Page 33 of Finding Forgiveness

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“You. Do. Not. Run. Shit. Here.” I step closer, leveling her with a look that says I’m not backing down from this. “You do not disrespect him. You do not make demands of him. And you sure as shit do not embarrass him in front of his club brothers.” My anger is palpable, and she knows it, her lips thin, but her anger fades from her eyes.

I know what had her pissed off. I understand where she was coming from, the worry for me. I know the moment she’d heard that something had gone down and I could be in some shit. She went into Widowmaker mode. Savvy was scared, and that fear had her lashing out at our son. I get it. I do. Sometimes, she can’t be that. Sometimes she has to let someone else hold the reins. I take a breath, my anger and frustration dissipating, knowing that I need her to hear me and understand me about this.

Wrapping my good arm around her waist, she stiffens, but I don’t relent. My eyes soften as I take in every curve of her face. Leaning in, I kiss her lips, one that she doesn’t return.

Still pissed.

“You were scared and felt out of control. I get it. I understand it. Sometimes shit is going to be out of your control, baby. Our kids are not always going to do what you want. You’ve spent their entire lives being their person, their mother, leader, shoulder to cry on, confidante, friend, and advisor. And now they have me.”

She goes to speak, but I kiss her again, cutting off her response. This time she lets me in and the world fades away as I taste her hurt, anger, and fear on her lips. Reluctantly, she melts into me and I count it as a small win.

“You will always be their mother. They will always need you. I will always need you. Let go a little. Let them live their lives. Let our son find his way without you. He didn’t do what he did, to spite you. He wasn’t trying to disrespect you. You have to know that…” I pause. “He made a choice tonight. His decision made it clear that he was all in. To see me as he sees you. To respect me as he respects you. When he is wearing his club colors, and when shit is about the club, tonight he showed me he showed all of us he will do what is best for the club. And Savvy, I respect and appreciate him for that. You can’t hold that against him. We had this conversation when he and the boys patched in. You know this but your fear… Your fear for me baby… it got the better of you.”

Savvy’s eyes shine, and I know she’s still pissed, but she hears me, she understands me.

“The choice he made was a hard call. You know it was. So you coming down on him the way you do, that hurt, baby. That hurt him badly. You gotta make that right, yeah.” I say, kissing her softly, wincing when her hand comes up to my bad shoulder.

“Shit.” She pulls away

Savvy looks into my eyes and then to my shoulder. She checks the bandage wordlessly and begins fussing with it. I know this is her way of processing what I said and how she feels. She knows I’m right, though, even if she doesn’t like our new normal.

“Yo Prez. I got one of the prospects loading your bike up and dropping it at the shop. Do you need anything else?”

I look up and away from my woman to see Boomer jogging over to me. His eyes take me in, then trail to Savvy. He stops next to us, brows lower in concern for my woman, who has a look of devastation in her eyes. I don’t know if it is because of my bike being turned into Swiss cheese or the fact that she realizes she may have fucked up with our boy. Either way, I pull her to my side.

“Oh, you alright Miss Savvy?”

She tries to give Boomer a reassuring smile, but it doesn’t reach her eyes. I pull her closer to my side.

“Yeah, that’s good. Did someone bring an SUV to ride back?” Not acknowledging the question in his eyes.

He looks between me and Savvy again, but doesn’t comment when she lowers her head and stares at the ground.

“Yeah… uh, VP left keys with Miko to drive you and Miss Savvy back to the clubhouse. We loaded up his and Doc’s bikes cause they are going to ride back with you. Uh… Miko and Doc are over there.” He points to where one of the club SUVs is parked on the side of the road.

Looking down at Savvy, she is now glaring off into nothing.


“Let’s go, baby. You can gather your thoughts and read my ass for filth on the way back to the clubhouse.”

She says nothing as she allows me to direct her to the vehicle.

She does although read my ass once the door to the SUVs closed. Some of what I expected came flying out of her mouth while she fussed over me. Never talk to her like I did and such. She also admitted she needed to apologize to our son. And admitted that it is going to take some time to get used to not being in charge of shit all the time.

Well, she is going to have to get used to it quickly, because I will not sit back and play by anyone’s rules but my own.




Getting back to the clubhouse, I’m tired as fuck, but I got shit to do. No more waiting around for this bitch to make a move. No more waiting for Savvy to gather all of her information to make a calculated move. No more fucking waiting. Pulling Savvy through the clubhouse, I make eye contact with Blaze as he stands next to the bar with Bellamy, Blaze, Pain, and Rocket. No doubt Bell is grilling them on everything they know and is undoubtedly pissed at why she wasn’t included. I shake my head. So much like her damn mother.

Not stopping to speak to anyone, I drag my fuming woman to the elevator. She no doubt has more she would like to say since she has processed my words, but like I told her in the car, my house, my rules and she agreed to follow them whether or not she likes it. She wouldn’t want me to walk into the organization headquarters and start bossing her people around. She gets it but she is seething.

Getting to my room, I say nothing as I drag Savvy through my room going straight to the ensuite bathroom.
