Page 10 of Finding Forgiveness

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I felt a charge in the air when I stepped into the main room. My eyes immediately trailed to my daughter, who has been a little too friendly with the club girls since shit went down with her mother, and Taz claimed Bellamy. I’ve tried talking to her, but I feel like she has been pushing her brothers and me further and further away, and I’m not sure what the fuck to do about it. She’s grown and throwing a tantrum, but the friction she is causing in the club is becoming a problem that I’ll have to step in and handle soon.

I watch my woman as she glides toward the whores, who are getting too bold for their own good. With the whores focused on her and not paying attention to Princess, my daughter quickly fixed her face, and I didn’t miss the look of hatred she pointed at my woman. When she looks at me with wide, innocent eyes, she isn’t fooling me–she hasn’t for a long time. The closer Savvy gets to her table, I see the fear and uncertainty in her eyes; no matter how much she tries to hide it, it’s there. I continue to watch as she squirms in her seat.

Finally, the club girls recognize that they may have taken shit too far, and one by one, their lips stop flapping. Princess tries to keep up the ruse when they look at her for direction, trying to be subtle, but I see the uncertainty bleeding out of her. She refuses to make eye contact with me now that she has my undivided attention. Trying to keep up the game. No doubt understanding that I’m not impressed and will not step in for her this time.

Pushing my chair back with a little more force than necessary, letting everyone know I am watching and not happy with what is happening. Holding my hand up, when I notice Bellamy trying to get up from her man’s lap. She is too damn volatile and would most likely end those bitches without a second thought. Her mother is far more pragmatic when it comes to dealing with the whores. Bellamy isn’t having it. She tries to escape her man's hold to be at her mother’s side. Taz whispers in her ear as she struggles and curses him. My eyes narrow, and I shake my head. Letting her know her mother can and will handle this–her way. She is our queen, and it is her right. All the brothers know this, and the club girls will learn real damn quick.

Since the shit starters and most brothers are here, there is no better time to make her place and status known. I know my woman may never forget, and I will have to do a hell of a lot more groveling, but this moment is a step in the right direction. Allowing her to assert herself in the club will solidify her claim, even if she doesn’t know it.

Bellamy is cussing and hissing like a damn cat as the whores continue to snicker. They aren’t talking, but the amusement at riling her up shines in their eyes. And the bitches that were once showing a healthy dose of fear are renewed by Princess snickering while she watches Bell struggle in Taz’s arms. Blaze stands sentry behind his sister, and the fury rolling off of him has his body shaking, ready to explode. Taz continues to try to keep his woman from flipping her shit. I continue to glare, hands clenching, white-knuckling my beer; it takes a lot to remain seated.

Savvy stops just before she reaches the table. “Bellamy, listen to me, sweet girl. These bitches…” She stares directly at Princess, who suddenly has forgotten she started all this mess, looks shocked, and refuses to look my way. “… they think I’m Boo Boo the Fo’ and will play their silly games. I don’t play games, but I will gladly put a bitch in her place when necessary. It’s clear with Petty Patty leading the charge, they think she will protect them. The thing is, this…”

She spread her arms wide, turning slowly, her eyes connecting with the brothers watching. When her eyes reach mine she stops, not for long, but long enough to search my expression. With a knowing look and a smile, I give her a nod, leaning back in my chair, spreading my legs, and crossing my arms over my chest. This is her show. I’ve always got her back. With a nod and a wink, she whirls around and continues.

“All of this… It is just as much mine as it is any member of this club. It is mine, just as your Prez is. It may have taken me a while, but here the fuck we are.” Moving from where she stands, she steps closer to the whore's table and stops directly in front of Princess. Damn, this woman has me harder than shit. I shouldn’t be thinking with my dick, knowing she is going to rip my daughter a new one, but Princess did this shit to herself.

Savvy speaks loud enough for everyone to hear her. “I will say this once. I know you and your sister can’t seem to get your shit together and stop being so fucking childish and petty.” Of course, Bellamy doesn’t take that well, and as a few choice mumbled words her mother ignores. Savvy continues, “Because there is a huge difference between sisterly fighting and this petulant, childish shit going on.” She gives Princess a pointed look, and I know she will not take the insult well.

“She…” Princess tries to speak.

Savvy raises her hand to cut off whatever excuse Princess planned to spew, now that she recognizes she is being put on the spot.

“You both still have some growing up to do…”

“Now, wait a damn minute…” I hear Bell growl.

Cutting my eyes to Bellamy, her lips snap shut. She knows by the look on my face that this isn’t the time for her smart-ass mouth. She huffs and settles back into her man, running her thumb and pointer finger across her lips, and throws an imaginary key over her shoulder. I hear a few chuckles from her man and the brothers.

