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“Wow…” I had no clue what to say. Can you hear me? I looked at him while attempting to transmit my thoughts. My brain stuttered. Had I fallen into a sci-fi movie and any minute now, Keanu Reeves would leap out in a cool leather trench coat?

He winked. Sure can. Why don’t you bring your sweet ass over here so you can try my cake?

My eyes narrowed. Is that a euphemism for something dirty?

Tanner strolled in, scrubbing the stubble on his jaw. He frowned when he saw Cole and me staring at each other in silence. Me annoyed and him smirking.

Can you hear me too? His eyebrows shot up in surprise, and then he grinned with delight.

Looks like my little human learned a new trick.

She’s not a show pony, asshole!

Oh my god, if I have to listen to you two bickering like old women, please tell me how to shut down the connection or I’ll lose my shit!

Cole snorted. “There’s a knack to it. Imagine three doors inside your mind, one for each of us. Close the doors to shut down the connection.”

I did as he suggested, while feeling utterly ridiculous. He and Tanner both looked at me.

“Did you hear me?” Cole asked.

“No?” I smiled. It had worked! I caught him and Tanner looking at each other and quickly realized they were shutting me out from whatever they were saying to each other.

“Hey! Not fair!”

“Don’t be mad, baby. I was just testing the connection.” Tanner pulled me in for a kiss. His hands slid down to my ass, and I stifled a groan as he grew hard against my belly, which conveniently distracted me from the fact they’d just had a conversation without me. Call it women’s intuition, but despite Tanner’s oh-so-casual explanation, I had a suspicion he was hiding something.

I resolved to quiz him later, preferably when sex hadn’t killed my IQ.


We need to talk, I told Cole via the mind connection. I loved that the telepathy worked now Silas had mated our female. It didn’t always when there was a human mate involved. But when it did, the ability to talk in a mate’s head was incredibly useful.

OK? What’s happened?

Someone’s been watching the cabin.

From Eva’s frown, she sensed I was talking to Cole and excluding her. The way she pouted was adorable. I couldn’t resist pulling her in for a kiss, which made me hard almost immediately. I swear, this woman was my addiction.

A niggling voice in my head reminded me that falling for Eva was a repeat of my obsession with Jessie-Lynn, but I told that fucker to shut up. Eva was nothing like Jessie-Lynn. She was sweet, and unlike Jessie-Lynn, most definitely not a traitorous bitch.

Yes, I was slightly obsessed with her sweet body and the way she only had to look at me to get me hard, but this was a healthy obsession because, again, she was my mate.

It would have been easier for sure if our mate was a shifter female, as they were naturally strong and far better able to defend themselves, but something told me that being mated to a shifter would only have made me miserable. The last thing I needed was a female trying to get the upper hand all the time.

I was too dominant for that. My wolf liked how Eva was naturally submissive. He wanted to protect her. We both did.

It felt like fate had dropped her in our laps - literally. She needed protecting, and we were the best wolves for the job. There were very few wolves stronger than us in these parts, other than perhaps Rufus.

I smirked to myself. If protecting Eva gave me the opportunity to fuck up some people, I was on board for that. My wolf was too. He couldn’t wait to disembowel that fucker who’d abused our sweet mate. We were both looking forward to tearing the cunt’s throat out.

Not that we had any intention of allowing our female to witness his demise. She’d experienced enough trauma in her life; she didn’t need the visual of me tearing a man apart. Bad optics, as Cole would say.

Eva moaned softly as I nibbled her neck and pulled her tighter against my erection. Fuck, I really needed to sink inside the wet heat of my mate.

Just as I was planning to steal her away, Cole coughed loudly and ruined the moment. Fucking cock blocker.

I bristled with annoyance. But he had a point. Fucking my - our - mate could wait. He and I needed a conversation. Silas too. The asshole was nearby, probably in his office, moving money around like fucking Warren Buffet.
