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“Jesus, did you hit your head so hard you got fucking amnesia? Jarod shot the bastard. Wolves aren’t impervious to bullets, you stupid cunt.” He laughed while tugging me close enough that I could smell his stench.

The lock on my memories cracked open, and it all came back: the man chasing me, being held down in the snow, and then Cole’s wolf coming to save me before being shot. I remembered the way he lay bleeding out.

The pressure in my head increased. I tried to feel my connection to Cole, the golden tether that linked us, but it was dead. No matter how hard I tried, I couldn’t sense him. Or any of them.

Were they all dead?

A sob escaped me. If they were dead, I had no reason to live.

“Don’t listen to him!” Lily yelled. “He’s a lying motherfucker!”

“Shut your mouth, you little bitch!” Brent growled, temporarily releasing me so he could backhand Lily. She took the hit, spitting blood, and then retaliated.

Brent grunted when her small fist connected with his kidney. Before she could land another punch, he pulled a gun from his waistband and pointed it at her head.

“Touch me again and you’re fucking dead!”

“Go on, I dare you. Let’s see how happy the big boss is when you kill his best fighter, dickhead,” she taunted.

I shook my head, trying to clear away the emotion. If Lily carried on like this, he really would kill her. Brent wasn’t known for his self-control.

“Leave her alone!” I pushed in front of her, knocking the gun back. “It’s me you want, so here, you got me.”

I didn’t have the will to fight him anymore. What was the point? He was too strong, and besides, if I fought back, he’d shoot Lily just to spite me. That’s the kind of evil bastard he was. Everything was a teaching opportunity for him.

“You’re damn right I got you, baby girl. I plan to make you suffer for leaving me in debt to Carlos. He refuses to pay as much for you because you opened your fucking legs for the freaks, but since you’re no longer a virgin, I can sample the goods before he sells you.” He yanked me to my feet, ignoring my whimper of pain. The way my stomach roiled, I wasn’t sure if I could keep the vomit down. Part of me hoped I threw up all over his shoes, just to please him.

“Don’t let him take you!” Lily pleaded, but I had no choice.

What Brent wanted, Brent got.

And he wanted me.

He always had.

I was his favorite toy.

The toy he liked to play with in the most brutal of ways.

And the worst bit?

This was my future until death took me.

A second man appeared in the doorway. He looked at Brent and frowned. “What are you doing? You better not be fucking with the merchandise. Carlos won’t be happy if these bitches get damaged outside the ring.”

Brent yanked me away from Lily. Several strands of hair tore loose, but the sting helped ground me. Some of the fog in my brain cleared. Maybe this man had the power to get rid of Brent? If the fucker wasn’t here, he couldn’t hurt me, and I’d have some time to figure out how to get Lily and the other girls away.

Thoughts of Cole lying lifeless in a pool of blood threatened to derail me, but I shoved them down. I could grieve later. Brent had offered me no proof any of them were dead, so for now, I had to believe he was lying. Lily was right, he always was a lying fucker.

“I’m not interested in the shifter bitches,” he sneered. “But this one’s mine.”

The second man squared up to Brent. He was slightly taller, with harder muscles and dead eyes.

Brent was a cop; he spent a lot of time sitting behind a desk. And it showed. He liked to think he was Mr. Invincible, but in truth, without his buddies there to back him up in a tight spot, he was just a bully who liked to hurt women.

“Really? I heard she was Carlos’s property.” The guy folded his brawny arms across his chest.

Brent ground his teeth and tightened his grip around my neck. “She is, but I need a few minutes with her.”
