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I glance up when she offers me a hand. I’ve already pushed my luck more than it should be allowed and the only reason why I’m not getting beat up is because she’s giving me a chance.

Maybe we should take it, my wolf suggests.

Not wanting to dig myself an even deeper hole, I take her hand and allow her to help me up. Graham moves my chair a bit closer and I sit down, saying a silent thanks to my wolf for working his healing on my ribs.

“What’s going on?” Alyssa asks me again, looking determined to get to the bottom of it.

You would have to talk to them eventually, my wolf says. Maybe it’s better to do it fast. You know, rip it off like a band-aid or something like that.

The longer we wait, the angrier they will be, I agree, trying to hype myself up and gather the courage to tell the truth.

I scratch my itchy stubble. The stress of the situation’s been getting to me, and I haven’t properly groomed it in days. I look at Garren, who is also my king now.

“I’ve done something bad,” I say, hating myself for sounding embarrassed and apologetic. While I do feel guilty about betraying the wolves, I don’t regret saving Helia’s life. If I had to, I’d do it all over again.

“What did you do, Son?” my father asks me with a grave expression on his face.

With my history, they probably don’t even dare to take a guess. There could literally be millions of things I’ve done, but I’m sure that the one that I’ll tell them now is something that would never cross their minds.

You can do this, my wolf encourages. It’s now or never.

“I’ve warned the witches that you’re coming,” I confess, and though I have to force the words out at first, later they burst out of me like an unstoppable current that’s been held back for far too long. “I didn’t mean for any of the wolves to die, but I also didn’t want her to die. You have to understand that I love her. I know I shouldn’t, but I do.”

The shock on everyone’s faces is enough to get me to stop talking. I try to wait patiently as they process my words, but the silence stretches for far too long. The tension in the air is palpable. Even the dullest of knives would cut through it with ease.

My father’s already dark eyes are now pitch-black as he undoubtedly holds his Darkness at bay to keep himself from killing me on the spot. Graham’s eyes are wide, his arms limp by his sides. The phone is now forgotten in his hand though its screen is still lit. As if I’m an actual threat, Gavin positions himself in front of Leia and their unborn baby. His eyes are assessing my every move. Even the shadows around him have turned darker and thicker. My mother is the only one whose expression didn’t change, her eyes shining with just as much warmth as before my announcement.

“You’ love...with...a witch?” Garren asks, his face a picture of disbelief.

Alyssa’s a lot better at hiding her emotions. Her expression is a neutral mask. It must be the Alpha in her.

It’s a good skill for a queen to have, my wolf comments.

Maybe we didn’t give her enough credit, I reply to him.

I lock my eyes with Garren’s, hoping that he can see how sorry I am. My only goal was to keep Helia safe. I didn’t intend to betray them.

“Yes,” I confirm, forcing myself to hold his stare. “You have to believe me that I didn’t mean for this to happen.”

“You warned them that we’re coming!” Garren snaps, thick tentacles of shadow creeping up his arms. “Alpha Jenkins is dead. A lot of good wolves died. Do you understand how serious this is? While we’ve been trying to save our species from extinction, you had the answer for it this whole time.”

Shit, my wolf curses.

If Garren decides to strike me with his powers, there’s nothing I can do to protect myself. My basic education and non-existent fighting skills won’t help me this time.

You have other skills, my wolf reminds me, a hint of urgency in his voice. Use them!

“It’s not like that,” I argue, hoping against hope to make them see my side. Maybe, just maybe, if I tell them about her, they might understand where I’m coming from. “She doesn’t have anything to do with it. She’s nothing like her sister. She’s good, and kind, and compassionate towards all species.”

Garren takes a step toward me, but Gavin stops him, lifting his index finger in the air as his brows furrow in thought.

“Wait a second,” Gavin says, tilting his head to the side ever so slightly as he narrows his eyes at me. “Who exactly is this witch of yours?”

They’re paying attention, my wolf says. This is already going better than we could’ve ever dared to hope for.

“Her name is Helia,” I reply, then shut my eyes to hide myself from the disappointment on everyone’s faces and conjure up the image of her beautiful face instead, taking the strength from her wide smile and her beautiful green eyes. I gather all the courage I possess to finally say, “She’s Hekate’s twin sister.”

With my eyes still closed, I don’t see Garren leave the room but I hear the door slamming shut and Alyssa calling after him, “Garren, wait up!”
