Page 25 of Corrupt Prince

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Did I rush in there to stop it? No.


I disgusted myself.

I also hated how cold I was already becoming, but it was necessary.

It took a hard man to kill his own father.

"So. What’s next?”

Dante's harsh tone snapped me out of my thoughts. My face moved to his but his eyes were on my desk. Without knowing it, I'd grabbed a phone and was crushing it into my hands. I forced myself to relax, letting go of it. Flexing my fingers, I leaned back in my seat to stare at Dante and Knight, who sat on the sofa across from my desk.

My office was urban themed, with dark grey concrete floors, and brick walls painted a light grey. An expensive Italian rug was placed over the floor, ‘hiding’ one of our many vaults.

My desk wasn’t an expensive one. It was actually an old one I’d found at one of our warehouses but I liked it, wondering who had put the knife gashes into it.

“Now that I’ve gained my father’s trust, it’s time to implement my plan.”

“Which is what?” The sweet smell of Knight's blunt filled my nose. He'd been doing that more and more now, ever since he'd escaped from Russia.

“Part one. Find out what my father is doing with Bourbon's blood." I pulled a lighter from my pocket and began to flick it, watching the flame spark and burn out.

"You haven't figured that out yet?” Knight exhaled, and the smoke hung in the air, masking his facial expression.

I shook my head. “The doc’s staying tight-lipped about it. I don't want to push her too hard, or she may tell my father that I've been asking. I've looked into everything I could about her, as well as anything that might connect her father to mine." I shook my head. “Nothing. She’s too well connected to find anything useful.”

"She's from our world." Knight said.

I stopped flicking the lighter to look up at him. “How so?"

"We have the same history, except she hides hers."

"She has Cuban mafia blood?"

Knight nodded, his bloodshot eyes half lidded.

“How do you know that?" I hadn't been able to find any connection to the mafia world at all.

“How else do you think I know? Some things I just know."

I nodded, my eyes focusing on the lighter again but the gears in my mind were moving. It was true, Knight's family had been deeply embedded in the mafia for generations and generations. With that, came knowledge about the old ways that the newer generations wouldn't have.

If it was true, which it probably was, then she had gone to great lengths to hide her identity. And somehow, my father had found out.

"Okay, so it's either connected to that, or to something personal.”

"Or both," Dante said.

I nodded. "Or both."

"So if the doctor's not opening up, how are you going to figure it out?" Knight asked.

"I'm going to use Aster." I tilted my head towards the bathroom where Aster and Candi were talking; I’d called in Candi to help get Aster ready for what I needed tonight.

Dante scoffed. “She’s not going to help you.”

“I know she will.”
