Page 19 of Finding Home

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When his steps falter, my eyes shoot to his. His nostrils flare, his brown eyes have darkened, and pupils dilate. Lust filters through his expression. But just as quickly, he shakes it off. He has far more control than I do. I’m at the point of no return. It is taking far more effort not to want to say fuck this shit and climb that man like a damn tree here and now. Fuck, what the hell is wrong with me?

The movement in front of me draws my attention back to Princess, who's been watching the interaction between Taz and me and is ready to flip her shit more than before. I’m prepared to get whatever the fuck this is between her and me over and done with. My eyes dare her to do whatever she has planned because my patients and my libido are on another damn level. All these warring emotions and feelings have me fucked up. I need to get the fuck out of here and figure out what is happening to me because this shit ain’t it.

Fucking horny bitch.

Before she can, I change my mind. I’ll not let her keep up with her bullshit. I’m done. In a move she nor anyone else sees coming, my hand shoots out and grabs the bitch by her throat, pulling her toward me while twisting her so her back is to my front. My other hand grabs hold of one of her wrists, pulling it to the center of her back. Of course, being the dramatic little bitch she is, she cries out and drops to her knees as if I snapped her delicate little wrist. I release her throat and stand over her. Pussy. My eyes roll as I stare down at her.

Dramatic much?

Princess looks around for someone to come to her aid, but they don’t. It might be because my family is now at my back, letting them know they could try, but shit will get ugly. Stepping closer to her, still holding her wrist bent at an odd angle. It's not broken, just twisted enough to get my point across. I tune everything and everyone out as I stare at the back of her head. But I need to look into her eyes. She needs to see what she has unleashed. Again, quicker than she or anyone can react, I release her arm and am in front of her with my hand around her throat. There is no smugness in my eyes as I look into her angry, tear-filled ones. As I stare into her eyes, I convey everything I need them to. They are telling her here and now that I won’t put up with her shit, so she can get over it or get her ass beat. And I won’t back down if she continues to push me.

She has a choice to make.

Of course, the warning goes ignored as she struggles to get out of my hold. Struggling to stand, she attempts to swing at me. Put pressure on her throat, digging my nude stiletto-painted nails into her flesh. I could rip her esophagus clean from her body with one wrong move and little effort. Her face reddens, and I finally see it–fear. Tears leak from her eyes, but they don’t move me. She is the reason she is in the positions she is in. Bending down so we are face to face. I let all the malice I’ve held back free.

“Oh, no, sweetheart,” I say coolly, lightly tapping her cheek with the palm of my hand. Fury returns to her eyes full force. Hate burns in her eyes as she struggles to breathe. I only loosen my grasp because she is moments from passing out if I don't. I can’t have that. I want her to understand.

“You stupid little cunt, you think I want to be here?! Do you think I want to deal with a useless, spoiled little MC Princess whose only accolades are barely graduating high school and spreading her legs for anyone who shows her an ounce of attention?” She blanches at my words, and her jaw grinds because I know they hit her where it hurts her pride. I don't take my eyes off her when I push forward, releasing her. She falls on her ass. Looking up at me, she seethes, and I smirk. We’ve got everyone's attention now, even those working hard on acting as if I didn’t have their club princess at my mercy and on her knees.

“Bellamy... Come on. She's upset. We are all a little shocked. Some of us know how to be adults about it.” Vex tries to play the peacemaker as he stands to the side, but between Princess and me. He puts his hand on my shoulder, and I shrug it off. Ignoring him. I understand that at this moment, I could let it go. I know I could walk away from this scene. I only give people one chance, and that’s pushing it. Only one, and she has taken at least three since I’ve been here.

Princess’ eyes bounce between Vex and mine. Her hand goes to her throat with an exaggerated wince. I roll my eyes hard as fuck when she squeezes out a few more tears and lets out a whimper. I know she’s trying to play this up for her audience, but I didn’t hurt the bitch, not the way I could have. Since this is how she wants to play it, I might as well go all out.

“Oh, little Princess,” I say in a mocking tone. “This is how we want to play it. You can dish it out, but can’t take it when you push someone too far? Let me tell you something… I'm here because my job is to save your worthless ass, and you are making it damn hard to want to do that.” My tone is bored, and my words are true. “I should say fuck it and let the man that owns you wreck your dumb ass. After all, YOUR MOTHER'S FAMILY SOLD YOU.” I bellow the last part to ensure all the nosey-ass bystanders hear.

I had no plans to reveal that minor fact. But fuck it. Watching her closely, I see surprise, confusion, fear, and emotion I couldn’t read flutter across her inebriated face, which I ignore. She started this shit, and I’m going to finish it.

