Page 39 of Finding Forgiveness

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Goddamn it Bellamy, what did you do?




Hour earlier

My woman and daughter walk out of the room and the breath I’d been holding releases. I was prepared for a fight, at least more than what Bellamy had given. My body’s coiled tight since discovering that my daughter was kidnapped and the unspeakable things being done to her being played out on the screen of a computer. My anger and fury. It will soon be released on those who thought coming for me and mine would end any other way than their deaths. Looking around the room at the brothers seated, all eyes are on me. Curiosity and anger course through the room. I’m sure they were given the bare minimum information regarding the lockdown.

We all have the understanding that as a one percenter club this life isn’t always rainbows and puppies. Shit happens and we need to be prepared at all times to protect what’s ours.

“Brothers, you all know what happened to me earlier. If you don’t…” I look over at my VP. “Taz will fill you in. Right now, I need to have a few words with the motherfucker that thought he could take me out.” I growl. I look back to my VP. “I’m going to be there for a while—no need to hold the brothers here once they have the information they need. If we receive new information, come get me immediately.” I say.

Taz gives me a nod, letting me know he will handle filling the brothers in. We haven’t had time to discuss the newest revelation, but time is not on our side and we need to come at this from all angles to get the information we need. So I know he understands my urgency to handle our guest. He will fill the brothers in on Princess. My chest constricts at the thought of my girl. I release a growl and look over to Spider, Blaze and Victor’s man doing their thing. I’m sure collectively they will have answers for me soon enough.

My eyes find my son Blaze, who is looking up at me with his own filled with fury. “We’ll find her Pops. I will fucking find her.” His tone is menacing, and there is a promise of violence and retribution.

With a nod. “I know he will, son. I never doubt you–never.”

“Turbo, Bull with me.” My eyes find my son Vex. The look he gives me has my knees weakening. Fuck.

“Vex, you too, son.” The relief is instant as he takes a step away from the wall he’d been leaning against with his eldest brother.

When he reaches me, I clap him on the shoulder, squeezing him in reassurance and understanding. He and his sister haven’t been on the best of terms for the last year and a half. A lot of it’s because of our new family dynamic and her refusal to accept what is. No matter what, he loves his twin, and this shit is hitting him hard. I understand it, and if he needs to be there while we question the fucker in the basement, then I will do that for him if it’s what he needs.

“Pain and Rocket, I need you to reach out to your contacts. Find that bitch.” I growl. My nephews eye me in understanding.

“Gunner, my zyat, I will come with you. I have a few questions of my own for your… guest.” Victor says, stopping me in my tracks. I turn my head to look at him as he steps from the corner he’d been occupying with his men. It’s not lost on me that the man has spoken more words to me over the last hour than he has since I started working with him and his organization. With a nod. I turn away and head toward the exit.


My head turns at the sound of Blaze’s voice. His eyes are not on mine, but his grandfather’s. Victor turns to him and they have a conversation. I don’t know what they are saying, but the look in my son’s eyes says it’s important. Victor nods a few times and looks at me, speaking in English.

“I am sure your otets will allow it. You are a good mal'chik, I will ensure we honor your request.” Victor nods to Blaze, and without a word, strides out of the room. Blaze watches him go. The look on his face is not one I can decipher, one I don’t have time to as I turn and leave the room with my sons and best friend at my back.

The room we are in now is not much different from the last time it was used. My body is coursing with fury as I stare into the eyes of the man hanging from chains by his wrist. The smell of burning flesh has my brows furrowing. Victor must feel my confusion because he steps next to me.

“This is no ordinary man, so he can not have ordinary restraints, zyat,” Victor says with a dark chuckle.

I look at him with furrowed brows, not completely understanding what he means. He’s lost his jacket and is now rolling up the sleeves of his Armani shirt. His graying hair looks as if he had run his hand through it a few times as he glares at the man glaring at us from across the room.

“Andreus is no mere mortal. Nyet. He is a dog.” Victor's voice is low and deadly.

At his words, Andreus begins to curse and thrash. The smell of burnt flesh permeates stronger. As I step closer to him, he has eyes for no one but Victor. And I can’t have that. My arm comes up, and the blow has his head whipping to the side. The growl he releases is menacing and when he turns back to me and spits blood at my feet his eyes go from a black to a vibrant blue as he stares at me with fury.

“Release me.” He growls, screams, and says words in a language I don’t understand.

This motherfucker, who and whatever he is, is going to learn. My hand shoots out again and I nail him in the gut, causing his legs to buckle beneath him.

“Oh, Andreus. That will not work on him. He is not an other, nor is he weak-minded.” Victor tuts.

“RELEASE ME” Andreus, the force of his below, rattles the chains.

Victor tuts again and steps to my side.
