Page 31 of Finding Forgiveness

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When Bell dropped the bomb that our ded was on his way. My Ma wasn’t the only one shocked and concerned about his impending arrival. Our ded is not one to drop everything and show up without notice. There is always a reason for everything he does. He is calculating at best and only involves himself in the organization’s dealings when he has no choice. His finding out about Julia resurfacing means he knows something and whatever it is, it isn’t good.

Jessa showing up the way she did wasn’t shit I ever expected. She was a part of the past I wanted to forget. The relationship I had with her was filled with idealistic thoughts because I believed I could have what so many in our organization did. Something I hadn’t grown up with. A family that was whole and happy. My Ma did her best, but growing up I watched her eyes gloss over at the mention and memories of my Pops. The pain of a past and love lost had a hold on her, one filled with a pain I never wanted to experience. After meeting Jessa, I put my all into being with her. She was everything I thought I wanted in a partner. She was good at making me see what she wanted me to see. And a master and leading me around by my dick. My spidey senses, as Bell calls them, were shit when it came to her. And as fucking stupid as it was, I fell hard for her, until I found her being fucked by a motherfucker that wasn’t me. Typical shit I should have seen coming, being who I am. That wasn’t the worst of it. Her betrayal and the subsequent shit we discovered about her and her plans are one reason my Ma and the organization cut ties with the faction.

So my ded coming here after hearing about Jessa’s visit and being taken out by my mom. And the added knowledge that Julia has come back from the dead and has her sights set on getting my little sister Sin back in her clutches has had my head fucked. I didn’t have time to dwell on my shit. I’ve been digging, because Jessa had to have known the risk of showing her face around my Ma and sister. That she thought shit wouldn’t end with her six feet under has had my hackles up. Jess isn’t one to take those kinds of chances. This means something else is at play besides Julia wanting to get her hands on Sin. And that is why I have been digging for the answer.

Getting a hit in my system this afternoon sent me reeling and had me searching out my Pops at his and Ma’s place. When Ma informed me he went for a ride, I was on my phone immediately to track him, cursing at the realization that he had shut down his tracker. My annoyance increases knowing that I’d given him a secure phone that isn’t trackable. After today, that shit isn’t going to work, despite his inevitable protests. In his words, sometimes a man needs to get wind therapy without all the bullshit. Most of the time, he doesn’t go out on his own, so I conceded to the parameters we set when I worked with Spider to upgrade the security of the clubhouse, buildings, homes, and phones. Most often, Taz and Bull wouldn’t allow him to go out on his own despite his constant bitching about being capable of taking care of himself. Discovering he’d gone out alone today had me rushing to the clubhouse while trying to call him, which went to voicemail every time.

Walking into the main room, thinking it would be the typical afternoon in the clubhouse. Finding my VP, I pulled him aside and explained what I’d found in my research and digging for information. Usually, I would have immediately told my Ma, but with ded on his way, inevitably bringing with him news that would have all of her attention focused on that. I decided to deal with this shit as a club before anything could come of it. Taz was on his phone calling my Pops and, like with me, shit went to voicemail.

Fuck fuck fuck.

Finding my Pops was the priority. Taz pulled me, my brothers, and the club officers into his office, wanting to keep shit under the radar. He knows how my Ma and sister are and knows they will come in guns blazing ready to take over. In wanting to avoid explaining shit, our best option was to head out in search of my Pops as a club. Taz, Bull, and Vex, and I knew his favorite routes. We paired off, preparing to search for him.

In the time it took us to figure shit out, my ded had arrived with my dyadya and dvoyurodnyye brat'ya in tow and we hadn’t been informed. Which, no doubt, was Bellamy’s doing. She is the queen of stirring shit up, or this was her attempt to find out why he felt the need to bring out the big guns in our dyadya and dvoyurodnyye brat'ya. The problem with that is that she didn’t count on our Ma being at the clubhouse looking for Pops like the rest of us.

