Page 62 of Corrupt Prince

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Then he climbed up me, his sexy body humming and stretching as he untied me.

I wrapped my arms around him, loving the sticky, sweaty feel of his skin against mine.

We lay like that for a long moment, then he slid to my side and tucked me into him. His fingers traced over my breasts, leaving smeared traces of cum and blood, and he pressed soft kisses against my cheek. "Are you okay?"

I nodded.

"Was that okay?" I turned to look at him and could see the guilt lining his eyes. "Was I too harsh?"

I cupped his cheek, and couldn't hold back my smile. "I loved it." Then I leaned up and kissed him.

He clasped my face and we kissed, slowly, softly, gently, for what felt like forever until my eyes blinked and I fell asleep in his arms.


"Bring him in." I strode past Knight and Dante and into my office, and heard the scuffling as they dragged James kicking and yelling, behind them.

I'd never used my office for something like this before, but I may as well start now.

Leaning over, I gripped the edge of the rug and jerked it up and over, throwing it to the side. Didn't want to stain it, in case James thought his dick was bigger than mine.

As soon as Aster had fallen asleep, I'd cleaned both her and myself, then attended to my fucking wounds, and dressed in my blackest Bergdorf Goodman suit to match my mood. I was sore, exhausted, and in need of some serious pain killers.

However, time waited for no man. Aster’s information came with a revelation, and serious action was required.

But first, I had to take care of this dipshit.

James fought against them but after several minutes of restraining him, and bolting the chair into the concrete floor, he finally stilled. His clothes were torn and drenched in sweat, his dark blue eyes blazing with anger, and dried blood crusted below his now broken nose. Knight and Dante dropped to the couch, with Knight leaning back, flicking his lighter with a lazy look. Dante sat on the edge, ready to jump to his feet for any reason.

I stood over James, feeling almost nothing. This piece of shit deserved everything he got. Hours ago, the roles had been reversed, and I'd been the one tied to the chair.

I pulled out my gun and, stepping forward, grabbed his sweat-slicked, bald head and jerked it up to force him to look me in the eyes. I pressed the gun in the middle of his throat and took off the safety.

His throat bobbed with fear, but he stared up at me with contempt and rage.

I leaned down, the smell of his sweat filling my nose. “The only reason you're alive right now is because Aster is safe, sleeping in my bed." I tilted my head to the side, shifting the gun. "Why didn't you give her up?"

"I don't owe you jack shit.”

I ran the gun up his neck and chin, then shoved it into his mouth. "I think you do."

He stared into my eyes, defiance in his gaze, his words barely comprehensible around the gun in his mouth. “I'm not afraid. I signed my life away the day your father showed up on my doorstep."

“Is that so?” I grinned. "Knight."

At my command, Knight stood and went to the door. I stepped back, pulling the gun out and tucking it away.

When he returned, Knight brought with him a young girl of about fourteen. She had straight, jet black hair and bright blue eyes. Knight made her laugh and she blushed, clasping her hand to her mouth.

James’ eyes widened at the sight of his sister. “Shit.”

At his curse, she looked away from Knight, then froze at the sight of him.

"James, what happened?" She ran to him, falling to her knees on the cold concrete floor beside him. She was skinny, too skinny, and had holes in her knees and shoes. She reminded me of myself before I came to live with my father. “You’re hurt.”

"Raven," he let out a tortured sound, leaning his head against hers. "It's going to be okay."

“Is it, James?" I stared at them impassively.
