the report on your experience with the witches. Are you and the Dark Hunters in shape to go on this mission? If not, this is your chance to speak up.”

“We’re good to go,” I assure her, my heartwarming as the memory from an hour ago washes over me. Seeing my two Betas, Blaine and Sarah, and the rest of the pack was exactly what I needed. Garren seemed just as happy to be reunited, although the shadow on his face told me that he was missing Esme.

The medicine progresses every day, making incredible steps toward new discoveries, my wolf says, following my train of thought. Some plastic surgery will surely help fix her looks, and the healing process will be a lot faster thanks to our superior species.

If only it was that simple, I say, not needing to go deeper as she knows what I’m talking about. If it’s acid, there’s hope for Esme yet, but if it’s a spell, its effects aren’t as easily reversible as something made by a human.

“There will be two packs wielding Darkness,” Mother continues, her eyes on Malia. “Are your Lightbringers up to the task to support them?”

“Our kingdom is mostly known for its dark abilities and as the wielders of light, and yes, it’s true that we’re a rarity that falls on the opposite side of the power spectrum. In many ways, it’s the same as if the ice wielders such as the Lafayette pack join the fire wielders. It’s unseen and unheard of but only because they hate each other’s differences too much to put them aside,” Malia says with ease, no doubt needing to deliver that same speech to many superiors who have dared to question her. “However, we’re the one pack that dedicated our training exclusively to collaborating and partnering up with the many packs of Darkness. Alyssa can confirm that.”

“Lightbringers and Dark Hunters are very familiar with each other,” I say when Mother’s eyes turn my way. “It wouldn’t be our first mission together, which is also why I asked King Grey to let them join us.”

“Have you met King Gavin?” Malia asks, her eyes shining with excitement. “I’ve wanted to get his Pack of Shadows to partner up with Lightbringers for so long, but always got the same disappointing answer. I can’t wait to see if he’s just as hot in person as he is on the pictures.”

“Are you seriously telling me that you wanted to train with his pack so you could spend more time with him?” I ask in disbelief, not exactly shocked by the idea because, despite all her talk about being a dominating Alpha, Malia always had an attraction to powerful males. For a long time, Gavin was the most powerful in the Grey kingdom. He probably still is.

“Don’t you dare answer that,” Mother orders, not appreciating where the path our comments have taken us. She clears her throat and regards us with a strict expression that is so intense I have to fight the urge to check my ponytail to confirm not a hair is out of place. “You know what your job is, and you know where to go. There’s only one more thing I want to tell you two.”

Without realizing it, Malia and I both lean forward, not wanting to miss even a word that our mother has for us.

“I’m very proud of you, and I’m sure that your father would be as well if he could see how far you’ve come,” Mother says softly in her rare show of emotional vulnerability. “Stay safe and look after each other. The pack is important, but family comes first. Don’t forget that.”

“No wolf left behind,” Malia and I whisper in reply, a little saying that my family always liked to use.
