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Cheesy Christmas songs played in the background, adding to the festive vibe. None of us were fans of the season, but I couldn’t help smiling anyway, much to my surprise.

I ducked my head around the door to see Eva lifting a heavy baking tray out of the oven. Just as she turned, her apron caught on the oven door, and I clocked the exact moment she realized the tray was in jeopardy of tumbling to the stone floor.

“No!” she cried, but before she dropped it, I was there.

The fucking thing was blisteringly hot, but I grabbed it anyway, placing it down on the granite worktop.

“Oh my god, you’ve burned your hands!” She looked at me in horror. “Are you crazy?”

Irritation sliced through me. I didn’t need anyone fussing over me, least of all a human.

“I’ll be fine,” I snapped. My jaw locked, and I closed my eyes for a moment, forcing my temper down.

“No, seriously, you need to get something on those burns!” She tried to reach out for my hands, but I jumped back. Hurt flashed across her face, but she didn’t touch me again.

“Eva, just fucking leave it. I heal fast. By morning, my hands will be fine.”

“But I don’t want you to be hurt!” Something jagged in her voice made my chest feel heavy. Her pretty blue eyes glistened with tears and my wolf howled in my head. He was angry with me for upsetting her. Well, fuck him.

I ground my teeth and took a deep breath. “I’ve had a lot worse, trust me.” The cookies distracted me; they smelled divine. Thank fuck they hadn’t ended up on the floor.

“Really?” she sniffed, looking unconvinced.

“Yeah, been shot, stabbed, hit by a truck, bitten many, many times, and broken multiple bones.”

The color leeched from her cheeks, and her jaw dropped. “How are you still here?”

I shrugged. “Like I said, we heal fast. Unless it’s a mortal wound or the blood loss is too severe, we usually pull through.” I glanced at the cookies again, my irritation forgotten. “Are these for us?”

Eva flushed. God, she was fucking adorable. Not that I planned to let her know that.

“Yes, it was supposed to be a surprise. Guess you may as well have one.”

“Guess I will.” I reached out and grabbed a cookie. It practically melted in my mouth with a burst of sweetness and tart blueberries. Delicious. I had to admit, I was impressed.

“This is good,” I told her, and she beamed.


“No, it’s awful,” I replied, deadpan, then instantly regretted it when her face fell with disappointment. Fuck, why was I such an asshole?

“Oh, maybe I messed up the recipe.”

“Eva…” I reached out and touched her wrist. She was so tiny. I could snap her delicate wrist with two fingers. She jumped in surprise, not used to the casual contact. “I was kidding, baby, it’s perfect.”

A smile quirked my lips as she folded her arms across her chest and glared at me. “Then why be such a dick?”

My half-smile turned into a full-blown grin. My kitten had come a long way in the last couple of weeks.

“Because that’s who I am, baby. Better get used to it. I’m not a nice guy like Cole or Silas.” She bit her plump lower lip and my traitorous cock thickened in my pants. I liked this new attitude a bit too much.

“I don’t need you to be a nice guy,” she whispered. “Just stop acting like you don’t care.” She turned away from me and I reached out, grabbing her wrist again.

“Does it matter if I care?” I was curious.


The correct answer to Tanner’s question was, yes, it did matter. A lot had changed, and I was beginning to realize walking away from these stupidly hot men would not be easy.