“Yeah, that's right, Pretty Princess. Mommy dearest sold you. You mean less than nothing to her. You are a name on a contract, a means to an end. You were born to right her wrongs, and I was brought here to make sure to fucking fix it. So while you stake your claim to Daddio and his club, I need you to think fucking hard. Do you want to make an enemy of the one person who can protect you and keep you from falling into the hands of a sadistic prick? Or do you want to keep this pissing contest going?” I shrug. “Because I can go all night, sweetheart.” I pushed her down again with my booted foot on her shoulder. Petty? Maybe, but she started this shit. She tries to catch herself but falls back on her ass again with an umph. Vex stares at me with an incredulous look on his face, and I shrug and step back.

I continue telling her the real reason I'm here, “And while your little display here furthers my want to say fuck this job. I have people who, for some odd reason, want you to continue to live a happy, spoiled, and carefree life. Let me be clear with you. My promise to protect you does not include you remaining blemish-free.” I smirk down at her and step closer as she tries and fails to stand her drunk ass up again.

Vex has finally had enough. He looks at me with calculation, shock, and questions in his eyes. I know I let the cat out of the bag in the worst way, but fuck it. She started this shit. I smile and shrug at him as he approaches a still-struggling Princess. I won't stop him if he wants to be captain save a hoe. With a shake of his head, he helps his twin off the nasty ass floor, and my eyes narrow on her when I see a smug smirk cross her face.

“Bitch, you’re a special kind of stupid,” I say, shaking my head in disbelief at the audacity of this bitch.

A cough-covered laugh comes from behind Vex and Princess, and without looking, I know who it’s coming from. Taz. My eyes meet his as he tries to hide that this little shit show is amusing to him. I can also see in his eyes what I saw in Vex’s. This little display may amuse him, but he heard everything I said and wants answers.

My attention remains split between him and the drama queen. She’s the type to do dumb shit when you turn your back on her. And as predicted, with a bellow, she comes charging toward me. Vex watches with wide eyes. He reaches out for her, but my fist is quicker. I nail her stupid ass in the mouth. She crumples to the ground, wailing like she thought I was going to stand here and wait for her to put her hands on me. Unlikely.

Oh, I’m not done.

It takes two strides to be on her, like a fly on shit. She’s pushed past my fucking limit, and she will learn what a mistake that was to do. Snatching her whiny ass up by her hair, pulling her onto her knees. Once again, she and I are face-to-face. Leaning down at eye level to her kneeling form. She whimpers, her hands cover her nose, and the other is scratching at me while her eyes dart around the room. I don’t feel the pain. My fury has me feeling nothing but a need for retribution.

“You must be the biggest fucking coward this club has ever seen. Twice, fucking twice, you attacked me knowing good and damn well you can’t fucking take me. What? Do you think they will come to your rescue like they always do? Fight your fucking battles for you? Hmm?” Seething, I shake the hand in her hair, and she cries out.

My face lowers, lips, hair's breadth from her ear. My beast has surfaced, and I let a low rumble reverberate from within. The sound causes Princess to whimper and try to pull away. But I hold her steady. My following words make it clear to her I’m not to be fucked with.

“I will not allow there to be a third time. Know this, Princess. I will end you without remorse the next time you think about trying to start some shit with me.” I loosen my hold on her hair. I take a breath and speak in a calmer voice. “I’m here because of a promise to protect you. Don’t be stupid and make me break my promise by taking your ass out myself.” I stare into her tear-stained, drunk eyes, trying to convey that I mean every word. Never take my eyes off her, hoping she won’t continue with this dumb shit.

Of course, instead of heeding my warning, she steps toward me, and her hand comes up as if to slap me. This bitch doesn’t want to take the fucking L. I let out a huff of disappointment, and without warning, I smack the shit out of her, knocking her to the floor–again. Her hand goes to her mouth, blood from her busted lip mixing with the blood from her nose, snot, and tears. I warned her ass. When I step toward her, an arm wraps around my torso, and I freeze.

Well, damn.

“Cool it, my little tornado. She’s done, baby. She’s done.” The heat from his breath tickles my neck, and I shiver. All the anger still inside me drains. The arm banded around my waist tightens slightly, not to the point of pain, but to bring my body closer to his. It takes everything in me not to let out the sound of satisfaction with feeling his body against mine. How the hell am I going from wanting to murder my sister to wanting to fuck this man in seconds? Fuck, what is wrong with me?

When he kisses the side of my neck, I damn near rip myself out of his arms and mount him. Fucking hell. My body's reaction to his is foreign but not unwanted, as I’m a fucking cat in heat for this man.

When my eyes connect with the little bitches who are no longer wailing on the floor but looking up at me with murder in her eyes. Instead of snapping, I only smirk. She had her brother at her side, but I have the object of her affection. I’m not sure if it is because of how pissed it makes her or how the very firm body of the sexy beast holding me has me relaxing into the hold. Either way, I like it here. I think I’ll stay. I settle into Taz more, and he pulls my back closer to his front. I moan when my ass connects with his hard cock. He hisses at the contact, and instead of pulling away, he pulls me closer and rests his forehead on my shoulder. His breaths come out strained. Satisfaction pulsates through me, knowing that I’m not the only one affected. My hips move on their own accord.
