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“What? Can’t I come and visit my sister without having some hidden agenda?” Hekate teases, faking an innocent smile that makes me shudder. “I wanted to have a cup of coffee with you and chat.”

“Okay,” I say slowly, knowing that I can only push her so far. Hekate will only ever reveal what she wants to and whenever she wants to. We’re all just pawns in whatever game she’s playing, so I might as well get along with it. “No milk and no sugar?”

“Pure black,” she grins. “Just like my soul.”

I nod. “I’ll be right back.”

“Take your time,” she tells me. “I hope you don’t mind if I take a look around.”

“Knock yourself out,” I say over my shoulder before disappearing into the kitchen and sending a quick text to Grayden.

Hekate is here.

I put on water to boil and take out two cups out of the cupboard. My hands are shaking, and I jump for my phone when it buzzes with Grayden’s reply.

What do you mean?

I take a deep breath, trying very hard to keep my cool while also getting frustrated with Grayden for wasting time on explanations. Hekate has a crazy ability to read me like an open book. It must be a twin thing.

As quickly as I can, I type back a string of messages, sending them one after another.

She came to my apartment to hang out.

We never do that.

She’s never been here before.

Something’s wrong.

She knows.

“What are you doing?” Hekate asks from the kitchen’s doorway, startling me into nearly dropping my phone.

“Waiting for the water to boil,” I reply, then hold my phone up for her to see. “And checking on work. They want me to come in to do an earlier shift tomorrow.”

Hekate studies me for the longest of moments. Her eyes don’t reveal anything. There’s only an emotionless cold void in them.

“Okay,” she says at last, seemingly accepting my explanation. I release a breath I didn’t know I was holding, allowing my muscles to relax ever so slightly. Hekate smiles and walks to the fridge. “You still drink yours with milk?”


I finish off the coffee and then pour it into two cups. Hekate tops mine off with a bit of milk before returning the carton back to the fridge. She takes her cup and goes back to the living room. I do the same, following her more out of habit than anything else.

Hekate makes herself comfortable on the sofa as if she’s been here many times before. I push away the unexpected sadness of the fact that she’s sitting here and not Grayden.

“Are you going to get that?” Hekate asks, nodding at the phone in my hand.

Grayden has sent me dozens of messages back, but I can’t risk opening them in front of her. Knowing my sister, she would lean closer and read them if given the chance.

I smile and shake my head. “It’s my day off. I’ve already told them I can cover Liam’s shift.”

I’m hoping that adding a detail would make the story more believable. Hekate nods like we’re having a normal chat, then makes it even worse as she leans closer and turns it into a girl talk.

“Are there any hot doctors in that hospital of yours?” she asks with a level of excitement that I’m not sure is entirely faked. “I’ve always had this fantasy about hot men in uniforms. Usually, it’s about firefighters and cops, but doctors in their cute white coats sound good too. Please tell me that Liam is one of those hotties. He sounds Irish. Does he have an accent?”

I stare at her with my eyes wide and my mouth open. I don’t know who this person sitting next to me is, but she’s nothing like the Hekate I grew up with.

“Who are you and what did you do with my sister?” I ask, trying to make it sound like a joke but in reality, watching her like a hawk.
