Page 37 of Finding Forgiveness

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I look up from the table, eyes connected with my VP.

“If they have her, where the fuck is Donny?” I growl. “If one hair is out of place on either of them…” I let my words trail off because there is no saving anyone from me.

Taz nods in understanding. His eyes trail from mine to Spider and Blaze, who already have their laptops out and working, fingers flying over the keyboards as they mutter to each other. Victor’s man sits beside them as they all converse with them.

“They got it handled. You’ll know what they know when they know it, Prez.” Taz steps closer to me. His eyes filled with fury. “What do you need?”

Taking a breath, I make the decision. I wanted to take my time and have this conversation with Savvy, but we don’t have fucking time for niceties. And I sure as fuck am not arguing about this shit.

Turning to Savvy, she has her phone to her ear as she speaks in rapid-fire Russian. Victor stands beside her. He is also on the phone. When his eyes meet mine, I look over to Savvy and then to our daughter Bellamy and shake my head. He understands. He stares at me for a moment longer before saying a few more words into his phone and hanging up. He steps in front of my woman and daughter, his back to me. He pulls the phone from Savvy’s hand. She looks at him with furrowed brows. With a retort poised on her lips, but there must be something in his eyes that has her lips thinning as she stares up at him.

“This is for him to handle moya doch'” Victor’s voice is stern.

Savvy’s eyes widen as she looks from her father to me and back to her father. He doesn’t allow her to respond before leaning forward and saying something to her low enough that I don’t hear. She nods a few times as she looks at me, her eyes change in seconds from angry to understanding. When Victor pulls back, he looks at Savvy and then Bellamy, but Bellamy isn’t her mother. She is always one to argue even with her grandfather.

“Nope, nuh uh. I’m not sitting this one out. She may be my annoying half-sister who I want to donkey punch most of the time, but she is still my sister. No dedushka on this, I can not agree. No, Not happening.” Bellamy says stubbornly. If I wasn’t filled with fury and anger at the moment, I would laugh at the stubbornness of my girl.

Something shifts between Bellamy and Victor. He says nothing in response to Bell’s defiance for a few seconds. I can’t see his face, but he must say everything he needs to without using the words. Bellamy takes a small step back, eyes widening. Savvy lets out a breath. I can see the fight she wants to have in her eyes when she looks back at me. I don’t have it in me. I look away, raising my hand to stop Vex from closing the door as the last brother enters the room. My eyes return to Savvy and then the door. I won't turn back to her again. I fucking can’t.

“Fuck, fine. Fucking boys' club thinks I’m incapable of doing my fucking job. Fucking stupid ass men.” I hear my daughter say under her breath.

A hand connects with my arm and I look down at it and trail my eyes up to the woman who holds my whole heart. I try to take comfort in her touch, but the anger that is consuming me can’t handle it. I only have room for rage and I need to release it before I say and do something that will irrevocably change my life and possibly cause me to lose the woman I love with all that I am. This shit isn’t her fault. I know that. I do. But… fuck.

It's not her fault.

With a small, understanding smile on her lips. Savvy leans in and kisses the side of my mouth lingering and then rests her forehead on my cheek. When she pulls away slightly, her eyes find mine, and she searches them for what I don’t know. I try to let her know I need to do this and she needs to let me. With a nod, she pulls away but doesn’t remove her hand.

“I love you, Gunner. I will always love you… I… I’m sorry,” she says, squeezing my arm and taking another step away. I want to tell her I love her. I want to tell her it’s not her fault. But all I can do is give her a nod.

Because right now my daughter needs me more than my woman needs my reassurance.




I knew the moment my eyes met my father's that a decision had been made. I knew after he’d walked into Gunner’s office and informed him that Princess had been taken. I knew the moment he pulled away from me after seeing the video and again in the room they held church. As much as I hate it, as much as I want to be the one to make this right, the one to fix this. I can’t be.

My heart beats wildly as I listen to my daughter rant at my side. My fingers itch with the need to pull my phone out and do what I do–find the bitch and take her out myself. Which is something I haven’t been able to do since Julia crawled out of the hole she had been hiding in. I can admit to my arrogance in believing I could handle her myself and rid myself, my daughter Sin, and the world of her on my own. Julia has proven to be a slippery bitch. Gunner isn’t wrong in saying her elusiveness is because she knows how the organization works, how I work. Fuck, hearing him say that was a punch to the fucking gut, but he isn’t wrong. I employed the same tactics I’ve used a million times to locate her. And her being a part of the organization for years predicted that. I hate knowing that I’ve become that predictable. I hate knowing this bitch has gotten the better of me, especially knowing my capabilities.

Releasing a frustrated breath, I accept my father is here and helping. He will provide Gunner and the club with everything they will need and more. I know I trust in it. It still pisses me off being dismissed, but I understand it. Tuning back into my daughter’s ranting.

“We are far more prepared to handle this than the club. They have to know that shit?” Bellamy fumes as we slowly make our way to the main room. “What the fuck is dedushka thinking? I love Pop and the club. And Taz can fuck up the worst of them, but this? This is shit I’ve trained my whole life to deal with. She will not do things as a normal person would. She is going to use others to her advantage. She is out for blood and if… if…”

I stop hearing the emotion in her voice. Her body is tight and I know where her mind is going. She is worried about Taz. Stopping at the mouth of the hallway before allowing either of us to continue. It’s late or early, so there isn’t a lot of activity as I look around before speaking.

“My daughter, who I love dearly,” I say, placing my hands on her cheeks and looking into her eyes. “I know you worry and don’t understand the choices your father and ded have made by not including us. But I do, Bell. Your father needs to do this, and you have prepared Taz as best you could. And remember, they have your dedushka and the full might of the Bratva and organization at their backs. Neither your father nor Taz are alone.” I say with a soft, reassuring smile.

She nods a few times. I don’t know if it’s helping her absorb my words or convince herself that what I have said makes sense.

“Bellamy, you understand she came for him? They took his daughter, your sister. Julia attacked the club in the worst way. This time as a president, a man, and a father, he has to show not just Julia but the world that he’s not to be fucked with.” Realizing as much as I thought I was doing the right thing with the situation with Beverly, it had consequences. “We saved the day the last time. We handled things. We did, not him, not the club, me, you, and your team. Our involvement, although appreciated, had ramifications you’re not aware of and that your father has tried to hide from all of us. This isn’t just about Julia.” I say. The realization slams into me hard. Removing my hands from my daughter’s beautiful face. My eyes soften. “I get that now. As much as I fucking hate it. I get it. He needs to prove not only to himself but to everyone that he’s not a motherfucker to be trifled with. That he can go against anyone and win.” I say, my heart rate slowing at the understanding of where Gunner’s head is at.

“I get all that, mother,” her irritation with the situation showing and the disrespect has me narrow my eyes on her. She releases a breath and shakes her head, knowing she is treading a dangerous line. “But why can’t he be the big bad misogynistic biker president with our help?”

With a small chuckle, because only my child.

“Girl, it is what it is. Your grandfather has his back. That will have to be enough, Bellamy.” I say, giving her a pointed look and walking away.
