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“I don’t know.”

“When will they get here?”

“I don’t know. Soon, I suppose.”

“You should come back and help us.”

I scoff and shake my head, fighting with the urge to go back to strangle her with my own bare hands. “I’ve warned you,” I tell her slowly. “What you do with the information is up to you. I hope that you’ll choose to save lives instead of sacrificing everyone.”

“Thank you for telling me,” Hekate says with a voice that makes it clear she has no intention of leaving. “I have to go now. There are calls to be made, things to set up, and strategy to discuss.”


“Don’t worry, little sis,” she says almost soothingly. “This won’t be the last you’ll hear from me.”

Hekate hangs up before I can get another word in. I can’t even decide whether the last part was meant to be a threat. I just hope she’ll heed my warning and save as many witches as possible.

I have to trust that she has a plan. I have to believe she won’t recklessly sacrifice our own people.

After a quick glance toward where the laundromat is, I begin walking in the opposite direction. I did what I could to warn them and now I have to keep my promise to Grayden. I call a taxi to get far away from here as quickly as possible.



It’s been days since the attack on the witches.

While I’m relieved that Helia’s okay, I’ve also been dealing with a lot of guilt for betraying my own people. I can’t believe I picked her over my own family. She’s practically a stranger. Granted, a very sexy one, but still a stranger, nonetheless.

Don’t forget the most important part, my wolf unhelpfully adds.

Yeah, yeah, she’s a fucking witch, I grunt in reply.

I can’t believe I have to attend Garren’s coronation as if nothing happened. What’s even worse, I can’t believe that Father agreed to publicly accept and welcome a lousy commoner into our fold.

Yeah, Alyssa’s hot, but she’s not marriage material. Her military standing should allow Garren to fuck her without raising brows, but this is a whole new ballpark. He’s even claiming she’s his fated mate as if that makes it better.

I keep my head down as I sit next to my mother. Even though I know it’s not true, I worry that all the people in the church know what I did. Their attention might be turned to the throne in the front where Garren will get crowned, but I can’t shake a feeling that everyone’s silently judging me.

Keep it cool, my wolf warns.

I wipe my clammy palms against my pants. Someone must’ve cranked up the temperature because it sure is hot in here.

The grand door opens, and everyone gets up. I follow their lead, hoping that no one will notice my little delay. Gavin and Leia seem too busy watching Garren. It’s an achievement for Graham to be away from any of his gadgets, but here he is, smiling at our brother’s approaching figure.

The moment Garren arrives at the altar, he’s being escorted to the symbolic throne. I begrudgingly admit that he cleans up well, wearing the Gray’s official royal regalia of black and red colors.

I know as a wolf I shouldn’t be saying this, but we have way too many gods, my wolf complains, pretending to yawn. After listening to the archbishop saying his prayers for the last twenty minutes, I have to agree with him.

Yay, they gave him the scepter and the crown, I comment sarcastically.

Be grateful that it’s the last part of the coronation, he replies.

Followed by the kneeling and his speech, I remind him. Oh, and don’t forget the fucking wedding.

My wolf groans and sends a mental image of us clawing our eyes out. I suppress the urge to roll our real eyes, but only because it would suck to be accidentally caught doing it and having it considered to be an insult to Garren. While I never cared about the throne, I do care about my future queen being a commoner.

Are you sure that’s what’s really irking you? my wolf teases, apparently having the ability to see something I can’t.
