Page 41 of Finding Forgiveness

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The hoarse laugh coming from Andreus has my fury renewing. Victor raises his hand at me then jams something into Andreus' chest, which has him yelling out in agony.

“I was hoping to use this.” He shakes the empty syringe in my direction. “It is a silver wolfsbane tincture with a few additions. Nasty stuff.”

“Now where was I, yes?” Victor grabs Andreus by his head. “You will tell me what you know about my vnuchka and you will tell me about Dianne. And before you say something stupid. I want you to look at something.” Vitor waves his hand.

Victor's man from earlier who showed me the video of Princess pulls his computer out, opens it slowly and presses a few buttons facing the screen toward Andreus.

I don’t know what is on the screen, but whatever it is has him answering every question Victor asks him. As I thought, he doesn’t know where Princess is being held, but he knows more than I thought he did. Looks like we are going to be taking a trip.


Savvy’s voice holds a note of the panic which stops me in my tracks. The look Savvy gives me is not one I have ever seen on her face. Shaking off my son, I stomp to my woman and pull her into my arms.




My body vibrates while with my brothers, Victor and his men board the Petrov jet. The fury at the situation and at Bellamy doesn’t allow for me to appreciate the luxury that surrounds me. My focus isn’t on finding one daughter, but both. I’m pissed at Bellamy for what she did, but if it wasn’t for her, we would still be chasing our tails and a step behind.

Two hours earlier


I turn at the sound of Savvy's voice. She and Taz are standing at the entrance of the hole. Taz looks as if he is ready to commit mass murder, and I can’t really decipher the look on Savvy’s face. It isn’t one I’ve seen before, which has my hackles rising, but also has my feet moving. I pull Savvy into me–I don’t know if it's to comfort her or prepare myself for what they are here to say, because whatever it is, it won’t be good. Savvy’s body vibrates in my arms, which has me tightening my hold on her. My eyes find my VP, who's holding a sheet of paper, glaring down at it as if it has offended him. With a shake of his head, he lets out an angry breath. He explains nothing to me before he starts to read.


I know you believe the club and Pop should be the ones to handle this, with them being big bad bikers and all, but this is our fight–and I believe differently. I heard you and uncle Semian. I know what I need to do. It can only be me, not dad, not the club and not dedushka–me. She wants me anyway, might as well give the bitch what she wants. You didn’t raise a weak bitch or a wilting flower. I know what I’m doing, and am well prepared for whatever comes my way until you come. I will keep them busy and I’ll be waiting for my heroes to rescue me.

That’s what you and Pops are to me. You are my heroes. I know you will do what needs to be done to get all of us out of this and back to our lives. I have faith in that.

Tell Pop that even though I didn’t know about what happened after the whole Beverly trying to sell her own kid off shit, this is not that. It is not the same and you both know this. This is not some petty mafia versus biker feud. What these people are… they could end lives with a few colorfully crafted words. And as much faith as we all have in dedushka mamma, there is no way he can prepare Pop and the club for what's ahead. I told you I was raised for this. So let me do it. You know I can.

Pop, don’t be pissed. I’m hard headed. So whatever chauvinistic shit you had to deal with because the little ladies helped you and the club out. I’m sorry. People, especially manly men, are assholes, but this is different. I can’t. I won’t lose you, Taz, my brothers, cousins or my pain in the ass sister because you went in unprepared. Remember, I am a badass assassin. No witchy bitch is going to sacrifice me for some silly shit It’s not gonna happen.

Sorry, momma, you know I’m nosy and you and uncle Semian always talk about the good stuff. Me knowing what I know, I’d rather stay upright raising my babies and loving on that deliciously handsome bald man that loves me and all my crazy. I had to do what was best for my family.

Taz, my love. Calm your ass down. I know what I’m doing because this has to end. Our bliss is not over. We have many moons before we even get close to the last chapter of our story. So your big ass better not go hulk smashing shit. Kiss our babies for me and Thank Cookie. I’m smarter than all the club girls combined, so she didn’t know my wanting to take a shower meant I was going to do what I did.

I know you all. You will come for me and I’m counting on it, so I left you a gift.


Give this code to Blaze, cause he knows what happened with the last tracker. Also, tell him he better keep shit cute, or I’ll peel his nails off and he won’t be able to type for weeks with the bloody nubs I’ll leave him with. With this he will pinpoint my location, so you ALL can come and fuck shit up and take out the idiots who think some old’ bitches' bones can save their witchy asses. Yeah, dedushka, I know about that too.

Bellamy out.

Taz rumples the paper in his hands. Curses ring out in the room in both English and Russian. I don’t ask my woman or her father for an explanation. Right now, we don’t have time for it. Priority is getting our shit together and getting to our daughters before it’s too damn late. I pull her with me, barking orders to the men that will accompany me on this mission to get my daughters back to where they belong.

Victor stops me to inform me he will have his jet ready to take off in two hours and that he has room for me and ten of my men. He will also have several of the organization teams meet us at the location once we have it.

In my room, I’m fuming as I shove my tactical gear into the bag. Savvy and Bell got me for father’s day. So practical–the two of them. Savvy has already switched out my bandage and is packing a bag of her own.

“I had no plans of getting involved. I know you needed this. I…” Savvy says, her voice soft laced with concern.

That has me stopping after zipping my bag, which I pick up and throw toward our suite door. I turn to my woman and see the unsureness in her eyes and it pisses me off. I am so far from upset with her for the stupid ass decision our hard-headed ass daughter made. Savvy is a woman of her word. I know that more than anyone. Walking over to her, pulling her hands from her bag, I turn her towards me. And look into her worried and weary eyes.
