Page 18 of In His Office

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The door opened, and at once, Hunter’s piercing blue eyes found mine. He looked as composed as ever, though the slightly undone state of his attire suggested that maybe I’d flustered him too. His shirt was wrinkled and when I glanced down…

Oh my god!

My heart skipped a beat, and I mentally scolded myself for the reaction.

Keep it professional, you little slut.

“Mr. Blackwater, I’m so sorry to intrude again. I left my phone on your desk,” I said quickly, my words rushed, hoping to make this as brief as possible.

He stared down at me like he was trying to figure me out. His gaze was intense and unyielding, like a wolf sizing up its prey.

For a moment, I dared to meet his eyes, and in doing so, I felt a jolt run through me. My heart palpitated rapidly in my chest, its rhythm erratic and loud in my ears. I was acutely aware of every breath, every slight movement, as if the air around us was crackling with a silent, potent energy.

Finally, he stepped aside, gesturing for me to enter. As I walked over to his desk, I could feel his eyes on me, intensifying the already overwhelming awareness I had of him. I grabbed my phone, clutching it like a lifeline to my chest before I turned around.

“Thank you,” I murmured, avoiding his gaze, desperate to leave the room and the thick tension behind.

As I clutched my phone, a realization began to dawn on me, one that was both exhilarating and terrifying.

I’d flustered him.

He was a man who seemed to epitomize control and composure. There was something undeniably satisfying and attractive about seeing him off-balance, even if just for a moment.

However, as I turned to leave, Hunter’s voice stopped me in my tracks.

“I hope your PR work isn’t emulative of forgetting your phone,” he said, his tone sharp, edged with frustration.

I turned back to face him, meeting his gaze squarely. My heart pounded in my chest, and a mix of annoyance and attraction coursed through me. I spoke before I could stop myself.

“Rest assured, Mr. Blackwater, my professional conduct is nothing like my occasional lapses in personal organization,” I replied, my voice steady but my body betraying the intensity of my emotions.

We stared each other down, the air thick with unspoken challenges.

Finally, I broke the gaze, needing to put some physical distance between us to regain my composure. “Thank you for your time,” I added, more out of professional courtesy than a desire to continue the conversation.

“And yours, Miss Davis.”

“Is this how you treat all your potential business partners, Mr. Blackwater?” I retorted, my voice laced with a mix of sarcasm and challenge.

He raised an eyebrow, clearly not used to being called out. “Only those who manage to leave an impression,” he shot back, his tone a blend of annoyance and something that sounded suspiciously like respect.

I crossed my arms, not willing to back down. “Well, then I suppose I should take that as a compliment. For the record, I never let personal oversights interfere with professional commitments.”

Hunter leaned against his desk, his posture relaxed but his eyes never leaving mine. “I’ll hold you to that, Miss Davis.”

“Understood,” I said, with as much sarcasm as I could muster. I didn’t know why I was poking the bear, but I couldn’t stop myself. I just wanted him to know that I wasn’t just some pushover who wouldn’t stand up for herself.

No. That wasn’t me.

Hunter’s gaze intensified, and for a moment, I thought he might step closer. I swallowed heavily, trying to gather myself when he paced towards me in two long strides. I took a step back, but his arm shot out and his fingers wound around the back of my neck. His hold was gentle, but firm as he pulled me in towards him.

His lips crashed into mine. The kiss was an intense rush, a mixture of the pent-up tension and the underlying current of something more that had been simmering between us. It was assertive, yet there was an unexpected softness to it, a hint of something more than just raw desire. His lips moved against mine with a fervor that matched the intensity of our earlier exchange, speaking a language that words couldn’t quite capture.

I found myself responding despite my initial shock, drawn into the kiss by a force I couldn’t quite understand. It was as if all the verbal sparring and the heated looks had been leading up to this. My heart raced, pounding against my chest with an intensity that mirrored the tumultuous feelings overwhelming me.

As the kiss deepened, it was like a dam had been broken. His hand on the back of my neck was both a command and a caress. For those few seconds, nothing else existed but the two of us.

When the kiss finally broke, I was left breathless, my mind a whirlwind of confusion and clarity all at once. The realization of what had just happened, of the line we had just crossed, was incredibly daunting.