All hell broke loose. One of the club kids, I believe she’s Banner’s daughter Danny, attempted to saddle up to one of my grandfather’s men, Gio, after Bellamy introduced the family to our MC club family. Sissy, my dvoyurodnyye brat'ya wasn’t having it, which had my Ma, who was already pissed off and on edge, ready to commit murder. The shit was getting ugly.

When Taz’s phone rang and he started losing his shit, the feeling in my gut had me ready to charge out on my own. Because I was too late and my Pops was in a fucking gunfight for his life.

Receiving his location, Taz was out the door and on his bike, yelling out Pop’s location. We flew out of the compound followed by my mother, sister, and Bratva family and every brother that was in earshot. Arriving on the scene, and watching my father kick Andreus in the head knocking the fucker out sent a sick satisfaction coursing through me. I’ve always hated that fucker, hated working with him while we were connected through the faction. And I hated him even more after finding him fucking Jessa.

Shit happened in a flurry. My Pops fell back into the SUV, and my Ma, Taz, and my sister were at his side instantly. The road wasn’t well-traveled, knowing that didn’t mean we didn’t need to get shit cleaned up quickly. I was on the phone with our clean-up crew. My ded and the sem’yawere checking on the three dead and Andreus. Searching the bodies of the dead men and their vehicle.

“Vunk, have you called Beatrix to take care of…” Ded waves his hand, “…all of this, we’ve got what we could from the dead mudaks. We already know who and what Andreus is. What are we to do with him?” He hums andpats me on the back and makes his way to my mother without looking back. My ded is not a man of many words and not one to anger quickly, but his calmness in this situation sets me on edge.

Anger engulfs me as my eyes take in the scene and the man who is going to die. Andreus.

“Blaze,” Taz calls out to me.

With a shake of my head. I snap out of the thoughts of all things I plan to do with the motherfucker Andreus. Making my way to Taz, my Pop's eyes find mine. The tightness around my chest loosens, and I give him a nod. He chuckles and shakes his head, wincing.

“Stop moving, Gunner. Damn it.” My Ma admonishes him as she attempts to staunch the bleeding in his shoulder.

“So, you know how me and the boys tell you not to go out on your own,” Taz says, glaring down at my Pops.

“Aww fuck off, I’m motherfucking Gunner damn Church, three townies, and a meat head didn’t have a fucking chance.” Pops chuckles as his head lulls to the side. When he looks up at me, he smirks. “Thanks to my boy. I had my P90. I took care of these fuckers well enough.” He winces and when I look at my Ma, her finger is digging into his shoulder. I’m assuming to remove the bullet, which means it wasn’t a through-and-through.

“Oh come on baby, don’t do me like this. Give me some sugah my Savvy. Love you…. Aww fuck, woman, get your hand… Oh fucking hell.”

“Got it.” My mother says, pulling the bullet out and glaring at my father, who stares at her with love in his eyes.

A wrenching sound comes from beside them and I look at Bellamy, who is cuddled next to Taz, staring at our parents in mock disgust. “Seriously, father dearest, you have a hole in your shoulder. Now is not the time for googly eyes.” She says, rolling her eyes.

Pops chuckles, as do Taz and a few others listening in on the conversation.

“There is always time to give your Ma googly eyes, brat.” Looking away from Bell, “Somebody help me up. I got a dead fucker to question and take out my frustration on.”

“About that…” I step closer to my Pop, leaning down to help him up as my brothers Bull and Vex assist me because my Pops is a big motherfucker, who seems to have gotten some good shit from my Ma or Doc who has been silently helping Ma out. Which is why he’s unsteady on his feet.

“I know who he is and why he was after you, Pops. Julia sent him.” I say.

My mother's and sister’s heads whip around so fast that I unconsciously take a step back. I may be twice their size but pissed. The two of them are a force to be reckoned with.

“What the fuck do you mean? Why the fuck is Julia after your father, Blaze? And how the fuck do you know and I don’t?”

“Ohhh, you’re in trouble… brother.” Bell cackles as our mother glares at me.
