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That’s what I did. I’m guilty of that.

I deserve to be punished for it.

The blood of countless wolves, witches, and humans is indirectly on my hands. No amount of water will be able to wash it off. But maybe there’s another way...I must believe that.

I shut my eyes, trying very hard to conjure an image of hope, something that will get me through the torment and suffering that Hekate will release upon me. My throat swells up with emotion, and I nearly cry out in surprise when his handsome face comes into view.

An image of Grayden appears, his lips curled up into a playful smile. Though his dark eyes shine with mischief, they’re also full of love. His dark curls are brushed back, and held together with hair gel, leaving a clear view of his faded sides. His stubble is groomed, its length short enough that it resembled more a five o’clock shadow than a beard.

He’s wearing his usual tailored black suit, but this time, his tie is loose around his neck. He crosses his arms, his bulky biceps threatening to pop out the stitches. His white shirt fits his body perfectly, highlighting his toned abdomen.

My dry mouth waters at the memory of his touch. My neck tingles with the phantom sensation of his kisses. My heart aches with the idea of the possibility that he’ll never be mine again.

No matter how much Hekate tries to cleanse me, how hot of a fire she burns through my veins, how cold of water she uses to wash away my sins, there is one thing that it’s too late for her to change. My heart doesn’t care about us being different species or about the centuries-old hate. My soul recognizes his as good, claiming it as my own. I am his by choice, by want, and by desire. There’s nothing more powerful than that.

The door to the basement opens again, the ray of light from upstairs finding its way down, piercing the darkness. I close my eyes, blinded by the sudden change, giving them time to adjust. A low click, followed by a stronger beam teasing me through my shut eyelids.

“I’m sorry I’m late,” Hekate apologizes, talking casually like we’re meeting for coffee or something. “We’ve got official confirmation of the Linda sisters being murdered by the wolves, along with part of Jasmine’s coven that was sent to help them bring their prisoners.”

I keep my mouth shut as I connect this new information with what Grayden gave me. These must be the ones that captured his brother and his mate.

“Speaking of Jasmine,” Hekate continues, and though her tone is cold and emotionless, I can tell she’s trying too hard. My aching muscles tense as I brace myself for what I’m sure will be heartbreaking. “She died in the attack. She was killed fighting your precious wolves. I saw it with my own eyes.”

Silent tears fall down my cheeks. Grief so strong and overwhelming that it knocks the breath out of me, hitting me harder than a physical punch ever could.

“I tried to warn you,” I force out, tasting salt on my tongue. “You should’ve gotten them out.”

I slowly open my eyes to see Hekate’s hateful gaze on me. While we were never as close as twins usually were, at least, we never hated each other. Until now.

“It’s time for your cleansing,” Hekate tells me, her tone one of pure ice.

“Do what you have to,” I challenge, then shake my head and chuckle softly in disbelief. “The funny thing is that out of the two of us, I always believed you to be the better one. It’s a shame that it took me twenty-seven years to realize what a disappointment you truly are.”

Hekate’s eyes blaze with green flame, her face contorted with undiluted hatred. She extends her arm toward me, her fingertips nearly touching my heart. I hold her gaze until the very last moment, wanting her to see the defiance in me. During her preparation, I don’t flinch, wanting to show her how unafraid I am. Despite my current bravado, I urge myself not to feel any shame for crying out, maybe even begging for the pain to stop. The archaic spell she’s wordlessly weaving is unnatural, inhumane, and forbidden.

The agony hits me when she finishes whatever incantation she said in her head and leans forward just enough to close the distance between her fingertips and the spot in my chest where my beating heart lays.

The blinding, burning sensation is aimed at my heart. It’s rapidly increasing beating pumps it through my veins along with my blood.

If my body was numb before, now it’s screaming, every muscle demanding to be heard. It feels as if ripping myself apart is the only way to bring me some relief, but chains prohibit me from even scratching the fire out.

The scream is quiet, the agony too great.

As suddenly as it started, the pain stopped. The phantom burns are too severe for me not to feel its lingering pain, but at least there’s a sliver of relief no matter how short-lived. The migraine hits me like a freight train, making me yearn for that pitch-black darkness.

With her thumb, Hekate forcefully lifts my eyelid. First one, and then the other. She makes a tsking sound.

“You’ve popped several blood vessels in both eyes,” she comments, and mercifully, she lets go of my eyelids, allowing me to keep them shut. Her loud voice adds to the drumming in my head. “You’re weaker than I expected. We should take a break, or I might accidentally kill you.”

I must’ve blacked out because I don’t remember her leaving. The pain is still heavily present in every part of my body. The darkness and a quick involuntary nap seem to have soothed my migraine a bit, but not enough for me to be able to think too clearly.

I taste salt where my tears have dried on my lips.

Desperation and hopelessness have taken root in me, growing stronger than ever. The agonizing pain combined with the never-relenting burning sensation is proving to be an effective fertilizer.

My head hangs limply with my chest awkwardly pressed against my neck. I wouldn’t be surprised if I’ve dislocated my shoulders. The weight of my body is too much for my weak arms to support for hours on end.

A low, startled sound escapes my throat. My sixth sense feels a presence that my eyes can’t detect. Not until the impossible happens and the darkness becomes even darker, forming the shape of...a wolf as big as a horse.
