Page 49 of Corrupt Prince

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I shook my head, pulling the cutters out of my bag and shaking my head. "You’re a bit extra, you know.”

She grinned. “You have no idea,” as I began to cut the chain link fence, she leaned in to whisper into my ear, “how extra I can be.”

My hands on the cutters froze.

Her breath washed over my neck. "Just try me, Coulter. You’ll be an addict after the first hit.”

My mouth was suddenly dry. My brain went blank as I imagined all the filthy things I wanted to do to this woman. She was right; I was already greedy to her kind of drug.

"Dummy, keep going." She punched my arm, snapping me out of my fantasies.

Growling, I cut through the fence quickly, then pushed it open, crawling through it first in case the security system went off.

When it didn’t, I gestured her inside, and we both moved quickly through the shadows towards the side house.

One guard was stationed at the front gate, while another one patrolled around the property. I tried the back door—locked. I considered whether or not I had time to pick it before the guard made his way around this way when Aster grabbed my arm, pointing to a window.

Nodding, we moved quickly. It was unlocked, easily sliding open.

Frowning, I grabbed her hips and hefted her through it, quickly following behind her.

Once we were inside, I turned on the flashlight and took the lead, following James’ instructions towards the stairs. The house was dark and sparsely furnished and we could only make out dark shapes in the light. The hardwood floors creaked with every step, which was really irritating and making me tense.

I kept thinking about that window. The sparse guards. How James went to see Brooke instead of leaving town with his sister.

When we reached the top of the stairs, I jerked to a stop and Aster ran into me from behind.

Swiveling, I grabbed her, yanking her from falling down the stairs. I pulled her into my arms, staring into her eyes. I pressed my hand to her mouth to stifle her protest. “Something's wrong," I whispered.

"What? Why?” She whispered against my hand. “Looks easy to me."

“That's the problem. It's too easy." My eyebrows furrowed as I tried to think. Normally, I would trust my instincts and leave immediately. They were rarely wrong. But there was a ticking clock over my head. We had to get the notebook tonight.

Suddenly my pocket buzzed and I let go of Aster, pulling my phone from it. There was a text from Dante.

Brooke left her apartment alone. Went inside, James wasn’t there.

It vibrated again with another one.

Knight said Nero walked out of his meeting early.

I swore under my breath, then texted him back. Get the hell over here.

“You have to leave. Right now,” I told Aster. She frowned, rebellion forming on her face, but I shook my head, cutting off her protest. "Remember? You promised.”


"Aster. I'm telling you to leave. Right now. Go back to the SUV. Wait for me. If I'm not there in twenty minutes, leave without me. You can go anywhere, run away if you want."

She clicked her tongue, rolling her eyes and whispered back. "I'm not leaving my sister."

“Fine." I didn't have time to argue with her. "If I don't return soon,” I pressed my phone into her hand, “call Dante. He'll tell you what to do. The code to get into the phone is 5459. Can you remember that?”

For once in her fucking life, she didn’t argue with me, but took the phone, nodding. Clutching it to her chest, she stepped up on her tiptoes and kissed my cheek. “Be careful.”

“You be careful.” Wrapping an arm around her back, I jerked her to me, kissing her.

She gasped and I cupped her jaw, tilting her head, loving the feel of her soft lips against mine. Her lips parted, and our tongues tangled. She tasted so sweet, so soft, so soulful.
