Page 20 of Corrupt Prince

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I wasn’t waiting for his approval. Time to put my plan in place.


I heard the pounding of footsteps and jumped off the bed, rushing to the corner of the room. As soon as it opened, I pounced, landing on someone’s back.

Within seconds, I was shoved against the wall, a gun to my head, with emotionless eyes boring into mine.

My tongue darted out, wetting suddenly dry lips, my hand going to the one on my throat.

“Paranoid much?" I tried to grin at Coulter playfully, ignoring the barrel pressed to my forehead. But I didn’t look away from his eyes, showing no fear, though the pulse at my throat hammered in a panic.

His eyes, that beautiful golden color, were so cold. Hard.

Like a dead star.

He relaxed and tucked his gun back into his pants, but he kept his hand on my throat, stepping closer to me. "Don't ever do that again.”

"If you were all that good of a guard, you would know that there's no one else in here but me."

His gaze darkened. “I’m not a guard."

I reached forward, my finger grazing his cheekbone. "I know, you're a prince, and just as much a prisoner as I am."

I'd thought of his words the other night, about how his father had had his mother killed, and what it must've been like growing up with a father like that.

I'd decided to have a little bit of compassion.

His eyes grew even stonier, if possible. “I’m not a prisoner, so get any pretty thoughts about me being caught up in something I don’t want to be a part of out of your head. I'm not your friend, and you being here means nothing to me. I'm following orders, that's it."

“Whatever you say, Prince Charming," I purred, stroking his wrist with my thumb.

He stepped back, letting me go, putting space between us as he took in the room, which I'd cleaned in my effort to behave better. “You cleaned.”

“You’re observant.” I huffed. “Why are you here, then, if you don't care about me?"

“I’m making sure my little nightmare captive is still here."

I frowned, hating his cocky grin. "You already knew that, Marisol was just in here, talking my ear off.”

"You're right. She told me you cleaned your mess.” He nodded his head at the room. “You kept up with your end up the deal. I’m here to keep up with mine.”

“What’s that mean?” I tilted my head to study him, trying to smother the hope planting itself into my chest like a seed trying to take root.

“I’m taking you out.”

"Really?!" It was too late. Hope filled my chest, digging itself into my heart and shooting out roots. Overjoyed, I jumped into his arms, unable to stop myself. Surprisingly, he caught me, and didn’t let go. I wrapped my legs around his waist and leaned back to look into his face, grinning. "You're going to take me to see Rose?”

He frowned and shook his head. “I didn’t say that.”

“But—“ I tried to protest.

“You have to earn more of my trust to see your sister.”

I studied those golden eyes, feeling the heat of my attraction for him flush up my chest. Once again, I was overwhelmed with his smell, the mop of his gorgeous hair, the sadness in his eyes, despite his words.

I was a sucker for tortured men; I understood them much more than I wanted to.

Scowling, I grit my teeth, forcing down any kind of affection for the man. I didn’t like this prick. And I shouldn’t be so happy he was taking me out of the room.
