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Tanner reached down and stroked my clit in small, shallow circles. I shuddered. So much pleasure, but not quite enough to push me over the edge. Cole’s cock pushed in another couple of inches, stretching me wider.

“Too much,” I gasped.

Tanner rocked his hips, distracting me with shallow thrusts that further stoked the fire. Each time he moved, my breasts brushed against his hard chest. I was aching and needy. Desperate to find a release.

My plan to seduce my mates had backfired spectacularly. I knew now how stupid I’d been to assume I was in control.

Silas’s gaze fixed on my face. “Look at me, sugar,” he said, stealing my attention from Cole and Tanner. I turned slightly. He was so beautiful, he took my breath away.

They all were. Sleek, hard muscles. Gods made flesh.

“Open your mouth,” he ordered. My eyes widened when he stepped closer. The salty flavor of him burst on my tongue as he pushed inside my mouth. I loved the taste of my guys. They were always clean, with a subtle hint of musk and male.

Silas groaned softly as my tongue explored the metal piercing on the underside of his cock. It felt strange against my tongue, but each time I prodded it, he jerked a little. I guessed it was as good for him as when he licked my clit.

I swirled my tongue around the crown, focusing on the seam below the piercing. Salty fluid leaked out, and he growled, grabbing my hair and pulling back out.

“Fuck, Eva, that feels too good. I need a minute.”

Cole grasped my hips and pushed in deeper. I couldn’t move. Then they both began to move in tandem. One in and one out. Each slow, teasing drag sent bursts of pleasure shooting through me. Nerve endings I hadn’t known existed fired deep inside.

I was embarrassingly wet. Tanner’s thighs were probably soaked by now, and as for the sofa…

Everything faded. My body clenched hard around their cocks. As my lips fell open, Silas cupped my chin and pushed back into my mouth. Just as he groaned long and hard, pumping down my throat, I toppled over the edge into ecstasy.

Tanner bit down on my neck as he came, adding a sharp edge of pain to my pleasure. I was dimly aware of Cole following him with a heartfelt groan.

I rested against Tanner’s shoulder, my body sated and my mind hazy, while his cock softened inside me. The slow beat of his heart steadied me. As my eyes drifted shut, someone, probably Tanner,lifted me up in his arms and carried me back into the bathroom.

Water cascaded down from the shower heads, hot clouds of steam filling the room. My mates washed my body and then wrapped me in a thick, fluffy towel. They placed me in Tanner’s bed and I was asleep before my head even touched the pillow.


Taylor Swift sang about douchey boyfriends while I hummed along as I chopped vegetables for tonight’s stew. We were all pretty fed up with venison at this point, but there was so much of the damned stuff in the massive chest freezer in the barn that it seemed wasteful not to use it. Cole thought the pass over the mountain would reopen any day now the thaw had finally arrived.

The roads in the valley far below had been clear for a while, but it took longer for the snow to disappear this far up the mountain.

Spring was on the way; I could feel it in the air.

Just this morning, while out searching for berries, I’d spotted a few green buds peeking through. I couldn’t wait to see what the forest looked like without a thick blanket of fluffy snow everywhere.

I smiled when I thought back to the day I first arrived here. Back then, all I could think about was escaping and heading to the city. I’d stupidly believed Brent wouldn’t find me. I should have known better. Brent would always have found me. He was too damned motivated.

Tanner had uncovered all kinds of horrors while searching through various tech items recovered from Carlos’s estate. The shifter fight ring had been running for months, with girls stolen from packs all over North America.

With Tanner’s help, the FBI team working the case had located most of the girls, and the few still missing would likely be found soon.

Thank God Lily and Jessa were safe and back at home, where they belonged. Knowing Lily, she’d have ended up in all kinds of trouble if Tanner hadn’t rescued her that night. The girl didn’t know when to shut up.

She’d been bugging Tanner about setting up a fighting club. Every day, she sent him messages with new ideas. He bitched about how much of his time she took up, but I knew he liked the idea.

To be honest, I thought it would do Lily good. She needed something to focus on. As much as she claimed she was unaffected by her kidnapping ordeal, I saw how haunted she was when she thought nobody was paying attention. Jessa too.

The girls had been spending a lot of time together while Jessa’s father, the Misty Falls Alpha, helped Rufus deal with the fallout of Carlos’s trafficking ring.

Carlos was still on the run. Nobody had seen him since the night the shifters stormed his estate. Rufus’s guys had found a hidden tunnel leading from a small storeroom on a lower level. They believed this was how he escaped since it came out in an old barn a mile away from the main house. Tire tracks indicated he’d had a vehicle stored there, which meant he could be anywhere by now.

Even overseas if he had a fake ID, which Tanner said was likely.
