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“It won’t be easy,” he warns, and I nod. “Our efforts might backfire on us.”

“As long as we’ll give it our all, I’ll know that we did everything we could to give us a chance,” I tell him, surprising even myself that I genuinely meant every word of it.

Grayden chuckles softly and shakes his head.

“What?” I ask, gently smacking my palm against his chest. I’m smiling, feeling lighter with the knowledge that I’m not alone in this. He will be by my side no matter what happens, and who knows, maybe together, we actually stand a chance.

“I just can’t believe that I’m going to go against my family for witches and humans,” he says, his tone one of disbelief. “Out of all of us, I’ve been the biggest hater of everyone that’s not a wolf.”

“What changed?”

“You invited me to San Francisco for what was probably the best weekend of my life,” he tells me with a low chuckle. “I’ve spent the evening around humans, chatting and laughing with them as if they were my friends. What started as an attempt to impress you and to lure you into my bed, ended with me realizing that they’re not that different from wolves. Yeah, they’re a lot more fragile and vulnerable, but they can be just as annoying as most wolves. They’re also funny, generous, and kind. They can be fun if given a chance.”

“What about me? Did your view of me change when you found out who I really was?” I ask, then hold my breath in anticipation. I’m not even sure why I asked him that. I just hope his answer won’t hurt me.

“A bit,” he admits as he absentmindedly runs his fingers up and down my bare back. “I wanted to hate you. I tried really hard but couldn’t. You might be a witch but that doesn’t change the fact that your heart is good. You are kind, caring, and compassionate. You saved me when I was a stranger. I wondered if you would have done the same knowing who I was, and no matter how I turned things around, I’m convinced that you would. It’s who you are. It’s why I can’t help but keep falling for you. Deeper, harder, and faster than ever before.”

His eyes meet mine, his words hitting the softest spot in my heart. My eyes tear up, the corners of my mouth slowly lifting up into a wide smile.

“I keep falling for you too,” I say back, then push myself up to kiss him. He wraps his arms around me, holding me close as our lips pass along everything that can’t be put into words.

This is what I want. He is who I want. I’ll fight both for our happiness and for him. We both will.



These last two weeks, Helia and I have spent every moment together when she wasn’t working. We’ve brainstormed ideas on how to best tackle our current predicament. When we weren’t having sex, we talked about each other, using the opportunity to get to know one another.

The more time I spent with her, the more determined I got to find a solution to our problem. The witches and the wolves don’t need to be enemies. We can co-exist. Of course, there would have to be certain rules established, but if we do things well, it could work.

Humans do it all the time with all the countries they have, societies, and organizations. We wolves have kingdoms as well, plus we are separated by the continents. If I understand Helia correctly, the witches aren’t that different. They have their covens and alliances. As far as I can tell, we’re all the same, just that we use different names.

I enter the Grey Manor’s dining room. A quick glance around the table tells me that I’m not the last one to arrive. While Graham, Gavin, Leia, Mother, and Father are already seated, Garren and Alyssa haven’t arrived yet. I can’t say that I’m surprised because Garren has never been known for his punctuality.

“Hi,” I say in their general direction, not bothering to go around the table and greet them one by one.

My mother gives me a big smile that warms my heart. She’s the only one who I can say for sure will love Helia. I wish I could be a better son for her, but that’s just not who I am. I’ll never be a fighter like Gavin, or a tech whiz like Graham, or simply a firstborn son like Garren. I’m our family’s black sheep which is a role I embraced a long time ago. Surprising enough, even that I had to fight Garren for. It might’ve been the only battle that I’ve ever won. Either way, my mistakes have never stopped my mother from loving me. She is without a doubt the kindest soul that has ever lived.

Unfortunately, Gavin has already claimed the seat next to Mother. My Father’s on her other side, so that leaves me either sitting next to Leia or Graham. I like Leia just fine, but I’m in no mood for small talk.

Graham tears his gaze from his phone when I slide the chair out, but that’s about all the attention I get from him, which suits me perfectly. At some point, I will have to talk to my family about Helia, but I don’t know how to start the topic. It’s not like I can just tell them that we need to end the war because I’m dating a witch, and fighting could ruin my chances of getting laid.

Garren and Alyssa pick that moment to saunter into the dining room like they own the place.

He is the king now, you know, my wolf comments, picking at my irritation.

Garren walks to his usual place at the opposite head of the table when Father stands up from his chair and says, “No, Son. This is your seat now.”

Is this really happening? I ask my wolf, unable to believe my own eyes. My Father is offering his throne-like seat to Garren, which means that Mother would have to move as well to make space for the commoner queen.

“Please,” Father says with a proud smile on his face. He’s mellowed down in these last few months. “I insist. You’ve done an amazing job in a relatively short amount of time. Our people love you. Both of you. They love a queen that still goes to work, albeit part-time, and they love a king who knows how to delegate to get more work done. Consider me impressed.”

For fuck’s sake, I mutter to my wolf, who’s been rendered speechless by this whole scene.

Garren looks around the table, his gaze landing on me last. I narrow my eyes at him, unable to hide my disapproval. My lips are pressed into a thin line to keep me from saying something that would get me in trouble. Under the table, I clench my hands into fists, digging my nails into my thighs.

“Thank you, Father, but that’s okay,” Garren tells him. The bastard actually has the nerve to reject Father’s generous offer. “There’ll be plenty of time for that later. We’re amongst family, so there’s no need for a formal seating chart.”
