Page 51 of Finding Home

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Prez lets out a bark of laughter, stepping away from me. “You’re right, that son of mine is a hell of a man and protective as fuck,” his face sobers, and I know.

Before he goes down that dark road of regret, I speak up, “He is coming around. Give the kid time. The more he’s here, the more he learns about you and the situation. He’ll learn you aren’t the bad guy. So keep doing what you are, and shit will work out.” I clap him on his shoulder. And he gives me a nod and takes a breath.

He stares at me momentarily, walks around his desk, grabs two beers from his mini fridge, pops the tops, and sits. He takes a swig and puts the other on the desk for me. And that is how we end up sitting and talking about shit that has gone on over the last few weeks with Beverly, Princess, Bellamy, and Blaze, just like old times as old friends.

After the Joke.

She pissed me all the way the fuck with her smart-ass comment about us being buddies. Fucking buddies. There is no way in hell the way I feel for that girl is anywhere on a buddy fucking level. Fuck that. She has lost her rabid ass mind. And she will learn that shit A.S.A. fucking. P best believe that.

I needed to calm my ass down before I said something to piss my little tornado off. I walked the fuck away. She may have played nice, but I know enough that her little jokie joke was to put me in my place. She didn’t appreciate my claiming her without talking to her first, which wasn’t my intention. My claiming her in that moment felt right, the heat of the moment and all that. So for me to do it in front of her father, brothers, and damn near the entire club, I knew it wouldn’t go over well. Better to ask for forgiveness than permission.

Drinking solo in my office, sulking like a fucking teenage boy because my girl is mad at me. I know I’m being a pussy, and I see that, but fuck, this shit with her has hit me hard and fast. She is not like any woman I’ve ever met; she’s strong, deadly, independent, mouthy as fuck, frustrating, determined and mine. I can never forget that last part, even when we piss each other off. With all the shit going on in her life, I know her head is all over the place, and me being a broody fuck over a joke isn’t helping.

Downing the rest of my beer, I get my ass up and head back out to find my woman so I can tan her ass.




My eyes connect with my brother, sister, and cousins. What I see has my body moving before I realize it. The murderous look on Blaze’s face tells me something went down.


Sin looks me in the eye and says. My sister knows me too well. And knows exactly where my head is. I scan my family–my team from head to toe. There are no visible injuries. I need to know what the fuck happened and who I’m going to kill. I scanned the main room, relieved everyone was busy doing their own thing and not paying attention to what was happening. No need for the club to know we’ve encountered a problem, at least not yet.

“What the fuck happened?” I say loud enough for my team to hear and no one else.

A hand snakes around my waist, startling me, but the unmistakable masculine mix of citrus and cedarwood hits me. Breathing him in, his scent and presence calm me. Taz turns me into such a damn swooning girl. I look at him with narrowed eyes as he looks down at me with his stupid smirk. Ignoring everyone around us, he leans down and kisses my forehead. I try to ignore my body's very inappropriate reaction to him and focus back on my brother, who still hasn’t answered my damn question.

Sin looks between me, Blaze, and Taz. When her eyes come to mine in question, I give her a nod to tell me since Blaze is too pissed too.

“When we left to go to the hotel, we were followed…” Sin says.

Taz steps from behind, pulling me to his side. In a low voice, not to be overheard. “Let’s go to my office for some… privacy. I’m assuming this isn’t something you want to be overheard.” Taz says.

Blaze looks between Taz and me and grunts. Turning on his heel with me in the crook of his arm and without a preamble, Taz pulls me toward his office while my team follows. Oh shit. I suck in a breath, and Taz, being the dick that he is, chuckles. Fucker.

Once we make it to his office, Taz walks over to his desk, running his hand over it. He’s trying to be slick, and my eyes narrow, and he chuckles again, giving me a knowing look, which I ignore. Nearly squealing when he lifts me and places me in his lap. I don’t even try to get up. The arm around my waist makes it obvious I couldn’t if I tried. Resigning myself and ignoring not only looking at the desk, but the look on my team's faces. Focusing on the task, not on what this man does to me. My panties dampen, and my knees rub together, thinking about…


“The Ferraris made contact. Or at least their people did,” Blaze seethes.

Blaze paces. Rocket and Pain are leaning against the back wall by the door. Sin’s seated in a chair opposite Taz’s desk. My eyes remain on Blaze as I watch my brother process. He rarely gets this damn worked up, so I know shit was said that has him ready to burn the world to the ground.

“We were able to get a hold of one of them.” Blaze’s eyes bore into mine before continuing, “They know who we were. Not what we are, but that I was Gunner's son. They had pictures of Mom, Bell. How in the fuck did they get pictures of her? HOW? Those slimy motherfuckers.” Blazes' anger is palpable as he holds out a stack of photos.

The photos are primarily of our mother, but a few of him and I are at the old house with Nanny. Blaze glares down at the pictures in my hand as I sift through them. His protective instincts are at eleven, especially knowing someone has pictures of our mother and us. Which never happens. Our mother is not someone who gets photographed willy-nilly. As angry as it makes me, I need to get the complete picture. Our mother is the best in the business. There is no way she didn’t or doesn’t know. So, why hasn’t she said anything to us? Why allow herself to be followed? And how long has she known? I do not doubt that she knows. And how long have they been following her?

Looking back at my brother, his eyes are narrowed, and I know he is thinking about how he will make them pay for this intrusion into our lives. Any threats against our mother, like Sin and me, send my brother into a rage. That’s a well-known fact. The Ferraris just made an enemy of my brother. Before tonight, this was a job to him, but now it is personal. They're bringing our mother into this was a mistake on their part.

Pulling myself up and away from Taz, who reluctantly releases me, I step around the desk. “Blaze,” I hiss.

“Blaze, explain everything to me. What did they say? What do they want?” I keep my voice calm and level. I need to know. The knowledge that our mother still keeps secrets will have to wait until I talk to her. The immediate task is to find out who attacked my team and handle them.

“Bell, it's not that these motherfuckers have pictures of mom. It's not even that they knew who we were to Gunner. It’s the fact that these motherfuckers think they are enough of a threat to come after you and our mother. I know you can handle yourselves. I have a feeling this is a way to use us. They think threatening us will get Gunner to do what they want. Motherfuckers like them.” He shakes his head. “They will send fucking threats directly to him if the shit tonight doesn’t get their so-called message across. I’m fucking livid over their fucking audacity...” He shakes his head again. “All this shit for a fucking marriage contract, I don’t fucking buy it, Bell. These motherfuckers are going too hard for this shit.” he says, and then something crosses his face. And my brows furrow in thought because it’s true and has seemed fucking weird to me they are going so hard, so fast.
