Page 38 of Corrupt Prince

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It’s just a body, I chanted, squeezing my eyes shut. It’s just an almost naked body. You don’t want to run your fingers over his skin. He’s being an asshole, remember?

“Explain to me, how you helped me?” his voice was a low growl. And it was way too close to me.

My breath hitched, and I scrambled to remember what I was trying to say.

I crossed my arms and stared out the doorway to the closet, pretending I couldn’t feel him near my back. "Every woman judges a man by how they treat the women around them. You giving in to me made her trust you more, not less."

"You really think so, little nightmare?" His voice was right next to my ear. Taunting me.

"I know so."

Suddenly an arm wrapped around me, swirling me around and pushing me back into the wall behind me. He grabbed my chin, forcing me to look into his angry gaze. “You have no regard for your own safety. What if something happens to you? It’s like you want to be like those women I showed you tonight."

"She wasn't going to tell you shit, not without my help." I stood my ground, my hands fisting at my side as I stared up at the looming giant over me. "You asked me to help, and I did. I even kissed her, for fucks sake."

“Yeah, I saw the kiss,” he growled, stepping closer so I had to crane my neck to look up into his face. “Is that what this is really all about? You liked kissing her? So you inserted yourself into my business so you could see her again?”

"What the hell are you talking about? I’m trying to help you help Rose." My chest was heaving, I was so pissed. He’d put on sweatpants and tennis shoes, but he still didn’t have on a t-shirt. I pressed my hands against his bare chest, pushing against it but he didn’t budge. "I didn't even want to kiss her. I only did it because you told me to seduce her."

“You mean to tell me that it meant nothing to you?"

“No! Why would it?"

"Because, you two seemed incredibly cozy when I walked in there."

“That was because we were doing ‘girl’ bonding, just like you told me to do. She doesn't like women any more than I do; it was just something her husband wanted her to try out. Why the hell are you being such a prick anyways? I helped you in there."

"Because," his eyes darkened, like the coming of a storm. "Don't you see, Aster? It’s staring you right in the face.”

“See what? What the hell are you talking about?”

“God you’re so blind!”

I bristled at his words. “And you’re a prick. What else is new?”

“Because, Aster,” he slammed a hand over my head, hitting the wall, “I wanted to be the one you kissed, not her.”

I sucked in a breath, stunned, staring up at him in surprise, hating him and wanting him at the same time.

“Then why the hell haven't you?" I snarked, "I thought the Kings took—”

Cupping my cheeks, he jerked me forward, slamming his lips against mine.

I froze in complete and utter shock, then gave in to it as he claimed my mouth.

His fingers tightened, one hand moving to wrap around my back, cupping the nape of my neck. He let out a guttural moan, his kiss dominating and controlling as his fingers fisted my hair.

He kissed me like a man starving, his arm clutching me tight like he not only wanted to kiss me...

He wanted to own me.

Shit. What that did to me.

I grabbed his shoulders, pushing him back. We stared at each other, heaving. Then twisting, I shoved him against the wall. His head fell back, his eyes wide with shock. I jumped up and into his arms, kissing him. Growling, he grabbed my ass, jerking me tight against him. I folded my arms around his neck, heat flooding my system as we kissed.

His bare chest against my almost nakedness set flames licking my skin. I ached all over, the need for him consuming me.

Stepping forward, he slammed me back against the opposite wall, each of us fighting for dominance over the other. I mewled with want against his lips, my hips shifting, searching for the friction I needed so badly. I hated this jerk as much as I wanted to fuck him.