“The both of you have a lot of growing up to do. The thing is this. You don’t have to like each other. You don’t have to be friends. But you will respect one another because whether you like it or not, you are family. Princess, you are angry, and I get that, and if you ever want to talk, I’m here. I love you as if you were my own, even if you don’t like me.” Princess again tries to speak, but Savvy sighs and shakes her head. “Even after everything we did for you. You still have this need to assert yourself as the club's top bitch. These temper tantrums,” Savvy shakes her head. “You don’t realize this, but you leave bodies at every turn. This bullshit may not affect you, but it affects them.” Savvy points to the club whores, who begin to squirm and stare up at her with wide eyes. “They are the ones that end up suffering because they're too stupid to think for themselves and believe you will save them.” Savvy looks at the girls. “How’d that work out for Janet? Where is she now? Exactly, her ass was kicked out after Princess convinced her to do what she did before Bellamy’s wedding. Don’t be stupid and find yourselves out bad.”

Savvy turns back to Princess. “All of this petty shit because he didn’t choose you, and you feel a type of way. It needs to stop. You keep making shit worse for yourself. If you want to be seen as more, then do fucking better. You have the potential. Fucking use it. Stop this shit.” The fury and annoyance rolled off of Savvy as I stood from my seat.

“Excuse the fuck out of me. I’m going to need you to put that in reverse and repeat that real quick because when the fuck did this happen?” Bellamy hisses, and I never take my eyes off Savvy and Princess or acknowledge my daughter. But I hear her arguing with Taz, and she is not happy. There was a reason we kept the shit quiet because we knew the bitch would have been dead, not out bad.

“What the fuck do you mean it was handled by fucking who? Hell, naw, Xavier Highland, you ain't about to shush me…” Bellamy hisses.

Tuning her out, I continue watching Savvy and Princess, who looks like she would rather be elsewhere.

“You still consider us outsiders. You openly disrespect my children and me. Let me tell you something, sweetheart, as my children and your siblings will confirm. You are never too old for me to whip your ass. I’m telling you, it’s not a threat, but a promise. Do you understand me? This ends today. No more of these games, Princess. It's done.” Savvy gives her a stern look, showing her that she will not keep being nice about this shit. Princess poking the bear, especially with Bellamy and protective ass Blaze, will get her or one of those bitches killed.

Savvy and Princess hold each other's stares for a few moments. You could hear a pin drop from how quiet it is in this room, which is usually filled with loud music, ruckus, and fucking. Princess blinks a few times. Her eyes shift behind Savvy to look at me, but she won’t find any sympathy from me. Several emotions filter through her eyes before she reaches resignation.

“For fuck's sake, just say yes and cut the shit, Princess.” Is yelled from the bar. Holding back a chuckle at Vex. That boy does not know how to read a room, keep his mouth shut, and let things play out. Continuing to stare Princess down, waiting for her to do or say something, acknowledging Savvy’s words.

I hear a smack and a hiss somewhere behind me. I guess that someone’s trying to smack some sense into Vex. I shake my head. That boy.

“What the fuck, Pops? You know as well as I do. She’s not giving in. Princess is a pampered, spoiled brat and has been even more insufferable since the shit went down with Ma and the psycho mob prick. She is entitled and thinks everyone owes her ass something. And as Ma Savvy says, this shit needs to end. I’m tired of covering her ass. Tired of defending her. Tired of having to make excuses. I’m just plain fucking tired of being her damn twin. She needs to stop and buck up like the rest of us and pull up her big girl panties and grow the fuck up. Step mommy dearest scares the shit out of me. There ain't no way Princess can handle that ass whipping, and we all fucking know it, but she is going to keep pushing until it happens, or you cut her the fuck off.”


“Fuck shit, okay. I’m just saying. As her twin, I’m just saying, damn. Fuck it, I’m out of here” I hear boots stomping away. And I know that Vex needs time to come to terms with the decision he has made to wipe his hands of his sister. My eyes remain on my daughter. The resignation and acceptance have turned into anger and sadness. Anger at Savvy for what I assume is her blaming her for turning her brother against her, which is so far from the fucking truth. My girl can’t see past her nose and refuses to accept her part in why everyone is turning their backs on her. And the sadness I see is probably because, like everyone else, Vex is done dealing with her and her shit. I sigh.

Before anything else is said, she stands, turns on her heels, and runs out of the clubhouse. Everyone watches her go. I’ll deal with her after I watch Savvy deal with the rest of these bitches. Princess needs time to process what was said, not just by Savvy but by Vex. I think his words got to her the most. She has always had her twin, and him saying what he did in front of the club has hurt her, but again, she’s done this shit to herself.
