Page 12 of Finding Forgiveness

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“Pops, who fucking cares about her damn story? Whoever the fuck she is, she’s stealing from us and needs to be handled.” Bull huffs out, sitting back and crossing his arms.

I chuckle, knowing my son all too well. He doesn’t give a shit that it’s a chick. In Bull's eyes, a thief is a thief. And after his mother, he is less likely to give anyone grace, especially to a stranger.

“I get what you are saying, son, but I agree with Taz. There is something to this.” I say, raising my hand and cutting him off.

Sitting back in my chair, I run my hand over my head.

“Here is what I want to happen. Dave will let us use his store because he’s not a prick like the rest of those yuppies. So he won’t have a problem with us using his place to keep eyes on our own. Since we don’t know when she will be back, I want one of the newer members or a prospect put on rotation to watch that location. Have them dropped off. I don’t want bikes or cars left behind. That shit would be suspicious as fuck to our little thief and will spook her. Keep the cameras in place at the other location. There is no need to have anyone there; there would be nowhere for anyone to stake the place out from, anyway, since it’s in the middle of nowhere. When you have the prospects or brothers go over, tell them that if they catch sight of our health-conscious little thief, I want them to call Bull and not engage. Then I want her brought to me. She has a lot to answer for, and I have fucking questions.” I say, giving my son a pointed look.

“Was the other station hit last night as well?” I look at Spider, who looks at me calmer than he had been.

“Naw, Prez. I saw nothing when I reviewed the tapes this morning. It’s safe to assume she only hits one at a time.” Spider says.

“Good, keep an eye on that shit. Maybe we can get this shit handled sooner than later.” Letting out a low growl. “Cause I need a fucking break. This last year has been some shit. And all I want to do is reacquaint myself with my woman, spend time with my grandbabies and Taz’s stupid ass mutt…” and like he knows I’m talking about him, the little shit sits up from his bed I have for him in my office and give me a fuck you look causing everyone to chuckle. He huffs and goes back to licking his balls. With a shake of my head. “…not deal with this shit.”

Spider, Bull, and Vex chuckle at the look on my face. I rock back in my chair, running my hand over my head and face.

“Alright fuckers, go do what you gotta do,” I say, signaling the fuckers to get out of my office.

With a long look, my VP gives me a nod and runs out of my office like his ass is on fire, with his little dick licker following behind him. He can’t be far from his wife and kids these days. The fucker is pussy whipped. I nearly gag at the thought, knowing who has him acting like a bitch in heat. Spider wordlessly walks out, laptop in hand and determination in his eyes. I look at my son, who looks deep in thought, something I’ve noticed a lot lately. Something is bothering him, but I know not to push. Bull will tell me what’s going on when he’s ready. When he doesn’t move to leave, I sit up, leaning over my desk and interlocking my fingers as I take him in.

With a sigh. “Did you talk to your sister recently?” I wince at the annoyance I hear in my voice.

Bull’s eyes snap up to mine. The look he gives me lets me know whatever is on his mind is all-consuming. With a shake of his head, he lets out a harsh breath and sits back in his seat, which makes a groaning sound, and he winces.

“Fuck, Pops, can’t you get some real fucking chairs in here? This shit is ridiculous.” He says, shifting in his seat, frustrated. He stands and walks over to the couch and sits, resting his elbows on his knees.

Not waiting for an answer. “Naw, Princess has been ducking and diving me and Vex since the other night. Something has to give with her. I get she’s fucked up by the shit Beverly did, but she fucked up by believing that shit the mafia fuck sold her. All the shit she’s doing is out of spite. I know my sister. She’s hurting, and instead of talking this shit out, she’s pulling away and throwing a tantrum, wanting everyone else to hurt as much as she is.” He lets out a humorless laugh. “After shit went down, I tried to get her to talk to someone, but she’s stubborn as fuck.” He says, the pain of watching his sister struggle all over his face.

I’m not shocked hearing his words or the fact that he tried to get Princess to talk to someone. It’s also not shocking that he no longer acknowledges Beverly as his mother; none of my kids do, not even Princess.

“That’s the thing, Bull. She has had every opportunity to talk to us or someone else to work shit out. You ain’t the only one that tried to get her to see someone.” Shifting in my chair, I turn toward my son. “I don’t know what to do about her. She’s an adult, and if she were anyone else in the club, she’d be out bad for half the shit she’s pulled. She’s my kid, and I feel a responsibility for the way she’s lashing out, the shit she’s been through...” Bull goes to cut me off. I raise my hand to stop him. “I know it ain’t on me, I know that. As her father, I still feel like I should have done more, been a little harder on her, made her work for her shit, and not make excuses for her. Maybe then she wouldn’t be so selfish and entitled. She’s always been my baby girl.” I pause, letting out a breath. “And to see her like this…” I cut myself off. The emotion threatening to break free has my chest aching. Fuck.

Looking at my eldest, I see I’m not alone in my feelings. Bull shoots up from where he’s seated. And runs his hand through his hair, something we both do when we are thinking or getting emotional about shit.

“There ain’t much we can do but be there for her and let her know we won’t let shit slide. Ma Savvy isn’t wrong. We’ve got to let her fall and clean up her shit on her own. She’s twenty-two years old, and all she has ever known is the club. The club has protected her and cleaned up after her. Maybe it’s time you let her go. Let her go to college like Beverly, and that fuck promised her. Maybe that will give her what she’s looking for. Fuck if I know, but we gotta do something because shit can’t keep on the way it has been.” He says, emotion clogging his words.

I’m grateful for the man he has become, not for the first time. Pride swells in my chest as I look up at him.

“When the fuck did you get so damn smart? Fuck kid. You're going to be one hell of a Prez with that head of yours.” I say with a smirk.

A slight flicker in his eyes, and he lowers his head, not allowing me to see his emotions when hearing my words. With a shake of his head, the returning smirk lets me know he appreciates my praise, and his eyes glisten. Clearing his throat, he nods.

“Well, at least you know you aren’t a complete shit father.” He chuckles at walks to the door. “Later Pop.” He says without looking back and walks out of my office, leaving me to my thoughts.

I chuckle as the door clicks closed behind him. He isn’t one to show emotion, not even to me. So talking about this shit was definitely bringing shit up along with whatever else he has going on. He isn’t wrong. With Princess, I have been feeling like I failed as a father. She needs something other than terrorizing everyone to focus on. Pulling out my phone, I send a text, hoping that what I’m doing will give her what she needs.




It's been a few days since the showdown between Princess, the whores, and me. I still haven’t talked to Princess about what’s going on with her. She has been out of town, i.e., hiding in the apartment she never stayed in until recently. Her father has continued to pay for an apartment, even though I think he’s not helping her by paying her way and letting her run from her mistakes and the consequences of her actions.

Eventually, we will have to sit down as a family and figure shit out because I won’t be playing or refereeing for too much damn longer. The kids and their secrets and drama are too damn much. I want to enjoy my life that I’ve worked damn hard for. Figure out my shit with Gunner, even though I slipped up the other night calling him my man. Which he hasn’t let me forget about. But I don’t think it will be as easy as wishing shit will fix itself.

Since Sin isn’t back, it's not looking like she will come home anytime soon. I want to wait before bludgeoning Gunner and the kids over the head and dragging them to his house to hash our shit out. This family and their fucking drama and secrets are going to be the death of me. I sigh because I still have a secret of my own to reveal, and with everything going on, I’m not sure how Gunner will take it. He doesn’t know much about my past and what I did to become who I am now. I don’t think he will think less of me, but the fear that he will see me as a monster keeps me from telling him my truths.
