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The dust in the air burns my eyes and makes it hard to breathe. I look toward where I last saw Grayden. His wolf form is buried underneath the rubble. He’s not moving, and I can’t tell if he’s breathing.

Next to his tail is a siphon dagger. Hekate’s fingers are loosely curled around the leathery hilt. She doesn’t seem to be moving either. Now’s my chance to do something. I have to stop her. Grayden can’t die for a cause that has nothing to do with our generation.

I try to move, but my leg isn’t only pinned down but also crushed. It’s a miracle that I’m even conscious. Chances are that when I move the chunk of wall off my leg, I’ll fall into shock and become useless. I need to do this without moving from my spot.

I have to use magic.



I’m almost done, my wolf tells me with a straining voice.

His warm healing power washes over me, knitting together my open wounds and fixing my internal ones. The pain dims until there’s none left.

Open your eyes, I urge my wolf, reminding him that we’re in his form.

He obeys and we take stock of the basement. The ceiling has collapsed, leaving the stairs upstairs in partial ruin. There is some rubble on top of us but nothing too heavy.

Try to move, I suggest.

He wiggles our ass to shift the legs underneath us. Carefully, he tests our strength by putting some weight on them.


The voice comes from behind us.

Helia! I call out, trying to connect with her mind.

“Be careful. Hekate…” she forces out, then trails off when a violent cough overcomes her. “Next to you.”

My eyes land on Helia’s frighteningly pale face. She’s trapped under a big piece of rubble. One of her hands covers her mouth to protect her from the dusty air. Her other hand is stretched toward me, and her eyes are intently focused on something on the ground.

It’s Hekate, my wolf growls.

The siphon dagger and Hekate’s hand are immediately visible. Her body is covered with a heavy layer of dust, camouflaging her with the environment. The index finger on the hilt twitches.

She’s waking up, I say to my wolf. We have to get out of here.

He groans with effort as he tries to stand up. We’re still too exhausted.

I just need a second, my wolf tells me. I shouldn’t have fully healed us.

Helia makes a throaty sound, followed by a small green spark that flies from her fingers. She grunts in frustration.

What are you doing? I ask Helia a question that’s on my and my wolf’s mind.

Trying to protect you, she groans with effort as another flimsy spark just barely appears at the tip of her fingers before dying down.

You don’t need to pro—

My wolf and I howl in pain as one. A blinding pain slashes through our abdomen with a power that seems to suck the very essence of life out of us. The warm blood pools underneath us, sticking the fur together. We glance down at Hekate who’s holding onto the dagger to make sure we don’t pull it out.

A piercing, guttural scream comes from Helia. A green beam shoots from her fingers and straight into the dagger. With her power touching, all three of us are connected through the ancient siphon.

Life…my wolf groans. Helia.

I immediately understood his meaning. Despite the insufferable pain, I will our body to shift. My wolf retreats into us, leaving the control to me. I don’t have much anyway, but I’ll do whatever I can to make sure Helia survives.
