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If we didn’t have heightened hearing, Garren might’ve pushed his brother further, but because we are wolves, he lets the matter drop.

Good riddance, my wolf says with a low snicker.

“If there proves to be resistance and any one of you doesn’t accept Alyssa as your future queen,” Garren continues, his tone firm and serious, “I will abdicate before the ascension and leave everything behind without a second thought. I didn’t know what living really was until I met her, and I didn’t know what true happiness felt like until our bond clicked into place. I will do anything and everything to not lose that, to not lose her. So, I warn you now not to push me.”

While Garren’s father’s face is a dark mask, his eyes shine with rage and disapproval. My gut twists painfully when I realize that Garren will have to throw it all away to be with me. He will have to renounce his title to be a commoner like me. He will be forced to build his life from the ground up, learning how normal people with no servants have to live.

“I too know what it feels like to find your fated mate,” King Gavin says, being the first one to speak up after Garren’s impromptu speech. “I too know what it feels like to be willing to leave everything behind in return for happiness. Because I know how important it is and how incredible it feels, I give you an official vote of support in the name of the Lafayettes. I’m pretty sure Leia would agree with me and endorse your decision. As the neighboring kingdom, we accept Alyssa Hunt as Prince Garren’s future queen.”

“Hear, hear!” Graham exclaims and claps, for once not having any kind of gadget in his hands.

As Graham and Gavin congratulate Garren, Queen Grey closes the distance and pulls me into a hug that’s surprisingly warm and genuine. An earthy scent mixed with the smell of fresh flowers fills my nostrils, making me feel more at home than anything else ever could.

“Welcome to the family,” Queen Grey whispers, her arms tightening around me in an embrace that one would reserve for a daughter.

“Thank you,” I reply, saying the only thing that comes to mind. I didn’t want to sound rude by not saying anything at all and showing a healthy amount of gratitude when it’s due has never failed me before.

Gavin approaches me next, and though he also pulls me into a hug, his is more controlled and respectful. The warmth emanating from him still manages to make me feel welcome and accepted as one of them.

“You’ll outrank them soon enough,” he says with a barely audible voice. “Until then, keep your head down, but don’t forget the way they treat you or how they talk to you.”

Quite a vengeful prince, my wolf chuckles, nodding her phantom head in approval.

King, I correct her, determined to show him the respect that he earned by fighting side by side with us and bleeding like one of us.

Graham comes next and as the shy introvert I pegged him to be, he offers me a hand. When I give him mine, he covers the top of it with his other one, the gesture both old-school as well as gentlemanly.

“It will be a privilege to call you a sister,” Graham tells me and even though there’s no need for that yet, he bows his head slightly in respect.

“And you a brother,” I tell him, pleasantly surprised just how much I meant it.

The only one left to acknowledge our union is King Grey himself. I hold my breath, bracing myself for the insults and discrimination that should’ve died with the times. If Royals don’t keep one foot in the modern world, they’ll be left behind and forgotten.

“Father,” Garren says and though it sounds polite enough, it’s also a thinly veiled warning for King Grey to pick a side.

“We’re both very happy for you,” Queen Grey says, then pointedly looks at King Grey, whose eye is twitching as if he’s having a stroke. “Isn’t that right, Gael?”

At the sound of his name, King Grey seems to recover himself. He turns his face into what looks like an almost polite expression. His eyes trail from the youngest of his sons toward the oldest. While King Gavin meets his father’s gaze straight on, Graham pretends to be occupied with an invisible speck of dust on the shoulder of his jacket. I don’t even want to check what look Grayden’s giving his father, and I can only hope that he’ll heed Garren’s warning.

“First of all, I want to remind you all that I’m still the patriarch of this family and the king of this kingdom, so what I say goes,” King Grey announces, his dark eyes dangerously narrowing.

Garren’s hand finds mine, and he gives me a comforting squeeze. With his silent reassurance, I can breathe again, knowing that whatever happens, he and I will be okay.

Growing up, I heard plenty of stories of wolves that found their fated mates, but I’ve never met any in person. It’s extremely rare for those bonds to actually click into place. I used to lay in bed and wonder how to find the one wolf that was put on this earth for me amongst all those millions upon millions of souls. It seemed virtually impossible that my soulmate would come from the same kingdom, much less become a part of my pack.

Destiny has a sick sense of humor, and fate really has a funny way of doing things.

“That being said,” King Grey continues, “I want to propose that we extend an event that’s been long overdue, but only now we can all agree with certainty that it’s well-deserved.”

Because she knows her husband better than any of us, Queen Grey’s face is the first one that relaxes, the small and proud smile on her face making her look several years younger.

“I’ve been a king for a long time, and I think it’s time that I spend some quality time with my wife,” King Grey says, giving his queen a loving smile that brings a look of surprise on the faces of the four brothers. They must not be used to seeing affection between their parents. No kid wants to think about how they were conceived.

“Next week, I will officially step down and give my crown to Garren,” King Grey continues, his eyes on his oldest son. “We will have a coronation straight away, but because I would like to make my approval official and my acknowledgment public, I propose that the extended part of the coronation is your wedding.”

“M-my wedding?” Garren stammers, undoubtedly caught off guard by his father’s encouragement.

“Yes,” King Grey confirms, then steps forward and holds his hands up in front of me. I hesitate only a moment before I put mine into his. He gives me a squeeze that conveys more than words ever could. It speaks of welcome, happiness, and hopes for a great future.
