Page 64 of In His Office

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“Maybe the press would listen to a statement from the two of us,” she continued, her eyes bright and eager. “It would be the best way to control the narrative and prevent it from being sensationalized.”

“I don’t want us to jump and react too quickly,” I said thoughtfully, turning over her strategy in my mind. It certainly was a valid one, but I was unwilling to open her to that level of scrutiny based on a simple threat.

“I think we should talk to the press,” she continued. “It’s better to take the horse by the reins than to let it spiral out of control.”

“We could always try it,” Brenda said, her expression thoughtful.

“Not yet. Let me talk to Richard again and see if I can get a read on him.”

“It could be a good idea,” she countered.

“We’ll see. Just give me a little time to think it over,” I said.

Brenda nodded, gathering her things and rising from her chair. The rest of my team followed her out, leaving me and Morgan in the conference room together.

“Are you worried?” Morgan asked.

“Yes, I am,” I admitted, my chest tightening. “But I also know that there’s nothing I won’t do to protect you.”

Morgan gave me a soft smile. “I trust you, Hunter. We’ll figure this out.”

* * *

The next day, I’d come into the office for a while before the planned meeting with Richard. Concerned for Morgan’s safety, I’d demanded that she head out early and go home.

Much to my surprise, she didn’t really put up that much of a fight, and I was planning on rewarding her for that later with my mouth in between her delicious thighs. She deserved to come good and hard for me for being such a good girl.

Now it was late enough that the office was abandoned, save for me.

A knock on the door interrupted my thoughts, and I looked up to see Richard standing in the doorway.

“Come in,” I commanded.

Richard sauntered into my office, his eyes casually scanning the room with an air of arrogance. He paused at my bookshelves, picking up the picture frame holding the photo of the children I worked with at the orphanage, examining it with a sneer before setting it back down.

“You’ve got quite the setup here, Blackwater,” Richard said, turning to face me with a smug expression. “It’d be a shame if your little philanthropic ventures got tarnished by scandal.”

His thinly veiled threat made my blood boil, but I kept my composure, albeit barely. “What do you want, Richard?”

He chuckled, leaning against the bookshelf. “Just what we agreed upon. Half a million, and these photos disappear.”

I leaned back in my chair, fixing him with a steely gaze. “And if I refuse?”

Richard shrugged nonchalantly. “Then I guess the world gets to see what you and your lovely lady friend have been up to. Not to mention, I might take a particular interest in your charity work. Who knows what I might uncover about those little orphans?”

The implication was clear, and it took all my restraint not to leap across the desk at him and rip his head from his shoulders.

Instead, I stood up slowly, my voice low and menacing. “Listen carefully, Richard. I’m a man of many resources and connections. You don’t want to make an enemy out of me. Cross me, and you’ll find yourself in a situation you can’t weasel your way out of.”

Richard raised an eyebrow, a smirk playing on his lips. “Is that a threat, Blackwater?”

“It’s a promise,” I replied sharply. “But I’m willing to pay your price, on one condition—you leave me, Morgan, and the orphanage out of your sleazy scandals permanently.”

He pondered for a moment, then extended his hand. “Deal. I get my money, and you all become perfect strangers to me.”

I shook his hand firmly, feeling a sense of distaste. “You’ll get your money. But remember, the world I come from doesn’t take kindly to threats against children or innocent people. And though I’ve stepped away from that world, I still have friends—friends who don’t play by the rules. Friends who, if I asked them to, would make sure you’d disappear without a trace.”

Richard’s smugness wavered, replaced by a hint of apprehension. He set the picture frame down carefully, his demeanor shifting. “Alright, Blackwater. I get your point. Your money for my silence. And I won’t bother you, the lady, or your charity work again.”
